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Unban Appeal - .ox - GTA RP

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Unban Account

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Reggie smith
Steam ID: 76561199147135722
Ban ID (just the numbers): 10483
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: combat logged
Why should we unban you: im writing this appeal again i understand using ai was the smartest thing but i couldnt be asked doing the appeal ill be honest but after using it i know its not the right thing to do while trying to appeal a ban.

ill be honest i dont remember what happen with the situation what cause me to fly out mid scene but i should of known best not to do it as i knew i would have to face some sort of consequence i understand this is against the rules and i take full responsibility for my actions but i wouldnt intentionally try to break the rules i genuinely enjoyed playing the server until i got banned ive leant from this experience and promise to be more mindful of the rules for in the future so i kindly ask if you could reconsider lifting my ban so i can prove im am capable of not flying out mid scene and can follow server rules
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hi @.ox

In your previous appeal, why did you attempt to lie to me - stating you wrote the appeal yourself, when clearly you hadn't?
Why did you choose to write an appeal using AI?

Can you tell me what the rule C2.3 is in your OWN WORDS, and why we have it in place?
It would be exploiting and and lack of roleplay for example you could be in a gang warfare and you get killed but you fly out to keep the things on your person . Why you have the rule is so people don’t fly out in a scene so it doesn’t effect the other persons roleplay or to exploit your way out of something
Please answer the question you missed.

In your previous appeal, why did you attempt to lie to me - stating you wrote the appeal yourself, when clearly you hadn't?
Why did you choose to write an appeal using AI?

And please elaborate more on the C2.3 rule in more detail.
i though i could cheat my way around the ban appeal and i apologize for lying to you

combat logging is and exploit and heres why the C2.3 is a rule
if your in a hostage situation and you have a valuable item on you and you dont want to lose it and you quit the game so you dont lose the item
or your being chased by the police and they arrest you and when they take into the cells to charge and send you off to jail you quit the game before you get sent off so it prevents you from going to jail and then fly back in and play as nothing has happen
or you get into a heated argument and your getting annoyed at the situation and you decide to log out or maybe you have just come out your car and no emergency service is not responding to the call you made and your about to bleed out so instead of respawning you logout and wait till a certain time until emergency services are around to get treated
or you might need to go somewhere in head and you have to quit the game while in RP SIT you can resolve it by opening a ticket and letting staff know you didnt intentionally quit the game on purpose
Good morning @.ox

I'm glad you show an understanding of what constitutes as a rule break under C2.3 - and also what you need to do if you would have to leave RP for real life reasons.
However, it would also be good to make others aware in RP via /OOC that you would need to leave.

On the topic of rules, have you read through both our GTA RP Rules and Community Rules?

What are your plans for your character in RP, should you be unbanned?
Tell me a backstory about your character.
good morning @Violet_

plans for my character
meet and interact with some new faces get to know the city again and have a good time

i had always been a troublemaker, even from a young age i grew up in a rough neighberhood on the outskirts of the city surrounded by crime and poverty as i got older, i started to make a name for myself as a small-time criminal. i was good at cetain things like picking locks, breaking into houses, and stealing cars. i never got caught and i started to build a reputation for myself on the streets One day i had an idea and realized that if i could gather a group people with that can do this with me , we could work together to pull off bigger jobs. i started to recruit some of my closest friends, and together they formed a small gangAt first the gang was just a group of lads thinking they could do what they wanted. we would rob convenience stores, steal cars and sell drugs on street corners i knew that eveyone had their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and i encouraged everyone to contribute in their own wayAs the gang grew we started to attract more attention from the police They had to be more careful and be very careful witht what they we was planning, but me and the boys never lost sight of our ultimate goal to become the most successful criminal enterprise in the city.
Over timethe gang became more organized and more professional. They expanded their operations beyond their original neighberhoodbranching out into other parts of the city and even into neighboring towns

sorry if it isnt the best but ive give it a go
good morning @Violet_

plans for my character
meet and interact with some new faces get to know the city again and have a good time

i had always been a troublemaker, even from a young age i grew up in a rough neighberhood on the outskirts of the city surrounded by crime and poverty as i got older, i started to make a name for myself as a small-time criminal. i was good at cetain things like picking locks, breaking into houses, and stealing cars. i never got caught and i started to build a reputation for myself on the streets One day i had an idea and realized that if i could gather a group people with that can do this with me , we could work together to pull off bigger jobs. i started to recruit some of my closest friends, and together they formed a small gangAt first the gang was just a group of lads thinking they could do what they wanted. we would rob convenience stores, steal cars and sell drugs on street corners i knew that eveyone had their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and i encouraged everyone to contribute in their own wayAs the gang grew we started to attract more attention from the police They had to be more careful and be very careful witht what they we was planning, but me and the boys never lost sight of our ultimate goal to become the most successful criminal enterprise in the city.
Over timethe gang became more organized and more professional. They expanded their operations beyond their original neighberhoodbranching out into other parts of the city and even into neighboring towns

sorry if it isnt the best but ive give it a go
Have you taken the time to read all the rules? Both community and fivem?
Where can i find the rule you broke?
you can find it in community rules if you scroll down to the cheating section the rules C2.3 will be there
Also, as you stated your plans for your character - I may also want to point out another rule for you.

(G5.7) Character Growth -- Your character should have long term growth. Your character should not join our server on creation and instantly be a millionaire crime lord. All characters should grow into their roles – initially starting off with few resources and knowledge of the city.

I'd also like to know, what high quality RP can you provide? Please give me examples.
Moving in ... our crew have just arrived into a new city and your on unfamiliar streets we made a name for ourselves in other cities but here we are just another small time gang trying to survive to be able to make any sort of money we need a reliable source for supplys something to get us going we herad about a a guy his names jax a well known supplier who deals everything from guns to drugs anything you need hes got it. we arrange a meeting and it took place on the outskirts of the city in a bar called yellow jack not to busy and not to far away this is our chance to establish trust prove our worth and secure a steady flow of supplies .

Bank.. you and your crew having spent months planning this job learning the layout of the bank studying the security system to make sure noone will get caught the plan is simple hit a local bank that has been known to have weak security and to get in and out quickly without drawing attention the crews nerves are high but everyone is ready for the fisrt big job this the moment where your reputation could either be made or broken. we scouted the area the bank is in a busy part of the city but not too high profile wich means less chance of undercover police or local authorities to be in the area.
is this fine ?
okay, for you to be unbanned you must agree to us wiping your inventory at the time. If you say no we will decline the appeal and send you away.

Do you agree to the inventory wipe?
I’ve processed rhis and its now complete.
Do not get banned for something like this again.

If in doubt, contact staff.

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