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LS Paintball

Baldy (Derek)

Viva Las Yorkshire

Hi folks! I know this has been suggested before, however, I'd love to provide a business breakdown/reasoning for this to be implemented in the future.

LS Paintball would offer a host of benefits across the city. Such as the ones mentioned below:

New & Exciting activity for our city residents
Outside of gathering materials or food ingredients, there isn’t a whole lot on offer for civilians within the city that have no interest in a life of crime. Sure, there are regular events taking place organised by various groups, but the majority of the time these events are focused on raffling cars or they only occur during key annual events such as Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc. Our vision would provide an activity that takes place on a regular basis (weekly or fortnightly) for individuals to take part in that doesn't rely on the size of your bank account.

Help reduce gun crime
It’s no secret that the criminals inhabiting our city get bored, and when they do, it’s often violence that they turn to. Let's give them another outlet to express themselves. Take those trigger-happy fingers and apply them in a non-lethal, friendly game of LS Paintball instead!

The assisting of settling "beef" before something escalates
Similar to the above, we often see groups engage in violence with each other over the smallest of things. How can anyone feel safe in our city while wars are being fought between crime organisations? LS Paintball provides the perfect environment to help gangs and groups settle their beef before it can escalate to war on our streets. That said, we also wouldn't want to take away from those RP opportunities that come with gang beef/wars but, having another option could always be fun & introduce new RP scenarios!

Involvement with other factions
To get this right, we would need the involvement of other factions within the city such as the Police, and potentially G6. This gives PD another avenue to engage with citizens of the city and potentially generate a small revenue stream too. The arena and equipment could also be used to train the PD in weapon handling & breaching as well as other scenarios.

Overall fun
Ultimately, our goal is to create an atmosphere of joy in all areas we have involvement and let's face it, who doesn’t enjoy shooting their friends, colleagues or even enemies with little balls of paint? LS Paintball will provide a fun experience for all, it will give serious competitors an arena to demonstrate their skill set and could even entice more people to move to the city.


We'd personally believe that the Maze Bank Arena would be an ideal location for the initial launch of the activity. Over time, we can look at expansions for other enclosed locations for things such as events & other city activities. Imagine being able to take equipment away & hosting a paintballing fight on your own turf or for your own event. Using Coalition ranch as an example here, this location would make for a great little area to "Do it at home".

Support from G6 could be great here as this would open the avenue for another contracted area for G6 to monitor/hang around.


Our suggestion for the first set of game modes would be the likes of TDM (Team Deathmatch) & a VIP Escort/Protect the President. TDM is fairly self explanatory. Two teams go up against each other. Each “kill” rewards a point to your team and the game finishes either when a number of points is reached, or a time limit expires.

Where as, VIP Escort sees one team escorting an game marshal from one side of the game arena to another while the other team work to eliminate the VIP. A team wins when either the VIP reaches the destination or is safely extracted/eliminated. This game mode could be added to in various ways also. It could start with a hostage rescue. The VIP could start in the middle of the arena and both teams work to secure and escort, etc.

Non-lethal weapons and ammo would be used to facilitate the game. Ideally, these weapons would “knock” an opponent after X number of hits. The knock would result in the player falling to the ground. After returning to their feet, the player needs to return to their spawn area before re-entering the game. If possible, we would love to install an automated announcement system that identifies knocks and announces them to players and marshals such as “Rosa has been splatted by Sophie”. This would aid the marshals in tallying scores, and prevent players from having to rely on their opponent's honesty during the game. Of course, this being an automated system would work better, however, manually marshalling this could open up multiple RP opportunities too.


Our team will host regular tournaments for the city. These will consist of varying team sizes, and operate on a knockout basis. Teams will buy into the tournament, this will cover the cost of equipment hire, marshalling and feeding the prize pool. We will also engage with business owners throughout the city for sponsorships that can contribute to the prizes for tournament winners. Perhaps a discount card for the Kraken, or a box full of leather from the Rangers? Who knows what you could win!

Perhaps you’d prefer to just watch? Not a problem! We’d be happy to have spectators come down and cheer on their favourite teams and players. Who knows, in the future you might even be able to place a little bet on your favourite team.

We will also partner with groups in the city that wish to host their own events at our venue. These may be private events conducted behind closed doors, or if they prefer, we can open up and allow additional teams to enter.

TEST & TRIAL RUN - 09/03/2025

We've performed & carried out a trial run involving S18 & The Firm. This was hosted in the Zancudo hanger where we had 20 members in total, meaning we had a 10v10 for this trial run. We used bean bag launchers which were provided to us by the Police & safely handed back to them after the event had finished.

During the trial run, we played the two game modes mentioned above. Both of these game modes were incredibly successful. We had the rules set up so that if you go down & were hit, you stand back up, place your hands above your head so everyone knows that you have been knocked out & then return to your designated spawn area which was agreed prior to the game starting. During the TDM mode we also set a maximum of 3 downs per person. After those 3 downs, you return to the spawn area & wait for the game mode to finish. Last team standing, wins! TDM went exactly as you can imagine, lots of running around, laughs & overall a great little activity.

With the second activity, S18 hid their "hostage" inside of a secluded room & The Firm had to then push us & extract the hostage. We set our spawn areas & during this game mode, people could continuously "respawn", meaning the flood of people was continuous. In the end, The Firm were successful in extracting the hostage as S18 were tasked with moving them to a new area to spice things up. During the movement of the hostage, S18 were ambushed & the hostage safely extracted!

After the hour was up, we all returned together to discuss how we thought this had gone & the feedback from both our S18 members & The Firm was amazingly positive. Everyone had a great time, it gave people the chance to unwind a little bit & get that thrill from downing people without anyone getting injured or any legal implications. Police were very accommodating to the event, providing the equipment, giving us a safety briefing & watching over the entire activity for the full duration.

Attached below are just some pictures of the event in action!

Thank you for taking the time to read this suggestion & I hope you all are having a wonderful day!

The best event I have ever been part of, you guys done an excellent job. Most underrated group in the server. Myself and I'm sure a lot of people can't wait to see what's in store for you guys in the future.

Thank you guys for the RP and stories you have all provided since meeting you all last year. Keep it up (y)
Considering that the trial was carried out using equipment and locations that are currently available in the city, I feel that it was a huge success, and likely would not take much to make this a regular event for the community to take part in albeit at a rudimentary level.

With some work in designing some more specific systems/equipment to assist in identifying hits, “respawning” fairly and equipment distribution, this could become a very smoothly executed activity that would provide a fun outlet for anyone involved as well as some new and exciting RP opportunities for different factions and groups within the city.

A huge +1 from me!
I def think painballing should be on the server, but I don't think any one group or player should own it :)