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Unban Appeal - VortexKEK - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Kaylan Rich?
Steam ID: 76561198143304102
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19985
Ban Reason: PEGI
Why do you think you were banned: I think I put my age in wrong on the NHS application form. Probably put 12, but in fact i am 21!
Why should we unban you: Because I am 21! Not 12! I am happy to prove my age with a photo of my driving license :)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Your applications to various factions (Five in total), have had the following responses to the question about your age:

2021: 18.
2021: 18.
2022: 25.
2022: 18.
2025: 21.

Now, unless I am mistaken, you age roughly one year every twelve months, in which case the above does not entirely add up and you have effectively provided a false age when applying to a faction, which besides also being against our rules, puts your age in question.
I'll ask that you open a Discord ticket (Ticket category 'Forums'), and type the following: @Drex - https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-vortexkek-gta-rp.429163/

Once you're in a ticket with us, I'll instruct you further.
This topic will be put on hold until the ticket is resolved.

P.S -- Please, do not post a picture of your driver's license or any other form of ID. For the sake of privacy laws such as GDPR/Data Protection Act, we do not wish for such information to be posted on any of our platforms, and respectfully ask that you do not.

After our conversation, I am no longer concerned that you are under the age of 18, and confident enough to permit you reentry, as your account has been unbanned.
Note, that a record of this ban will remain and in accordance with our Fair Bans System, any ban within 6 months from today will land you back onto a permanent ban.

Fair Bans System:
After the six month period has expired, any ban collected will follow the 'FBS' ladder of 1-day, 2-day, 7-day, Permanent.
A repeated rules violation of the same kind as previously collected within that six month period, will climb the 'FBS' ladder by two steps instead of one.
(E.g a second ban for RDM would not yield a 2-day ban, but skips ahead to the 7-day step)

I wish you a pleasant stay, be mindful of our many rules accumulated over two pages (FiveM & Community Rules).
Take a moment to refresh yourself on those, I'll attach links below.

