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Report a player - Grove: Didn't get ID at the time, his ID Today after 6pm storm (25/02/2025) was 686 - GTA RP


Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Martin Smith
Reported Players: Grove: Didn't get ID at the time, his ID Today after 6pm storm (25/02/2025) was 686
Date: Feb 25, 2025
Time: 1:00
What best describes this incident: G.7.3 (Executions) - Executing another player must be realistic and be carried out with high quality roleplay.
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Last night, me and a few other Cutlass members ran into Grove at Paleto Pillbox and admittedly lost the fight. Once transferred into the passenger of a Grove driven Cutlass car, he toured me around for almost half an hour. In this time, I was not talked to nor given a single /Me the entire time. Admittedly I did initially do quite "Fatal" /me's but that shouldn't deny me from RP. Things like "/me bleeding heavily" could quite easily be addressed, and could've made the situation a lot more fun.

in the LOOC back and forth they argue that the sole reason why RP was not provided was due to "Fighting police" and a lack of time to interact with me. Its evident that they [Specifically the driver] had sufficient amount of time to RP and interact with me on multiple occasions. As i had done /Me's that would suggest me bleeding out, I don't expect too huge of a fuss, simply a "/me checks pulse" or even telling me "Hang on" or "Don't see the light" would've been sufficient. After complaining in LOOC I was moved into a separate car, put into the boot in pitch black for a couple minutes then dumped, when taken out the boot I was given my first interaction (Other than LOOC) where I was told "In a bit buddy" then left.

After a complaint I put out in OCC, they requested me to QE, but they seemed to all Log off very shorty after dumping me, I got no reply OOC and no one joined QE or contacted me on discord.

This isn't the first time I've been given terrible roleplay by grove, this is a repeating pattern that shouldn't be the standard from a whitelisted gang.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jLp28vKlfFW-br6K-?invite=cr-MSxmU3gsMjQ4NzE1MzE1LA
Edit: (forgot to add a few clips)
Good evening hope all well.

This is ID:686 here (ID:768 last night). Before going anywhere further with this report I would like to ask who are you trying to report here as In you're clips provided above there is two different people based in you're situation, Myself being somewhat apart of the second half of the situation.

I am aware that you have my ID from tonight but I wasn't the person who originally picked you up last night, I'm just trying to understand if you are solely reporting me here or both of the people in you're clips.

Thank you for reading - Josh
Good morning, thank you for addressing the report.

Sorry for possible confusion around the ID i provided, the body of the report predominantly regaurds the driver of the first car, which I was passenger in. I believe it was him who broke the rule as he had multiple chances to provide RP and failed to do so.

Hope that helps.
Hello Martin

I am the person that initially picked you up after the fight in Paleto, and had you with me for a while.

Our initial plan was to gather the body's after the fight and relocate to the dodgy doctor, where we planned on checking injuries and to provide life saving treatment.
However our plan was cut short unfortunatly. As shown in your own clip, only 40 secounds after you getting picked up we started getting preassured by several police units.

I will provide my POV, starting where your first clip ended. Showcasing we were still actively fighting. https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jM5oAH25MW9qjr4e7?invite=cr-MSxVN1ksNDIxOTczNjQs

After this, more cutlass was slowly showing up to the area. One off them i believe to have been Ali G in a black local Jester.
Additionaly, we was being preassured by several police ground units and a sniper unit in a blackhawk helicopter during the whole altercation.
In an attempt to defuse the situation with the police and avoid a lethal confrontation we handed over a cutlass owned Jugular containing 3 injured cutlass members.
Unfortunantly we we're cut no slack, and finally resorted to leave Paleto and drive down to the city with the blackhawk in pursuit. Additionally motivated by spotting more cutlass turning up in the area.

Providing high quality roleplay is without doubt the most important thing. I wish the roleplay with the police went differently, but it ended up being a very intense situation for myself and my gang. Only having moments to gather ourselves before the police units approached again.

In my mind, it made more sense for my character to focus his attention on the potentially escalating situation with police and the continued fighting with cutlass.
Putting my own, or my gang members life at risk to provide comfort/medical treatment to a person that had just attempted to murder myself and my gang didnt make sense at the time.
Especially when the other party had suffered a shotgun wound to the face, and was bleeding heavily i made different, and more realistic priorities.

As for your video titled " attempt to dump 2 " where you showcase a car repair happening, is where our interaction ended in Paleto. And you ended up being driven by a different grove member down to the city.

Once arriving in the city, still being chased by the police blackhawk. I was tasked with getting rid off the body to further avoid police attention. Although we were still being followed i made attempts to verbally communicate before dumping you in a last attempt to provide you with some roleplay. However it seems in your POV off the actual dumping half off my words can not be heard?

My POV off the dumping included: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jM5YsXMMBPZFtknte?invite=cr-MSx6WlAsNDIxOTczNjQs

To summarize, i did not feel that i had time to provide any attention to your injuries. Nor do i believe my character had much roleplay initiative to care about your charachters well being during the hostile encounter between our gangs, and the police.

Like i previously stated, i wish i had the opportunity to expand on the roleplay with you as this is the very objective off the server and why we play.
I have truly taken your POV into consideration and realise you ended up spending a long time with little interaction from us.

Myself and my group aim to make the roleplay enjoyable for all parties involved, but i must agree that this situation turned out quite long and dull for you.

For any further POV's required from my side i would be happy to provide, although i do not session record i have a few 5 minute clips saved from the situation.

Thank you for reading, -Kind Regards
Hi andrew, thank you for replying.

I understand that Grove at the time were being heavily pressured by both police and more Cutlass members but still regaurdless that shouldn't excuse you from providing RP. As shown by the clips I provided you did have several moments of peace where a /me or even just talking to me could have been done. You personally only got involved in the post-situation fight one time and the majority of the time was spent with you, on your own, trying to get away from the blackhawk to dump me. There was more than ample time to provide RP regaurdless of the tensions between police. Furthermore even talking to me would've been substantial, you had no issue radioing in so talking to me in the passenger would've been no issue aswell. Priority should always be on roleplay.

Not caring about my characters wellbeing in RP is not a good enough excuse to leave me in silence for 30 minutes. Ridicule me, shout me down, that would've been fine. RP doesn't have to be benevolent, but RP does have to be provided.

Regarding the "talk" i missed out on at the end of the dumping experience, 2 more lines of dialogue does not compensate for 30 minutes of zero RP.
Hello again

You personally only got involved in the post-situation fight one time
Please understand that because i only fired at one person in front off you, doesnt mean that the fight isnt still ongoing.

the majority of the time was spent with you, on your own, trying to get away from the blackhawk to dump me
Our initial intention wasnt to dump you, but to get somewhere safe to to provide medical roleplay.
The moments we spent alone you are refering to, was two short instances where i firstly removed you phone and radio.
And in the secound instance i pulled behind a factory for a short while to let the blackhawk helicopter pass without seeing me.

you had no issue radioing in so talking to me in the passenger would've been no issue aswell
It might seem quiet for you, but as i am sure you can understand there is constant radio chatter and updates during an active fight.

excuse to leave me in silence for 30 minutes
Allow me to correct your timeframe, i initially picked you up. Drove around for a few minutes fighting, and spent another few minutes avoiding the police helicopter.
A total off 8-10 minutes was spent being my passenger, before your car got a new driver at the Paleto dodgy.

or even telling me "Hang on" or "Don't see the light" would've been sufficient
2 more lines of dialogue does not compensate for 30 minutes of zero RP.
You seem to struggle drawing the line between what you consider sufficient or not.
Like i have stated numurous times i was still activly fighting cutlass, and being preassured by police when you were in my car.
Could i have said a few short words to you during that time? Sure, i will take that into consideration for future roleplay scenarios.
Hello andrew, thank you for taking your time to reply.
This is going to be my last response as I don't want to give staff more walls of text to read through (Unless prompted by staff to say more)
Please understand that because i only fired at one person in front off you, doesnt mean that the fight isnt still ongongoing
I do fully understand that the fight continued on, however other than that one altercation where you fired, you personally were not involved in the fight. Saying that a fight is ongoing has no relevance as an ongoing fight that you're not involved in does not prevent you from providing roleplay.
Our initial intention wasnt to dump you, but to get somewhere safe to to provide medical rolroleplay
This is not true, Two times you evidently tried to dump me: the first time you tried to take my phone and radio off me and only moved because I alerted NHS, a clear sign of wanting to dispose of someone and a second time being when you took me to the beach where (i cant watch the clips at the time of writing this reply so i'm not quite sure if it's included in the clip) but you mention over the radio something along the lines of "Why don't we dump him". Your intent was not to provide high quality roleplay instead it was to take a quick win and get rid of me.
It might seem quiet for you, but as i am sure you can understand there is constant radio chatter and updates during an active fight.
Of course I understand this. Radio chatter is always going to be there during active situation but I feel like this point is irrelevant. I was arguing that you were radioing in frequently, therefore it cannot be too much of a stretch to press your push to talk key and talk to me. Regaurdless of how much "pressure" you were under from us and the police, talking to me while I was in the passenger seat isn't that hard of a challenge.
Allow me to correct your timeframe, i initially picked you up. Drove around for a few minutes fighting, and spent another few minutes avoiding the police helicopter.
A total off 8-10 minutes was spent being my passenger, before your car got a new driver at the Paleto dodgy.
You said you don't session record so im unsure of where you got this number from, I'm pretty sure that there was a lot more time spent in paleto, Atempting to dodgy me once, fighting in paleto and driving across the beach definatly felt more like 15 minutes. Yes I said 30 minutes in my origional response but that was regarding how much time it took till I got my first interaction, not how long till you pulled me out the car in-between paleto and city.
You seem to struggle drawing the line between what you consider sufficient or not
Lines of dialogue and /me's during the situation would have been sufficient, one more sentence s your dumping me is not. Executions require high quality roleplay prior, this was not provided.
Could i have said a few short words to you during that time? Sure, i will take that into consideration for future roleplay scenarios.
This could have very easily been solved if this was said in QE, then I wouldn't have put up a report but when I asked in OOC you failed to join QE.

Thank you for reading through and I hope this helps.
I do fully understand that the fight continued on, however other than that one altercation where you fired, you personally were not involved in the fight
I dont know what you are trying to say here, i was still driving around paleto with my gang, giving comms and looking for more returning cutlass. Just because i didnt see any other cutlass to shoot at for X amount of minutes doesnt mean the fight has ended or that i was not involved.

but you mention over the radio something along the lines of "Why don't we dump him".
You are confused, the person driving the car in the clip you are mentioning is not me.

Two times you evidently tried to dump me: the first time you tried to take my phone and radio off me
I find it interesting how you seem to know my intentions better then myself. If we wanted to dump you we would have given you to the police like the rest off your gangmembers.

therefore it cannot be too much of a stretch to press your push to talk key and talk to me. Regaurdless of how much "pressure" you were under from us and the police
Yes i agree with you here, i could have said a few short words to you even though i was still fighting. Like stated i will take this into consideration for future roleplay scenarios.

Atempting to dodgy me once, fighting in paleto and driving across the beach definatly felt more like 15 minutes
At the Paleto dodgy your vehicle got a new driver, yet again not me that was with you on the beach.

I agree with leaving this here, i doubt we will come to an agreement between us so we'll wait for a staff response.
Hope this works!
G.7.3 (Executions) - Executing another player must be realistic and be carried out with high quality roleplay.
whilst it's not a execution, you could still be considered a hostage(or atleast taken against your will)
(G7.1) Hostages Taking hostages must be roleplayed to a very high quality. Aim to make the scenario enjoyable for everyone.

I would not consider this to be enjoyable for @MartinSmith, looking at the clips provided there was little to no interaction for a long duration of the time he was down in your possession.

talking and atleast reacting to /me's goes a long way when it comes to downed peoples RP, i'm aware the the tensions are high, multiple groups are after you one way or another, completely ignoring the other member is lackluster and needs improving for the future.

you both (@LX_TRICKS and @andr3w) will be getting a note stating you've been warned to provide higher quality RP to people you've kidnapped, downed or not in the future

now go enjoy some warring, best of luck.