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Police Staff

SGT Dean Hastings

Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Gruppe 6
Los Santos Rangers
Recently I've been seeing a growing trend in the police whereby we are building a small army of Police Staff. I think anyone who's met our receptionist or CPS knows what I'm talking about.

I thought about putting this in Police suggestions but this is for the benefit of people who may want to get involved with the police but may not be able to become police officers for different reasons.

Currently we have CPS

We have a receptionist

I'd like to see Police Staff made as a separate faction with a "Head of Police Staff" managing a variety of roles that benefit the faction.

I think this should work as a base role that has access to essentially nothing but Police station keys and maybe a police staff ID. Maybe a uniform eith a fleece that says POLICE STAFF

This role will have a whitelist index of 0 for new starters and 1 for substantive Staff. 2 is for "Police Staff Supervisors" who can change the whitelist flags and finally whitelist flag 3 will be the Head of Police Staff

I think the pay for Police staff should mirror their police counter parts and wear a uniform that shows they are police staff. Perhaps they get access to the police fleece but it visually shows "POLICE STAFF" clearly marked?

As for the other police staff flags I think they should be the following:

Police Staff: 0, 1, 2 and 3 already explained. Allows creation of callsigns ( no access to dispatch screen)

CPS 1: grants PNC access and access to CPS ID. CPS 2: All functions of a Police terminal that PC gets.

PCRO (Police Control Room Operator): Gets radio and dispatch screen access on flags 1. Gets FIM on flag 2

Property officer: Allows sergeants to set remote property order requests IE a piece of property is in Sandy and the property need be transported via secure safe from one station to another. This can include access to a low loader and allows them to transport from these requests even police vehicles like civilian mechanics can.

PCSO's 1: Maybe a possibility aswell. I won't go into much detail here but I think they have a place. I'm thinking radio, cuffs baton. Basic fines access like Rangers has. Dispatch and callsign access. A PCSO uniform. Power to impound cars. Power to make reports on PNC (can't search PNC, only submit, up for discussion)

Custody detention officer: Allows access to service belt, baton and cuffs.

Here is a bunch of suggestions kinda rolled into one as I see people who seem to want these roles in Police but don't want to be Police officers. I make this suggestion as I don't completely get (apart from Quality of life snd fantastic RP) a benefit as a sgt but serves to give something from Police to the wider community who wish to join the Policing family all be it in a different way
-1 CPS WL is already a formal request elsewhere via Courts.
I do like this idea. needs talking about more and see how everyone feels. +1
I definitely think some extra WL flags, and a bit of extra access to a Police Staff force as it were could be beneficial, but I think it needs to be used wisely.

Only because; some of the stuff - say CPS, PCRO or CDO need specialist training (I count even being a PPC as being specialised in a certain role) so it'd be somewhat pointless to invent roles that regular people can't do - thus whitelisting won't be needed because police officers serving these roles have their underlying rank whitelist.

I think that some kind of "Police Staff", below PPC would be useful to give them at the very least full access to Mission Row (This also stops CPS showing up on our hours database as PC and PPC respectively).

I personally think Police Staff should have access to a restricted set of the formal uniform (although I anticipate people will be wearing smart suits anyway), and a restricted access to the Armoury to withdraw a camera, megaphone (Keith with his tannoys), a baton of some kind (training like Keith has, or real?) and potentially a Police Staff ID Card if one can be invented.

I don't think they'll need a fleet because they are not safety-trained in getting out on patrol and/or proper use of those assets, it'll be so rare they actually need to move/drive a car that someone will be around to pull a car out for them.

Otherwise, I think this is a great idea and gives people more variety in what RP they can do, taking the focus away from strictly problem-response RP. It's something that can be tweaked and something that will provide great value if wielded carefully.
When it comes to the CPS this is currently something we are working towards. Discussions are going on behind closed doors.
We, whilst not needing half the things that we currently have access to however aren't allowed to use, still need access to things like PNCs, Case Files, Radio Nets.

As everything stands in my opinion, if there isn't a conversation happening it is because the WL isn't entirely needed. Like Keith who has keys to the reception, the baton Barry handed to him and his own staff "badge". Although it would be lovely to have.
I like this idea of Police Staff, and especially for the DO's (Detention Officer) and CS (Custody Sergeants) in Custody to bring a new type of roleplay especially for Inpectors as well who do welfare checks on certain PIC's who have been there for a while.

As a person who currently works within a Custody Suite IRL, obviously (in city) we have the Custody Training within the Police as a whole which could be moved over to its own Department. With all different aspects of calling for Lawyer/Solicitor, Top and Tailing them for Fingerprints and mugshots. Having G6 ready to pick them up to move them to court/prison (GEOAmy sort of thing). Making sure that the PIC's are treated with respect and are watched upon for Mental Health and how we can accommodate for that. It would certainly bring a new aspect of roleplay for people.

Though I feel like if that was to happen the NHS side of things would also need to change slightly like having a specific job role within Custody as well like Custody Nurses who are either Paramedics who only stay in Custody from, I dont know, say 6pm for the busier times of the server who is trained to deal with certain Mental Health issues of PIC's whether suicidal or something and giving certain medication if it has been declared to the Custody Sergeant on intake at the desk and what illegal medication they have taken and what not. In the end the idea is great but some people obviously have different opinions of this becoming a thing.
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I am on the fence with this, whilst i agree 100% we should have more police staff with maybe WL etc some of them are already a thing for instance Custody Sgt we have a training for, some officers like doing it, i feel if we took this away from those officers and handed it to other people it could take away their fun, although if police officers could still do it 100% i would agree.

CPS i wouldnt class as "Police Staff" they are more court staff apointed to police, plus as said above i believe there is something already in the works for them.

I agree 100% though that having a form of "Police Staff" would improve RP tenfold and make situations a lot better and make the station seem more alive, even with just Keith MRPS has a much more alive feeling and feels more like a working station rather than just a pit stop for officers to come and go when they need equipment or arrest somebody.

I personally the pay shouldn't mirror Officer's pay as they're not technically "officers" although they should still be paid 100% and i believe a pay system could be worked out by Polcom but that is just my opinion
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I am on the fence with this, whilst i agree 100% we should have more police staff with maybe WL etc some of them are already a thing for instance Custody Sgt we have a training for, some officers like doing it, i feel if we took this away from those officers and handed it to other people it could take away their fun, although if police officers could still do it 100% i would agree.

CPS i wouldnt class as "Police Staff" they are more court staff apointed to police, plus as said above i believe there is something already in the works for them.

I agree 100% though that having a form of "Police Staff" would improve RP tenfold and make situations a lot better and make the station seem more alive, even with just Keith MRPS has a much more alive feeling and feels more like a working station rather than just a pit stop for officers to come and go when they need equipment or arrest somebody.

I personally the pay shouldn't mirror Officer's pay as they're not technically "officers" although they should still be paid 100% and i believe a pay system could be worked out by Polcom but that is just my opinion
Yea I'm inclined to agree. I don't wanna take anything away from anyone, just wanna add a system to help us organise them appropriately. I think they're great
Yea I'm inclined to agree. I don't wanna take anything away from anyone, just wanna add a system to help us organise them appropriately. I think they're great
Agreed 100%, they're great and i think we should definitely have something for them
CPS i wouldnt class as "Police Staff" they are more court staff apointed to police, plus as said above i believe there is something already in the works for them.
Agreed 100%, they're great and i think we should definitely have something for them
Yes past 2.5 years, but one day we get it xD
CPS i wouldnt class as "Police Staff" they are more court staff apointed to police, plus as said above i believe there is something already in the works for them.

Yes past 2.5 years, but one day we get it xD
I think we should have a system to keep them organised and this is the system I propose