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Unban Appeal - Icec0ld - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Hiro Ryzen
Steam ID: 76561199374382930
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17372
Ban Reason: C2.3 Combatlogging
Why do you think you were banned: good evening

I got banned because of combat logging in the moment i didn’t want to lose my stuff and it was a reaction of like that i was really mad and pissed off that it happened, because the situation was i did /e slap and /e headbutt i don’t remember the exact emotes and then i got stabbed by this guy
Why should we unban you: it’s been more than a half year now since i
got banned i think, my first appeal i did got declined because of the 1 month cooldown
which i am sorry for since i didn’t know and i was not really knowing the rules at the
moment because i just joined the server also i got multiple warnings for example
unrealistic roleplay when i jumped off a building and other situations which i wouldn’t
do again and if i could change what happened, i just would be a better roleplayer as i
am now i don’t wanna say i matured that much because it has only been a half year but i
have collected experience on other servers during that time, which i can name if you
want to but because of not promoting other servers i would not do it now unless asked, i
bumped my appeal once which was stupid from my side, i was childish, acted
immature and literally showed no respect towards the staff members in sense of just
being patient and wait i am sorry for that i take full blame for what has happened
because there is no other way than just saying that i regret doing it my friends are
playing on this server without me since a half year and i do miss them i do miss the good
times i had for the 1-2 weeks i was on the server even though i got warned there were
some moments which i just liked like when i got sent to prison and started to play music
and we were just vibing together, when i am allowed to come back i promise that i won’t
cause any trouble at all for the time being
This is the situation i got banned for
Report a player - 973 - GTA RP | Roleplay UK
I wanna take a statement to this situation as well for my behaviour on that day
This is really embarassing and i am ashamed of myself for writing like this because it is
just a stupid way of saying ‘i didn’t do anything wrong’ i said it was a time out because i
thought it might save me but thinking more and more of it, it is not worth the
punishment and i will just always be honest and transparent about everything i have
improved my rp and my respect towards other people, shall it be in real life when i work
or also just online in general, my disrespectful behaviour might only be shown in game
but if i have to face consequences like gangs pulling up on me or any other fatal
consequences i will for sure try to value my life. I did read the rules multiple times
during the time of those months, and i will try my best to uphold all of them, every single
one of them.

i also got put in a car and then combatlogged because i was just mad since i feel like that he rdmed me because i did /e headbutt and /e slap and i thought it wouldn't affect me because for me he broke a rule but i did understand from reading reports that only staff can decide and that breaking a rule for a rule break against me is not the wisest decision to do

i hope my appeal is this time better because i don't remember everything so if i forgot something just remind me and i will answer every question accordingly
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @Icec0ld .

You played here on RPUK for a grand total of six days, during which you've racked up more warning and player notes than most other players do in years.

Some of these warnings/notes include:
  • Not treating others with respect in /OOC and on the forums.
  • Combat logging!
  • Not roleplaying your injuries when it benefits you.
  • Repeatedly trying to 'bump' your previous appeals
  • Fail driving to get away from police chases
  • Trying to revenge report people after getting yourself banned.
And then you were banned for combat logging, as well as your overall behaviour.

I'll be blunt with my point - in the very short time you were here, you painted yourself as someone who did not care for the rules we have in place, and someone who reacts badly to being in a losing situation.

I appreciate some ownership about how you behaved previously.

Please answer the below:
  • What positive contributions to the community will we see if you were unbanned?
  • How do we know you will keep your emotions in roleplay?
  • How do we know that in a losing situation, you'll play fair and take the loss on the chin?
  • If you thought you were the victim of a rule break in a situation in future, how would you react?
Hi Bonzi even when i already took some ownership for all of the things said above i still would like to say that it was totally childish and immature from me, i read the post again where i get reported for combatlogging a half year ago or a bit more, and i want to say that i was immature as hell during that time, and if i was in the same position again i would do everything differently, like not combatlogging, keeping my reactions for myself and just not say them loudly or publicly after all i joined the server to have fun with my friends and not do rule breaks. i am sorry for all of it during the time it really looked like it i didnt care for the rules but i never had them in my mind and now i do i got more mature

the positive contributions i would like to bring to the server are my new collected roleplay skills and my positivity i am not as hateful and as childish as i was a half year ago even people who were hanging around with me had a hard time with me and i changed this fully
i can say for sure that my emotions are not gonna be a problem anymore, i will always try to stay as professional and as much IC as i can always be words can't prove it but i would like to show it when i am allowed to come back
if i am supposed to lose a situation like in a gang war i am not even interested in joining any gang for now but if it happen then i will just accept the lose because everything i lose is replaceable and doesnt mean anything even when its a expensive gun where i grinded for hours i dont care i will just accept the lose
if i am ever witness of a rule break i will just ask in ooc for a liasion and try to understand the view of the person first and when i dont agree and still feel like there has been a rule break from the persons side i will just go to the forums and report since i am not interested anymore in being a hothead and shout everything out this ban has taught me a lesson that i should change my behaviour in general and well i did it
Let's take a journey through your history on our server.

You joined on the 31/05/24
31/5/24 You originally named your character Hiro Hiro - Not a massive deal but didn't set the best tone
31/5/24 You were warned about combat logging - You opened a ticket so slight brownie points but you should've read the rules to begin with
7/6/24 You again came on our radar for how you were treating others in OOC, usually when you're on the losing end of a situation
7/6/24 You were pulled for not roleplaying your injuries with police, instead choosing to have a whine in OOC. You suddenly changed tone when revived and dearrensted.
7/6/24 You were pulled AGAIN for NLR, you tried to investigate your own death..... realistic I think NOT
7/6/24 You jumped off a bridge, miraculously survived unscathed to then jump off a garage building
9/6/24 - 14:15 You were banned for combat logging
9/6/24 - You opened a ticket to revenge report someone for VRDM

9 days on the server and all that and likely more happened.
5 Declined appeals for little to no effort.

I'd say you've had a LOT of our time and efforts here.

Tell me what your plans would be should you return.
Would you go legal? Illegal?
Start or join a group?

Tell me in detail how great your roleplay will be
yes i understand my history is not the best it was during a time where i was acting so childish that i cant stand behind what i did before i matured more with the time i was hotheaded during this time but since i started to look back on everything i have done and my last appeals i wanted to try my shot to be part of this community again because i know i can provide lately good roleplay maybe not the best roleplayer ever but my quality has been going up since i started doing roleplay on mediocre servers and also serious rp servers but all of them had tebex stores and no server can be compared to roleplay co uk and when you say all of this i am surprised myself that you had so much patience with my chilidh self during this time but since my ban i have never done ooc abuse in any server again and i didnt combat log as wellto those 5 declined appeals i can just say that the unban appeal system was new to me like in a forum and that is not an excuse but after my last unban appeal i read so many of them that i tried to put much more effort which i should have done in the first placei will go a mix of legal and illegal mainly my main characte Hiro Ryzen will stay illegal and i will do create a group with my best friends who are still on this server and we will do some kind of mining company buying materials and mining ourselves to sell it and make money, also i would love to try bank robberies with drills and everything because i haven't done that at all and i saw it is possible here also i have experience as medic, which i am not really sure of yet but when i got more time during my holidays at work i might give it a shot and try to give medical roleplay to incapacitated players my roleplay is not gonna shock you or throw you off your chairs but my rule is gonna be before i use a gun, melee or anything i will try to talk firstly and if nothing helps, then guns are the last resort but firstly i need to build connections to even be able to buy a gun

  1. also i will try my best not to be caught by police because i have served time in prison before here on the server and i didnt like it at all i only did when me and my friends were imprisoned together because then you could play music on your own and then clean the tables together or dance, i can give a rp example lets say i am in a 4-5 man group which is most likely gonna happen and then i would face a whitelisted group like grove street and lets assume they took one of my mates as hostage firstly i would go to their turf and try to talk to their leader or any higher up i dont know currently who it is because i never had contact with grove in my week on the server and i would always carry a melee as defense in general and i assume they want me to put my hands up, firstly my old self would just stab nonetheless but my new self will analyse the situation and realise i am on their turf and probably outnumbered and if i do anything stupid i would not value my life so i would firstly try to just talk myself out saying that i didnt come here to cause any problems but i would still comply and drop my melee because i would also trust that whitelisted gangs use roleplay before handing someone and if negotations suceed i would try to get the number of their leader to maybe have a connection to gun supplies or just when there are problems i know who to call in case its my little group having problems with them i joined here with my 3 friends and i am loyal to them whatsoever and they also told me multiple times to change my behavior and here i am with a changed behavior but if negotations fail i would either try to pretend that everything is fine and then i would get my boys and try to get grove members blindfolding and ziptieing them and then force them to talk to their leader i would try to cause some chaos around the gang so that maybe that they would come and watch for me because after all i wanna clear up the situation

  2. and even if they dont comply i wouldnt shoot i would take away their blindfolds and make them either walk back from sandy or the high way in general just leave them at the spot and i would try multiple times to get into talks with the higher ups but also try my best to time it with my boys so in case anything escalates i would have a way to defend myself and not always look outnumbered and vulnerable
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Should you be unbanned, how long do you think it will be, before you find yourself on the chopping block again?

My concern is that you've racked up a substantial list of offences in a short time, and that if you're unbanned you'll just break another rule. What assurance can you give, that this wont be the case?
Well i don't think i will get banned in the near future or future in general i am not having this win mindset and child mentality anymore i had when i joined this server which caused me to combat log because i am not breaking rules anymore because someone broke them too in my view i will just take it to the forums the next times or to QE i just miss my friends and this is my assurance that nothing will happen again too, i am embarased about my past behaviour and when i am back i don't want to repeat it at all i will try to show my best of course i am not the best roleplayer out there but i can still provide okayish to good roleplay which doesnt go into bad quality rp or anything in that way during the time out of this server i was able to collect more experience than i had before i got banned and as you see from the way i see the situation now i did really change and i am sure that i wont be breaking any rule or be doing anything stupid i also have my friends who can assist me in case anything stupid happens which by now i know myself since i read the rules more than 3x
I've looked over this appeal a few times over the last few days. And truthfully, I'm not convinced. I feel that if you were unbanned, you would end up facing another ban and be back in the appeals section shortly after.

For this reason, I am going to shut down this appeal and apply a 3 month cooldown until the next will be entertained (01/06/2025)
