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Unban Appeal - HairTheDwarf - GTA RP

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Evgeni Kazimir
Steam ID: 76561198096873547
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19521
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: Combat Logging. Disconnected during an RP event. Was being booked within MRPD at the time of incident and disconnected when downed.
Why should we unban you: During this Month away from the server I have been figuring out what to do if I were to come back. I've been very active with other players and on my main character Francis Sullivan, I've created a great deal of unique roleplay scenarios with others. I would love to be able to come back to the community and reengage in this. During my one month ban I attempted to play other fivem servers but none were as immersive a community as Roleplay.Uk. I definitely miss all the people that I interact with on the server and I want to continue growing as a role-player and contribute to this amazing community.

I definitely hope that you can consider my unban appeal in earnest. I definitely love this community and would love to rejoin and pick up all these storylines I was roleplaying and trying to get as many players in on as possible. This community is an extremely unique place and I wish to reunite with this amazing community

For your Considersation
- Francis Sullivan/HairTheDwarf
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello Francis,

Can you please quote the rule broken and explain why we have this rule in place?

Should you need to disconnect again do you know the correct procedure to inform us?
The rule broken was combat logging which is defined as disconnecting at any point during roleplay. Examples are disconnecting during when downed. Disconnecting during like a firefight between another player. Also disconnecting to avoid getting sentenced.

The rule is in place to prevent people from exploiting and avoiding consequences or to prevent players from disrupting role play scenarios.

I am not familiar with the exact correct procceedure. My understanding would be it’d either inform a member of staff in OOC chat or notify someone through discord.
Give me a quick run down of some of the things you'd like to achieve in roleplay, were you to return.
So currently my main character Francis Sullivan has been serving 80k months in jail, and so I’d like to achieve the resolution of that roleplay as Francis hasn’t even been to trial and a great many people were involved in that roleplay. And I’d like to see where that would go as Francis renters society having spent so much time behind bars.

I also have a character Mitch Bulger about to go into police training and I’m hoping for him to get involved specifically with CID. I’d actually like to even eventually see if he could go into private practice as a licensed investigator eventually.

That would leave me with two blank characters meaning two different individuals I have yet to create although I’d love for one to potentially get involved in NHS or Park Rangers but I haven’t decided.

The character I was banned on I think I’d ultimately end up deleting because I’m not really sure how to deal with his storyline I had plan or maybe reuse that storyline for a different character.

I’d like to add that I do really appreciate the immersive environment of this server as it has allowed me to create characters like Francis and Mitch, which are complex and I definitely would love to return as I have more to contribute to this server.
So, truthfully, I do think that you have the ability to craft storylines that are both enjoyable for others and immersive for multiple groups. I know that Francis was intertwined with NHS, Police and solicitors and toward the ban time, G6 as well. That's not including the multiple groups and gangs you interacted with along the way.

It is for that reason, that I was greatly disappointed to hear about how you came to be banned.

I am willing to give you another chance. But on the condition, that IF you are banned for this same reason (combat logging) in the future, you will not be allowed to return for a minimum of 12 months after the ban date.

There are procedures to follow in the event of something like this happening. Follow them in the future, or you'll find yourself on the block once again.

Don't disappoint us again.
