Brief context. Herman sent me the video of the pharmacy robbery which I was laughing my ass off too as to how bad of a situation that was. I said I will submit send this video to PolCom to deal with OOC on behalf of him since he asked me to. PolCom has notified police seniors that just like any whitelisted faction, we reserve the right to kick anyone for OOC reason related to absolutely horrific RP. He proceeded to also then send a photo of him in the cells which took me by surprise that these 2 PCs didn't stop the RP there and decided to still process/search and confiscate items from him. At that point I was very invested to hear about all this for obvious reasons however I still respected that this is hermans situation and he'd be the one handling it OOC. 2 PCs completely ignoring the fact that a new player, a probie, blatantly RDM'ed and combat cuffed a person, decided to further process herman instead of letting him go/talking it to QE. I've joined the QE from the start and was only really there to observe. Before the proby even joined scott already managed to antagonize herman by shouting about how he isn't perfect either,by bringing IC situations that had nothing to do with it, etc. Once the proby arrived he tried dealing with it normally and apologizing. The way scott talked about the proby was shocking. He treated him like some little kid and not an adult. Sure the guy's new in all this but you have to talk about the guy with some respect. Final nail in the coffin was the moment herman left the room and scott just started having another meltdown shouting and calling him a cocksucker. I unmuted to that, pissed off from that whole QE session and I said something along the lines of "what you did is horrific and you are getting booted from the police". Scott started yelling again so 3 seconds in his rant i just disconnected and shut off the PC. Understandably I was upset at mostly scott for being disrespectful to all around him. I came in convinced he needed to be booted from the police, especially after I've seen/heard storys from other seniors about similar instances of this guy losing it. But after that QE I think this person shouldn't even be in the community.
Horrific RP, as mentioned above we went with what RP herman gave us, As mentioned before it's not up to you or Herman to tells us how to RP, the rules clearly state above that if rules are broken you must carry on the RP. So we carried on with the RP Herman presented to us as he was laughing about getting hit on the head with his helmet on. Infact in the video you shown the only RP i provided was i laughed the same you did when you saw it. My next comment was after Herman mentioned about his helmet i said he was just testing to see if it worked as a joke with Herman.
We carried on RP as rules said and let the probie do his Stop and Search and arrest as mentioned above we were going to call a solicitor to come and represent you to where they hopefully would of mentioned the use of force, to where then we would of let you go which again could of carried on the RP and even extended it to you pressing charges or taking it to court but instead he decided to come and get you when you patrol with him, The RP Wasn't horrendous just the probie actions was wrong and we dealt with that but you and herman decided to take it into your own hands OOC and ruin the RP and threaten to suspend us because we did not let him go. It does not say in the rules, let them go if break rules, you carry on with RP and we did that but because you did not like that, you reported us. He apologized loads of times in QE and because you realise how daft this report was and that you looked silly in QE you've brought it here. the guy apologized and you wouldn't let it go. ge tapped you on head and cuffed you. He made a mistake as a probie, what you've actually done here is prob put people of coming a police officer as scared to make a mistake to end up on forum. When this could of all been left in QE when he apologized.
128 Views. Watch No.1 - "I've seen you on your police character" "What RDMin???" and millions of other GTA V videos captured using Medal.
72 Views. Watch No.2 "You're just muggin me off at this point" and millions of other GTA V videos captured using Medal.
67 Views. Watch No.3 and millions of other GTA V videos captured using Medal.
66 Views. Watch No.4 "Atleast he's gonna get a tickbox in his ODP out of it" and millions of other GTA V videos captured using Medal.
62 Views. Watch No.5 "Next time you see me driving a riot van, make sure to report to Avion" and millions of other GTA V videos captured using Medal.
Clips had to be put together as I only had medal on for police evidence. Later he's sent DM's to just about anyone that was there. Sent 3 different msgs to me which he deleted after sending. Got them SS'd but they got nothing of essence to add to this report. My involvement was only in QE so comments and thought about it I'll keep to myself and talk to PolCom about it for review.
Please post the screenshots Brick because they show us again apologizing and reaching out saying he is just a probie we all make mistakes but again your only showing like the video henners posted of half a story. this is really embarrassing .
Th comment henners made where he said "atleast he got his tick boxes" well that then R&D Issue if they signed that off as well done but you've just proved by posting that, that we was dealing with the rule breaks in RP as it could of been but because you was not let go and your best friend disagreed to you came to QE and make sarcy comments and when you got them back you left very upset and then got brick to threaten to suspend us. Sorry we don't have the mentality to get everyone banned and want to try and carry on RP like rules state.
in the first clip you asked what happened and mark explained it calmly that we was going to let the probie take lead as he needed a S&S and then weve even took your side and said he ran in and bonked you on head and took your side. then we are saying from our point of view that took it by surprise to where henners questioned us and how we reacted we reacted to him and i brought him character up because he is sat there like he never messes around and never done anything wrong in the police force. it was nothing to do with us or what we did, we didn't break rules, if anything our actions was a IC issue not you brick. i just laughed at a situation, so if you ever laugh at a situation now, can you be suspended?
Clip 2 ) We said we aint here to condone anything he done so how we mugging you off? we are agreeing with you saying he is in the wrong to where you then come at us and its like you're looking for a argument. We've explained it and apologized and said we will wait for him to come, Which is your same way you behave on your police character with crims i've seen it and all your doing here is just trying to create issues because upset you was not let go. You've also explained and was okay with the reason we said about he testing your helmet because you laughed, to where you try and create another issue, Why didn't you stop him? as mark mentioned we didn't have time and we are reacting to RP which we did but because like you keep mentioning in the clip we should of let you go. that's not carryon on RP, taking you to the cells and getting your solicitor is which also gives us a reason to being up what he done. Also gives you a reason to take it further in RP as your solicitor can ask for footage so tbh, the only person who stopped RP was you and Brick by power gaming and threatening to suspend us so we let you go and then both let chat before we could sort it and then tried to catch us out by leaving out evidence in this report. Watch the video no one said well done probie. Also no one called him a dick head on police account as you can hear from the video we said he was unprofessional but why again are you bringing that up? when we've talked about that already.
clip 3) Why can you laugh in RP About the situation because it caught you off guard and we can't? When i said we responded to how you did? if you kicked of saying he out of order for doing that it's not funny, then the RP changes to where we like let's him go and speak to probie, but because your reaction is laughing and seemed kinda okay with it as you seen he's a probie we went with the RP we will carry it on to solicitor, Also why your LOOC not in here? because you only mentioned them when we got to Vespucci and brick turned up in vespucci after you got there it's so shit you powergamed this. As the videos of him hitting you the situation isnt bad untill you call your friend which is also out of order. When we told you we've spoken to him you start getting high rated where is he why isnt he here? we told you his head popped earlier and he is coming. The first thing Probie says in QE When he comes in is i Apologize and you go quiet because it should of ended there. he hit you and knows he done wrong there nothing else he can say but you still go for him which annoyed me as he new to city and police. you go you don't understand? understand what weve told you he hit you and he knows h done wrong but you carry on. Your happy to carry on with RP You was always coming here? before you said that in clip 3 you was already gathering evidence to come to the report section so you was not happy to carry on or why would brick be there. If you was happy to carry on with RP why did you not just do it instead of LOOC us, why didnt you ask after to QE for reason he did it? You did it because you was unhappy you didnt get let go and friend upset his rpu friend not been let go and used his power to let you go. I even said you know rule if not happy with RP then go forum but you carry on arguing and take more clips then when you realise you've pushed it to far and annoyed us in the way your handling it you leave.
clip 4) We told you we was taken it to upload onto R&D which if he didn't we would of mentioned it to them about what he did, you had no idea how we was going to handle the situation after you'd been dealt with as we didn't want to do it infront of you and ruin RP as you seemed to be carrying on. Also if you think that what R&D is just took boxes of bad policing too then thats a situation you need to take up with them not us as we can only provide them with stuff we can not tell them how to deal with it as that's them. You tried to handle a situation as a police officer not a criminal as you could of called staff in but you brought your friend. I do agree with that it was wrong of probie saying he wasn't going to put it in there but thats when we would of mentioned it to R&D as it's serious as like you said he broke rules. However he did apologise again and said he was pretty new to it all. to where you go you can't go whacking people in head, You've came in mentiong rules breaks alot and what he did because you had no intention in leaving it in QE, you might aswell have just come in here. Me and Mark did nothing wrong in that situation. You explained to him how he should arrest and he said yeah that fine i get that and sorry. When you mention about that you was pissing around in a van which looks un professional what the difference me laughing at him bonking you on head after all it was RP given from you.
Brick can i ask why you have missed out the recording of you saying " You three are suspended this is the worst RP i have ever seen" Then when i said how are we getting suspended when we didn't do anything you went not arguing or doing this and then just left. To where we then let your friend go out of cells. So what RP you seen just the clips above what henners showed? Cause thats not even the full story of how he was laughing with us in the car to vespucci and the comments saying in LOOC we will take this into account when dealing with it. You guys have created a massive issue out of something that could of been resolved in RP and Brick used his power to get his friend out of the cells. as you also wasted the solicitor time too who was there TO rp and as you can see in your video in clip one she came to you waiting but you said busy. so tbh this could of been resolved with solicitor but you two ruined that by trying to set us up in QE for a ban.
When you say about everyone i sent them to you and henner trying to solve the situation and ask why we was getting suspended to why you have not used them. The same reason you say ive shouted but not added them, you've tried to sway this one side. Like i said it's very embarrassing in mu opinion especially from someone in power in police to suspend someone for laughing but you don't suspend your mate for pissing around in vans.