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Jaegarn remembrance post

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Hello everyone.

As some of you know we have lost an old member of the community who a lot of the old arma players probably recognise as Jaegarn.
My goal with this thread is to collect some notes from members of the community who want to say a few words in his memory for me to pass on to his family.
This could be either a good memory, a few words or simply a goodbye.
I will also include a GoFundMe page which Jaegarn started for himself and his family before his passing if anyone feels they have the means to support his family financially.

To show the impact he's had throughout his time in the community I would like to include a list of countries where people are from as I feel this would be the best way to portray it (only if you wish to do so yourself).

I will leave this post open for a few days so that I can get the message sent as soon as possible.
If you know someone who knew him feel free to share this to allow them to also partake.

I've had the pleasure of many hours of laughter and good memories with Jaegarn aka. Jimmy.
He was a kind, wholesome and caring person - a player that made a long-lasting impression that will now remain eternalised in this post.
I'll miss the really bad dad-jokes.

Farewell, Jaegarn - wishes sent out to your family, from the other end of Sweden.
Even tho we haven't spoken for a while, I still remember some late nights playing together. Always was a good laugh, he knew how to make the game was enjoyable and always made sure those around him where having fun too. He was also great to talk with whilst not playing about the most random of stuff. Will surely be missed, along with his distinct laugh after he just made a joke, no matter if it was a good or bad one.

Heartfelt condolences to the family from Poland.
I mainly remember him as the CSI of Kavala, and he often joked and made my day with a joke or a meme. I have not spoken to him for a while, and I’m so heartbroken that now he is gone.

I send my best wishes to his family.
While my interactions were short, an impression was left. My condolences to your family.


Gone but never forgotten

From UK🇬🇧
I never had much interaction with Jaegarn outside of Arma and my Police Holidays with the UNMC. However his name definitely brings back good and funny memories of those times and I offer my heartfelt condolences to his family. I wish I saw the GoFundMe sooner to assist with giving his family a summer they will remember forever, but I hope the money will atleast help in the current times.
I hope that Jaegarn's son grows to experience the same great memories in the online world and gets to meet similarly great people like those who have helped build this community over the last 10 years.

Love from the UK 🇬🇧
Spent many many, years playing on the opposite side to Jagger because he always played cop. Was a great guy who when he had a police holiday would usually join us to play against the police. Sound guy. condolences to his family.

Farewell the big sniper head, MX-SW/MAR-10 god.

Spent couple years with you in the unmc always up for a joke and a laugh. afterwards we spent some time in the cops. CSI of kavala chief of hobo town.
You will be missed, i recently started playing arma again with couple people, You have no idea how its taking us back to the past, there goes not a single day bye
that your name does not come up!
You are deeply missed !
i still got one qoutq of you left.

"Happyknife can you send me your old underwear" - Jaegarn 22/09/2017

Big love! <3 from Belgium
A name I've not heard for a while, such a shame to hear what happened to you mate.

Wish I could have caught up with you, like I have with so many from the old days of ALUK/RPUK. I will pour one out in your honour, and I'm sure the lads I'm with will plan some great send-off for you.

All the best to you, Jaegarn. Where-ever you are now.
It wasn't that long ago that I spoke to you man, and you'd told me what had been going on in your life. From the news about your newborn..- to your struggles. But you were always laughing, and getting on with shit even though things were tough.

You are amazing. And I hope those around you got to experience the fun loving 'Jaegarn' that I got to meet through this random server that I just stumbled across 9 years ago.

Much love brother, you'll always have a place in our minds, and our hearts.

United Kingdom 🇬🇧
A final salute from General Khandamir to Corporal Jaegern... 🫡😢

When I heard about your situation last year it really hit home.. I'd only recently found out we're expecting a child and then word of your situation reached me.

You just became a father and then to have to deal with this.. The world truly is a unfair and harsh place. It saddened me so much to hear how quick it all went after I found out what you were dealing with. I wish you and your family all the best and one day, when your son is old enough to wanna know more about his old man, I hope with all my heart he can find some solace in these messages. To know that his dad was such a good man, that so many people from so many different countries, different walks of life, remember him and shared memories about him long after he was gone. The friendships we make online are just as real to us as those in the physical world and the memories don't fade away when the hours spent gaming go down due to life catching up with us.

I remember you as a solid guy, always in for a joke, but also to provide a listening ear to everyone's day to day troubles. We spent many hours guarding the border, hunting down trespassers and dealing with them in the UNMC fashion of swift justice. You've been a part of that wonderous period in all of our lives, the start of my venture into Roleplay, a journey still ongoing many years later. I'll always remember you and raise a glass in your honour whenever the opportunity presents itself!

Rest in peace man, and know you'll always be remembered.


<3 Much love from the Netherlands, and strength to your missus and your son and your family and friends..
From TCK to the UNMC we had some good times. We dropped out of touch after most of us quit arma, but we were all in the same discord and you updated us with things that were going on in your life now and then, you gave that old discord life haha.

Hard to believe this is real, even though we didn’t speak as much as we did in the old days.

My thoughts are with your family, Vis Unita Fortior.

Rest easy old friend.
Jaegarn will never be forgotten.

He was a LT. Jaegarn [UNMC],
may his memory live on with us all,
celebrate and remember all the good times we had,
keeping his family in our thoughts and hearts.

Words can not describe our feelings of loss,
but that will not faultier us in how we remember you.

Rest in peace brother, the pains over now :cry: ❤️

Love from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
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Ah man this one hit me hard when I heard last week.
I remember some good times with Jaegarn on AR patrols with me in I-99. Always had a good time and a laugh with him.

Condolences to the family.

From The Netherlands and Canada ig.
Spent a lot of time with him, playing Tarkov, playing Arma.. he was a great guy… funny.. witty

When he messaged me in November about his situation, we talked about playing something together.. maybe jumping on some Arma..

I messaged him on Steam few days ago.. how he’s doing… and today when I found out today that we never will… I’m heartbroken.

Thanks for everything.. wish we could turn back time and go on one more patrol together.. Will miss you man! ❤️

Spent a lot of time with him, playing Tarkov, playing Arma.. he was a great guy… funny.. witty

When he messaged me in November about his situation, we talked about playing something together.. maybe jumping on some Arma..

I messaged him on Steam few days ago.. how he’s doing… and today when I found out today that we never will… I’m heartbroken.

Thanks for everything.. wish we could turn back time and go on one more patrol together.. Will miss you man! ❤️

Would you mind if I steal your idea/design and put this on a tombstone in one of the graveyards in FiveM? Don't even know if it's easy to do and I know he hadn't played FiveM much, but he was still a long-standing member of our community and I'd love to eternalize him in the game as well as in this post.
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Would you mind if I steal your idea/design and put this on a tombstone in one of the graveyards in FiveM? Don't even know if it's easy to do and I know he hadn't played FiveM much, but he was still a long-standing member of our community and I'd love to eternalize him in the game as well as in this post.
Absolutely, it’s not a competition.

I’ll improve mine at some point. Happy to put a TCK logo or UNMC logo on my end, just didn’t really have a chance to reach out to people over permission to use them.

I’m sure he would love that. @Recon9
Jaegarn, Jimmy, It was a pleasure knowing you.
Thank you for the years we spent together pretending to be cops on the internet, you was one of my online boys and ill never forget you. I'll forever appreciate you taking the time to message me also thanking myself for our time together, just 2 weeks before you passed away. I must say when i found out about your passing just over a month ago, it honestly broke my heart a bit. I'm sorry our friendship fizzled out after Arma, but life gets in the way man. I also want to thank you for helping make my teenage years, Arma was a big part of our life's and we all spent so many hours playing together.

Looking back at old vids, and you was always laughing, and coming out with the weirdest shit. Never failed to make us laugh. Taken far to soon, Rest easy mate <3

i know this clip from 2019 aint much, but maybe your family hearing you talk and laugh etc will bring back memories together.

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Sending love to your family in this tough time, Kai, From England.
Absolutely, it’s not a competition.

I’ll improve mine at some point. Happy to put a TCK logo or UNMC logo on my end, just didn’t really have a chance to reach out to people over permission to use them.

I’m sure he would love that. @Recon9
@George Harris has kindly put some work into making one for our server. If anyone would like to stop by and pay your respects please do. (and don't worry about metagaming the location please, I'm sure we can make an exception for this one)

The images are a little blurry but that's my potato PC, they look very nice in "person".

@George Harris has kindly put some work into making one for our server. If anyone would like to stop by and pay your respects please do. (and don't worry about metagaming the location please, I'm sure we can make an exception for this one)

The images are a little blurry but that's my potato PC, they look very nice in "person".

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This is amazing. I dont really play FiveM here but for this, I might just fly in at some point and pay my respects <3
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