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Buffing drugs relative to on duty police

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Doctor Box

Active member
Brief Summary: The selling price of drugs to local increases based off the amount of police on duty at the time.

Detailed Suggestion:
By putting in a system that increases the selling price based off the amount of on duty police it would significantly increase the risk - reward of selling drugs. A common complaint about drugs is that selling them comes with more risk than reward Cocaine being the most commonly mentioned though alternatives like weed could also profit from this change.

The Pros:
- Risk - reward of selling drugs is increased. More people will consider selling drugs, thus increasing the opportunity for crim RP.

The Cons:
The police will have to work harder to stop the drug trade and it will take time to find a sweet spot for how much drugs should be buffed relative to the amount of police.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

I like the idea of being like "I need money" and not immediately calling someone to do bins. Back in my young crim days I enjoyed selling coke as it was a good way to earn money, but currently the risk is not worth the reward.

Buffing it to allow people to earn more due to said risk is a solid idea and it will give people other things to do that isn't sitting in a Ratloader while watching Netflix.
Drugs should be buffed regardless of how many police are online, this change can only impact the server in a positive way so it’s a +1

I enjoy selling drugs, the rp that goes into it, from either making/farming weed to collecting coke packages, refining and bagging etc or buying from different groups! Setting up meetings to buy/sell in large amounts, warring/fighting over certain selling areas, the police chases, the lies to try get out of it after being caught, it’s fun. Seeing how much the drug scene, and subsequently the RP that is attached to it, has been neglected is sad to see.. #makedrugsgreatagain!
Good idea +1, my only concern would be how to balance it.

After the 6pm restart there are often X about of officers on and maybe by midnight people start doing bins again because of the drop off, however there would need to be some kind of cap because during events and situations there can often be a large amount of officers online where then drugs would sell for too much.

But overall drugs should be the best way of making money for the average player. There needs to be a risk/reward factor added back.
Only if the amount of drugs sold adds a delay to NHS dispatches, stock shortages at pharmacies and inceases hospital bed times to simulate the extra pressure on the NHS 🤣
I love the idea
Sounds amazing for all those drug mules, but also I think an overall buff to the prices of drugs would be a nice change in regards to the bin nerfs, maybe the colombians could make a massive profit!
+1 to this idea. I've always thought it would be great to be able to sell all around the city but only for a limited time so you wouldn't be able to just sit in one spot. In addition to your idea maybe different areas could have a small increase / percentage of a sale and these areas could be changed daily at random so drug dealers would have to look around the city or talk to each other to find the best spots.
+1 - Please bring back drug dealing as a viable way to make money. A big reason there is an overwhelming police presence to certain incidents is the lack of other crimes going on. The economy in general needs to do a better job at incentivising crime.
I like this idea,

(The following is just my current thoughts and not a promise that I will be implementing anything)

You should be able to sell everywhere, but most of the buffs will come from being on a turf
Different turfs should have preferences over what drugs they like (perhaps affected by what drugs are sold on the turf). A bonus is given if you sell the preferred drug
if the majority of people on your turf are buying from outsiders (the non-local gang, i.e. Aztecas on Azteca turf), That gang should be de-buffed on their turf
I agree the risk should be taken into effect, be it the amount of the gang are awake from that turf and police on duty

I also think there should be changes to the production side. This is a lot of work, so it wouldn't be done quickly.
But I do see some of these changes or similar coming eventually
I like this idea,

(The following is just my current thoughts and not a promise that I will be implementing anything)

You should be able to sell everywhere, but most of the buffs will come from being on a turf
Different turfs should have preferences over what drugs they like (perhaps affected by what drugs are sold on the turf). A bonus is given if you sell the preferred drug
if the majority of people on your turf are buying from outsiders (the non-local gang, i.e. Aztecas on Azteca turf), That gang should be de-buffed on their turf
I agree the risk should be taken into effect, be it the amount of the gang are awake from that turf and police on duty

I also think there should be changes to the production side. This is a lot of work, so it wouldn't be done quickly.
But I do see some of these changes or similar coming eventually
I like this idea,

(The following is just my current thoughts and not a promise that I will be implementing anything)

You should be able to sell everywhere, but most of the buffs will come from being on a turf
Different turfs should have preferences over what drugs they like (perhaps affected by what drugs are sold on the turf). A bonus is given if you sell the preferred drug
if the majority of people on your turf are buying from outsiders (the non-local gang, i.e. Aztecas on Azteca turf), That gang should be de-buffed on their turf
I agree the risk should be taken into effect, be it the amount of the gang are awake from that turf and police on duty

I also think there should be changes to the production side. This is a lot of work, so it wouldn't be done quickly.
But I do see some of these changes or similar coming eventually


I would love to see a drugs overhaul. The cat and mouse between cops and crims back when drugs were king (pre bins) is a very enjoyable part of the game for many of us, so anything which brings that RP back is a massive step forward.
Fairly new here and late to thread; but this is honestly such an amazing idea, high risk high rewards with high consequences ;)
Just a week later from Mike Polos ideas we sat down and had a look at this!

Since then, this have changed without meta info ofc.

- Prince Changes (Up & Down and will also change again)

- Some drugs not being obtainable in a bigger scale (Cocaine was king, but there are a couple princes climbing the ladders)

- Recipe changes both in what you need to make and output. (This will change more)

- More ways for ingredients to be obtained (More RP)

- Locations that just did not work, now works

More to come hopefully!
Drugs are now being looked at pretty seriously so im going to move and lock this thread
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