Good evening Andrew, I hope you've had a splendid weekend? I have to say I am quite shocked to find myself here for the second time since 2017 as I'm not one for getting reported! I would've appreciated the opportunity to liaise this matter with you through discord, but you didn't provide that opportunity. I couldn't elaborate on my OOC message as I was in an ongoing RP situation at the time, and then forgot to reply to you once that situation was finished.
I do apologise if you felt if this was a random attack against your taxi and I'd be more than happy to elaborate on this for you here. Roughly 5/10 minutes prior to me bulldozing your cab I was in an altercation with another fellow taxi driver near the Pillbox area who for some reason was just straight up rude and causing issues for me randomly. Unfortunately he decided to flee the scene before I could have words and settle our issue like men, I then set out searching for this taxi, which happened to be the same taxi model which you were driving this evening. At first glance I was almost certain that your taxi was the said taxi in question and decided to unleash my "within RP" rage and attempt to destroy the taxi as revenge for the altercation me and that taxi driver were in. In hindsight this was probably not the wisest decision to make before 100% confirming that your taxi was the one in question I was searching for, however I was following the roleplay story from the situation that occurred just previously and had set out to wage war on the taxi drivers. I am sorry that you felt this was random and in hindsight could have probably been roleplayed out better before the demolition, and give you more of an understanding instead of thinking it was a random baldy attack per say.
If you are willing, I'd be happy to discuss this matter in discord with you at some point?
Kind Regards
Keith Robinson