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Unban Appeal - Zino_ - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ellis Jones
Steam ID: 76561199567946010
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19718
Ban Reason: (G3.1 OOC Info) Metagaming
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for metagaming in a situation involving myself and the police. I logged on to the server around 2:15pm and began driving round looking for people to interact with, i drove down towards civ impound where i noticed 2 police cars chasing a low-rider style car with 2 people in it. The car pulled up to me where i realised it was my friend, who then jumped out of his car and in to mine which then lead to the police chasing after us for a few minutes. After a short while we both decided to decamp from my car and attempt to run away as we both had some red gulls.

I ran through a car park where Hank was the only person chasing after me so i pulled my gun out and was tazed straight away and cuffed. I then went down and was being taken to pillbox where i began talking on discord to my friend where i told him to die, ironically he didnt hear me as he was not in the call but Hank heard me as i was hotmic'ing. I dont believe Hank heard what i said, but during our conversation in QE i told him and was honest as id simply lost my head and i ruined the RP experience for both myself and Hank. Metagaming has no place in RP and like i have said, it is never something i would partake in.
Why should we unban you: I unfortunately have been banned for metagaming before so i know how it would be easy enough to reject my appeal and give me a cooldown but i know that it is a complete lapse in judgement. Since my last metagaming ban 7 months ago (which was also a stupid lapse of judgement) i believe i have always provided high quality RP and made every interaction enjoyable for everybody i meet. Metagaming is not something i partake in, i overreacted in the moment and lost my cool. Immediately after it happened i realised how stupid it was and tried my best to apologise to Hank as it ruined his experience. We are all here to roleplay and have an enjoyable time together and i greatly diminished it for both of us.

Id like to be unbanned as i know it is not something that every happens during my time playing. I thoroughly enjoy playing both my Police character and my Crim character and id be gutted to not be able to hop in the server and have fun with everybody. If i were to be unbanned, id only ever play the server when i was calm (like i normally do) but in this situation i was tired and exhauted after working all day. Id like to apologise to Hank as he didnt deserve for me to ruin his time playing.

Regards, Ellis.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @Zino_ ,

What did you say to your friend to warrant being banned for metagaming?

Why did you have to be brought to pillbox?
Hi OneShot,

I appreciate the swift reply. I was being taken to pillbox as i tried to kill myself in complete frustration at the situation, immediately after doing so i felt like a idiot and had calmed down so i attempted to continue talking to Hank. i then hot mic'd me telling my friend to die, to which he didnt hear me as he wasnt in the call with me, so now i look even more stupid. Myself, Hank and Avion all continued our RP together and i was taken to prison for my offences, whilst on the way there i asked Avion how long my friend got (as in prison time) to which he informed me that my friend had actually gotten away anyway. I believe Hank didnt hear what i actually said during the time i hot mic'd but ratther than lie i told him the truth. I dont mind losing on the server, we all win some and lose some during our time in RP so me losing my head made me feel incredibly foolish and i can only apologise for this and i hope it didnt ruin it too much for Hank as i believe the rest of our RP together was good.

Regards, Ellis.
Good afternoon @Zino_

You were unbanned for metagaming 28/07/2024, by myself and almost 7 month later you are metagaming again? Clearly the lesson has not been learnt. How can I trust this won't happen again? Simply put, I cannot. You have already thrown the chance that was taken on you in my face so this appeal will be declined.

You can appeal again 24/07/2025

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