Hello I'm the fella who arrived to the scene on the bike.
Sadly I didn't have any recording software open at the time.
So to give some context as to why I was in that area, at that time:
Myself, my mate Dan and our good pal Leo are currently working together to try and buy a shop. In order to make the connections required to be in a position to buy a shop in the first place, Leo has been putting in a lot of work for Luchetti's restaurant and getting facetime with the "high society" of RPUK via working at Hardwick PDM.
Dan and Leo bought a container together near the Chumash clothing store, and I have recently (yesterday/day before) paid them some money to get access to this container. They are filling it with vegetables and food stuff, not really my bag, but I thought it would be worth chipping in to have some more storage options.
With working for Luchetti's as a supplier, Leo has been getting lists of items that he, Dan and myself go and gather to then sell to them. Order of the day was for clams.
As a result, Dan has been working hard panning to collect up the clams and often pans at the beach behind Leo's house (to which he has access). I know this in character, having been to see the house and talked about the potential for fishing/panning with both Leo and Dan. They have previously fished in this same location independently.
Last night, I had been selling guns, drugs, all sorts of stuff, and was on my way to the (new to me) container near Chumash to deposit some of my ill gotten gains.
I'd arrived at the container and realized I didn't have the code to hand. Not wanting to spend ages scrolling through texts for a code that may or may not be there, I thought to just go and see if Dan was still panning, to ask for the code from him.
I travelled over the back hill near the clothing shop to the pier, and this is where I saw my mate being put into zipties.
I waited a bit to see if i recognized who it was, or what was really going on. When you loaded him into the car, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with a sultan on my bike, and so used this moment to approach and ask "what are you boys doing".
Expectedly, I was met with hostility and a gun pointed at me, which you then shot at me first - so I shot you and your pal, saving my mate Dan. After you were shot, immediately you called me to QE in LOOC and refused to provide any further RP. Not acting your injuries, answering my questions, or giving any indication you were even still at your computer. I told you I would join when the RP is over to which you also expressed your unhappiness with the ongoing RP, or lack thereof from your perspective.
*But what I'm struggling to understand is that at 3:35 I can hear a bike going past then at 3:52 you immediately seen going down the stairs to hide in a bush so in 17 seconds you have completed your task of putting your stuff away and also spotted your mate being robbed.*
To address the above:
- I can't hear a bike in the clip. Are you sure you're not hearing a local car - seems to sound like a Duke or some kinda muscle car to me. Not sure what bearing this has on the report.
- I didn't end up depositing anything into the container at that time, as when I approached I realized I didn't have the code to hand. I thought asking Dan would be quicker than digging through all my texts.
- You saw (or maybe not due to being in a boot, not sure) that after you were downed, I passed some things to Dan to put away for me, as it obviously wasn't a great idea to have him stood there texting me a code or to say it out loud.