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Current state of whitelisted gangs/groups


Yello, I've had a couple thoughts about the city for a while now, but I'm not really sure which suggestion category to write them under, so I hope here will do! as a "Crim main" for the large duration of my seven months in the city, I've formed a few opinions about the current state of whitelisted gangs and through talking to others I know that I don't stand alone in these beliefs. I feel like the state of whitelisted gangs is an ignored issue and the level of RP provided by them has deteriorated, this is in no way isolated to a single gang/group and applies to many across the city.

It has become WAY too easy for someone to join a whitelisted gang/group withing RPUK. Whitelisted gangs/groups within the city are supposed to hold the highest standard of RP within the city, the criteria for become a whitelisted gang/group is not simply to "Be strong" or to win wars, From my understanding they are meant to prioritise roleplay at all times regardless of the quality of their fighting. I feel like this however has become a phenomenon in city and can only be credited to a few determined gangs/groups instead of the majority. In my opinion, the root cause of this is the decline in roleplay leading up to the initiation of a gang member into the Tablet (F6). Due to the hard process of becoming a recognised gang/group and the high quality of roleplay these gangs/groups surely whitelisted gangs shouldn't just take anyone. Whitelisted gangs should be reserved for the "Best of the Best" within the city regarding roleplay ability, and in order to make sure these standards are upheld there should be a sense of rarity to joining a whitelisted gang. I know from personal observations that within the city certain whitelisted gangs have a hangaround process of less than a week. There are whitelisted gangs/groups in the city who very evidently recruit players on the base of combat skill or purely just to increase their numbers and make them stronger, which I believe is a clear show of some Whitelisted gangs having a "Winning mentality" because it its obvious that these groups are recruiting to win. I think undeniably the hangaround process of a whitelisted gang/groups should be much, MUCH longer than it currently seems to be, in order to "Vet" the people who join. You should not have people in your tablet that barely know how to use vehicle placement, Whitelisted gangs shouldn't be the starting place for new players within the city.

I also think that this issue has been propelled by the amount of wars that have been happening recently. Wars and beefs alike should always have an extremely large amount of roleplay behind them. Similar to the RDM rule, I believe that beefs that end up in full scale gunfights (Unless extremely spontaneous) should be approached with a much higher level of roleplay. I understand that as a gang in city, you need to show a persona of being dangerous and willing to fight but in a realistic scenario you shouldn't be as willing to sacrifice multiple lives over small disagreements such as someone saying "Fuck [...]". I think that in the lead up to a gang beef/war, there needs to be sufficient roleplay provided to the situation. Leaders of whitelisted gangs should be less willing to sacrifice the lives of their members as although it is only a game, they shouldn't take into account their members ability to respawn. I think before a war or a beef, the gang leaders should consider more talks, other possible solutions and if the only possible solution is bloodshed then they go ahead. I think doing this will mean that whitelisted gangs/groups no longer feel a need to fill up their tablet with people who may not be fit for the position in order to become a stronger group. Again I understand that a lot of the time beefs/wars seem some what unavoidable and that they more times then not are very spontaneous, I still firmly believe that if the whitelisted gangs/groups started setting this example of quality roleplay before a beef/war then it will massively improve the quality of roleplay overall in whitelisted gangs.

This has been something I've been thinking of for a while now, and I thought I'd express my opinion here and possibly get some other thoughts/criticism. Its kind of a shell of an idea and I know I have no real plausible solution but I wanted to push the issue to the frontlines. If this suggestion has already been talked about or something similar has been addressed (And if i wasted my time writing this) Please let me know :)
So if we reduced the cap on all gangs,

do you not think the same would happen? that it would just be a rush to get the max to be the big gang and take on all the others?
I think most people would actually look more into it and ask is it worth fighting and try figure out a way to solve it a lot quicker than dragging it out till staff end it.
So if we reduced the cap on all gangs,

do you not think the same would happen? that it would just be a rush to get the max to be the big gang and take on all the others?
I feel like reducing the cap would mean that gangs/groups in the city are more selective of who they recruit, meaning people who provide RP would take priority in the more exclusive, whitelisted gangs, and newer less experienced players will have to resort to unwhitelisted gangs to learn the ropes and eventually progress.
It will be a rush yes, but still this will increase gang activity and prevent them from dying, as I think we will see more gangs in the city and this will create more rp
I also completely agree with this point. Having a smaller F6 for all gangs/groups will spread out crims between established and new gangs meaning new gangs (And therefor new roleplay and situations that come with it) will form.
I do not know specifically how it run but i heard OOC The Firm and The lost run the gun businesses, i've seen in another city where you all have a certain area you start in being your base and you spread the tags being wise about which way you control, which could be good because in certain areas you could put cutting benches so not everyone has one and you've got to control this area, once the area won it cant be attacked for a certain amount of days which means RP has to be given because you need to discuss a deal with that gang that has the turf, me personally there is nothing for gangs to RP over as they could RP over some turf and discuss a deal to get have it and if not then go into. i've never been in a gang so dont really know but maybe if there was something to get negotiations going and things to RP over.

adding on to idea of people owning certain things in turfs and like drugs and guns, and not allowed to attack for certain hours, If a group is to strong what would be the half in two other gangs discussing to team to take control of the drugs and guns and split 50/50 which could create RP to them falling out and other gangs getting involved.
It will be a rush yes, but still this will increase gang activity and prevent them from dying, as I think we will see more gangs in the city and this will create more rp
I agree with this point if, Gang tablets got reduced to 15 or 10 you would see more gangs form and the gangs that form and have the 6 or 7 loyal members they would flourish instead of being around for a couple months and then going away again, I believe that reducing the amount of people allowed in a tablet would increase RP
I agree with this point if, Gang tablets got reduced to 15 or 10 you would see more gangs form and the gangs that form and have the 6 or 7 loyal members they would flourish instead of being around for a couple months and then going away again, I believe that reducing the amount of people allowed in a tablet would increase RP
In my opinion this is putting a bandaid on something and won't really fix anything, but that's just what i think. I don't think more gangs is what needed i reckon keeping the ones that currently exist is what is needed.
The most realistic scenario if this were to happen is gangs disbanding quicker to create new ones and there would be way more F6 rotations and eventually what would happen would be alot of people maybe rotating out of whitelisted F6 to normal F6's and it would be a massive "clusterfuck" with everyone asking for whistelist etc.. thats just what i think.
I don't agree with reducing the number of people in the gang. It has been discussed so many times in the past and people always end up in favor of not touching the gang limit: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/reduce-gang-cap-to-15.413692/page-1 . Echoing what bmav said, it's just putting a band-aid on a problem that won't fix anything.

Until this day I still believe that we should have a limit on hostile groups. Brief explanation below:

A maximum of 4 people in a single group can be involved in a hostile scenario at any time. Gangs certainly will have more people than that however they cannot take part in activities beyond the count of 4. During big heists, this limit becomes 6 people.

For police similar rule applies, party of 4 patrolling the area and if an officer goes down another 4 people should be called for backup (total of 8 police officers including downed officers).

There should be no such place as 'home turf' for hostile groups. You cannot lead a hostile situation back to your 'home turf' and have the rest of the gang involved as this excludes group limit. This would be the same as escaping the police chase and hiding inside your house mid-chase. Power gaming.

This is the basics of the rule however this could potentially fix a lot of the issues that people are constantly complaining about, some of these include:
- Gang limit would not matter as hostile groups are limited.
- No 25 v 25 PVP scenarios giving smaller gangs a chance to also win.
- Police would feel more in charge as no criminals are zerging around the server.
- Allow people a chance to roleplay as you're not talking with over 15 people in a circle.

I can go on but i think this paints a pretty good picture.

"But staff don't get paid enough to monitor this shit". Well lucky for us report section exists, it's bouncing all year round so whats a few more reports for the sake of potentially better roleplay?
Icl i think the games already gone. Damage has been done its now too far to fix. When i occasionally fly in, there just seems to be something not right with the city i cant really explain it. The server was class but has had nothing improved or fresh in it for ages. The gangs have had absolutely nothing new and it just seems like there's no effort towards gangs in general therefore so many people leaving the server. A bit disappointing tbh because with what RPUK was like in the past its definitely in a massive shadow of itself now.
Icl i think the games already gone. Damage has been done its now too far to fix. When i occasionally fly in, there just seems to be something not right with the city i cant really explain it. The server was class but has had nothing improved or fresh in it for ages. The gangs have had absolutely nothing new and it just seems like there's no effort towards gangs in general therefore so many people leaving the server. A bit disappointing tbh because with what RPUK was like in the past its definitely in a massive shadow of itself now.
I agree it feels like nothing added and tbh it just gets boring, we used to have loads of staff at flywheels because we created good RP up there and had events on and was told in two different meetings that they'd get back to us about upgrades. the city is boring there nothing to do, the staff that Flywheels had of all flown out to different cities because fed up of waiting for CoC to get back to us and got bored of keeping flywheels open 24/7 but hardly anyone coming as out of city and we had no upgrades. personally i feel the city is now just a frag server. everywhere you go you hear guns going off or getting checked by gangs its boring. i remember when i first joined i got a mule and collected fruit and had good RP with people as i started my own fruit company. there nothing like that now as there no where to go and nothing to do....
If you don't like how people RP then dont play into that style of rp, put your guns away or let it slide, yes it will probably mean that your character gets shot or 'loses' but if you're not willing to do roleplay in the way you believe it should be done in favor of getting the ''win'' then why should anyone else
Unfortunately, while the idea you have said is sound with the principle of setting a standard of rp you would like and hopefully that spreads to other players this simply just doesnt happen. not playing into that style of rp unfortunately only rewards the other group and enables them to do it more. they wont learn or change from this interaction they will simply abuse it resulting in many things ive seen in the past like groups disbanding due to lack of motivation and simply being bullied around by groups because they, as you said "Dont play into that style of rp"

A major issue i think that contributes to constantly hostile gangs and low rp is simply, there isnt enough to fight over so people make reasons, the locations that can be fought over have very little reward to "owning" them. most gangs have locked off workbenches ect they dont have to defend them cause they physically cant be used by anyone but them. Group stashes and safes cant be broken into (as far as im aware) you cant steal stuff from peoples houses. theres alot of the time very little gangs can do to hurt another group except just repeatedly kill eachother and shittalk eachother on tweedle, if there were more mechanics in place for warring gangs id like to think this would also open up more rp between groups and also raise the stakes and risks of going to war making it a big more meaningful, especially for whitelisted groups that have more benefits such as stashes and workbenches.
Icl i think the games already gone. Damage has been done its now too far to fix. When i occasionally fly in, there just seems to be something not right with the city i cant really explain it. The server was class but has had nothing improved or fresh in it for ages. The gangs have had absolutely nothing new and it just seems like there's no effort towards gangs in general therefore so many people leaving the server. A bit disappointing tbh because with what RPUK was like in the past its definitely in a massive shadow of itself now.
I agree with this
I agree it feels like nothing added and tbh it just gets boring, we used to have loads of staff at flywheels because we created good RP up there and had events on and was told in two different meetings that they'd get back to us about upgrades. the city is boring there nothing to do, the staff that Flywheels had of all flown out to different cities because fed up of waiting for CoC to get back to us and got bored of keeping flywheels open 24/7 but hardly anyone coming as out of city and we had no upgrades. personally i feel the city is now just a frag server. everywhere you go you hear guns going off or getting checked by gangs its boring. i remember when i first joined i got a mule and collected fruit and had good RP with people as i started my own fruit company. there nothing like that now as there no where to go and nothing to do....
I also Agree with this.

I know it may take alot of effort for the Dev team but I feel like RPUK is at a standstill in the sense that once you have got that couple million and a car and some guns the only thing you can really do is, Join a gang, Fight another gang, either lose or win, Rebuild the gang and ur bank balance then go again. RPUK is a grinding server, if your in the city your most likely making money in one sense or another.

Things could be added like, Pool Halls, Table Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Bowling.

Things that you can fly into the city and do with your friends instead of "going out on the rob", taking police hostage or just doing a scene with the police in general.

This might not be the same for everyone but this is my opinion and i believe it relates to alot of people in the city. There is simply not alot to do in the city.

Another point is when making money everyone is doing Bins or Selling Drugs i feel like the recent update improved drugs but I feel like it didn't improve it enough. People do bins with the same people daily.

This may not be relevant to this suggestion but another thing i'd like to bring up is that when I joined the server 2 years ago and I was a "Baldie" it was alot easier to get out of that "Baldie" phase. Nowadays everyone is so closed off such as Bins, you do the same job daily with the same people and you don't meet anyone new this just isn't good for the new players who want to join the server RP and then join a gang and maybe do other bits and bobs.

End of the day RPUK is class but there just isn't anything to do other than make money and shoot/rob people (In My Opinion) Which maybe isn't a good mentality to have but personally I love grinding games and this server is perfect for me but when I do want that bit of chill time and have a laugh there isn't much to do.

End of Rant,
The gang scene died out because the server became unbalanced.
With gangs being illegal and risky they should always offer the highest reward. Is this fair for people who want to play civ? Probably not. In trying to balance the server towards the civ side the gang side has been left by the waste side. Case in point, garbage runs. They should never have been anywhere near as rewarding as they were or still are currently.
The server was at its peak when it was a "UK based gang server" so to speak. Gangs were the main focus and thus created 75% of all the RP on the server. Gangs were 25 strong back in the day and they weren't having constant shootouts then so its important to ask why and what has changed.

The first thing is the economy. Its far too easy to make a few hundred thousand in a day and you're set. You have no more motivation to make money unless you're wanting to buy a new car.

The second thing is the mentality of the gangs and the people they have in them. Leaders are not held to account like they used to be and every man and his dog can start a gang war over some stupid reason that they've either forced because they are bored or just doesn't make sense. Gang leaders always prioritise RP but that seems to be completely lost now. Everyone just wants to show how gangster they are 24/7. Leaders had so many agreements in place back in the day that if anyone stepped out of line they were under threat from all of the other gangs. Unfortunately because people now cannot be trusted to RP like this, a teaming rule exists.
There is no danger or threat to gangs any more.. Storage containers are a massive negative. I don't want to sound like someone who is longing for the glory days but back when all you had was a house with small storage and a gang safe, nothing was ever safe. If the police raided the gang safe, you lost millions in stuff and it was a real kick in the teeth. The storage containers now just add to the lack of danger. Another mechanic that impacted the already limited options gangs had was the ability to craft guns without a 3rd party. We had gang pistols, deagles and standard pistols. This was a form of RP that has now being locked behind a wall and has taken away from the already limited options available to gangs. Small arms deals gave gangs reasons to be in the mines, it gave whitelisted gangs reasons to set up deals with smaller gangs and everyone was having a good time. I understand it may have been removed to reduce the amount of guns in circulation but its certainly worse now than it ever was back then.
Another thing is the drug scene. It was Coke in 2020/2021 and its still coke today. 4 years on and its still gus runs and cutting if you want to make money. Gangs don't have perks, they don't have unique qualities that they can offer to other people and there just isn't enough options for people to create scenarios with.

As an example lets say I am running Vagos and there's 15 of us. We've just started out. Right, we will do gus runs and we will all sell coke all week and get our money up. Done. Now we will all buy some guns. Done. Now what? People don't drive around like they used to looking for gangs, You can stand on your turf and not a single person will come by for over an hour. Gangs have no purpose. Right 15 of us are bored now how can we make some RP? Other gangs don't need drugs, other gangs don't need money or guns so what's left? Let's start a beef fuck it. This is why gang members are off doing other things and not acting like gang members. They're off socialising with civs, doing civ jobs like bin jobs or just not logging on at all.
Next thing you know you've got 2 gangs having shootouts, police getting involved, everyones got a shit bored mentality and everyone starts to hate on each other.

I suggested it over 2 years ago and I will always stand by it, the server needs a relaunch, a re model, a do over, a refresh of the gangs and some new ideas. a 2.0 RPUK. I can log on now at peak times and it feels like a ghost town. I make a point to drive by all the turfs and they are always empty. The server has lost its feel and has very much become a civ VR Chat server. It needs something to re inject the excitement that it once had and give people a reason to roleplay again. I could talk about this all day but ill leave it at that for now.

EDIT - 69 players and its only 1am, that never used to be a normal level so something definitely needs to change.
The gang scene died out because the server became unbalanced.
With gangs being illegal and risky they should always offer the highest reward. Is this fair for people who want to play civ? Probably not. In trying to balance the server towards the civ side the gang side has been left by the waste side. Case in point, garbage runs. They should never have been anywhere near as rewarding as they were or still are currently.
The server was at its peak when it was a "UK based gang server" so to speak. Gangs were the main focus and thus created 75% of all the RP on the server. Gangs were 25 strong back in the day and they weren't having constant shootouts then so its important to ask why and what has changed.

The first thing is the economy. Its far too easy to make a few hundred thousand in a day and you're set. You have no more motivation to make money unless you're wanting to buy a new car.

The second thing is the mentality of the gangs and the people they have in them. Leaders are not held to account like they used to be and every man and his dog can start a gang war over some stupid reason that they've either forced because they are bored or just doesn't make sense. Gang leaders always prioritise RP but that seems to be completely lost now. Everyone just wants to show how gangster they are 24/7. Leaders had so many agreements in place back in the day that if anyone stepped out of line they were under threat from all of the other gangs. Unfortunately because people now cannot be trusted to RP like this, a teaming rule exists.
There is no danger or threat to gangs any more.. Storage containers are a massive negative. I don't want to sound like someone who is longing for the glory days but back when all you had was a house with small storage and a gang safe, nothing was ever safe. If the police raided the gang safe, you lost millions in stuff and it was a real kick in the teeth. The storage containers now just add to the lack of danger. Another mechanic that impacted the already limited options gangs had was the ability to craft guns without a 3rd party. We had gang pistols, deagles and standard pistols. This was a form of RP that has now being locked behind a wall and has taken away from the already limited options available to gangs. Small arms deals gave gangs reasons to be in the mines, it gave whitelisted gangs reasons to set up deals with smaller gangs and everyone was having a good time. I understand it may have been removed to reduce the amount of guns in circulation but its certainly worse now than it ever was back then.
Another thing is the drug scene. It was Coke in 2020/2021 and its still coke today. 4 years on and its still gus runs and cutting if you want to make money. Gangs don't have perks, they don't have unique qualities that they can offer to other people and there just isn't enough options for people to create scenarios with.

As an example lets say I am running Vagos and there's 15 of us. We've just started out. Right, we will do gus runs and we will all sell coke all week and get our money up. Done. Now we will all buy some guns. Done. Now what? People don't drive around like they used to looking for gangs, You can stand on your turf and not a single person will come by for over an hour. Gangs have no purpose. Right 15 of us are bored now how can we make some RP? Other gangs don't need drugs, other gangs don't need money or guns so what's left? Let's start a beef fuck it. This is why gang members are off doing other things and not acting like gang members. They're off socialising with civs, doing civ jobs like bin jobs or just not logging on at all.
Next thing you know you've got 2 gangs having shootouts, police getting involved, everyones got a shit bored mentality and everyone starts to hate on each other.

I suggested it over 2 years ago and I will always stand by it, the server needs a relaunch, a re model, a do over, a refresh of the gangs and some new ideas. a 2.0 RPUK. I can log on now at peak times and it feels like a ghost town. I make a point to drive by all the turfs and they are always empty. The server has lost its feel and has very much become a civ VR Chat server. It needs something to re inject the excitement that it once had and give people a reason to roleplay again. I could talk about this all day but ill leave it at that for now.

EDIT - 69 players and its only 1am, that never used to be a normal level so something definitely needs to change.
Couldn‘t agree more.
The first thing is the economy. Its far too easy to make a few hundred thousand in a day and you're set. You have no more motivation to make money unless you're wanting to buy a new car.
I do agree with this, money is waaaayy too easy to get. You shouldn't be able to make a million a day from sitting on bins! I would argue this is the reason for the increase of guns in circulation, as it only takes about an hour and a half to make the money for a gun, so it becomes more accessible and more in demand. (Side note, but if bins were reduced and other jobs were made more equal, it would create and bring back more RP opportunities for example renting out/selling custom taxis.)
The second thing is the mentality of the gangs and the people they have in them. Leaders are not held to account like they used to be and every man and his dog can start a gang war over some stupid reason that they've either forced because they are bored or just doesn't make sense. Gang leaders always prioritise RP but that seems to be completely lost now. Everyone just wants to show how gangster they are 24/7. Leaders had so many agreements in place back in the day that if anyone stepped out of line they were under threat from all of the other gangs. Unfortunately because people now cannot be trusted to RP like this, a teaming rule exists.
I agree with this mostly. Yes, leaders of whitelisted gangs should be held accountable, like I said in my origional thread, WL gangs should be the role model for RP and that not what we've been seeing. I think in a way, staff should sit down with the leaders and make sure this happens. This is a bit of a throw in the dark, but possibly if a rule is broken by a gang member in his colours (And its not something individual like character separation) then the leader of the gang should also get a bit of the punishment. Maybe only a 1 day if the member gets a permanent, and then 12 hours for all other ban durations. This will promote leaders of WL gangs to promote people who focus RP and are less of a "Report risk" of course the ban. About the teaming rule, I do believe one should exist but I think it should have some leniency. I don't agree with spontaneous teaming between gangs but if the situation is roleplayed to a great extent then I don't see why not. At the moment, the gang scene is extremely 2D, gangs only realy have the opportunity to beef with each other. Allowing for groups to create (WITH ROLEPLAY) alliances between each other brings additional roleplay and a greater risk to make wars and beefs something you have to navigate with caution.
There is no danger or threat to gangs any more.. Storage containers are a massive negative. I don't want to sound like someone who is longing for the glory days but back when all you had was a house with small storage and a gang safe, nothing was ever safe. If the police raided the gang safe, you lost millions in stuff and it was a real kick in the teeth. The storage containers now just add to the lack of danger.
I also agree with this, There needs to be greater danger to make "gang politics" a bit tricker to navigate and to create more RP. I agree with the idea of the gang sprays that Bmav mentioned, but also maybe make there some sort of achievable way of breaking into the "vaults" in gang turfs. I know that alot of these in MLOs are hidden away in places you'd least expect it, like in a light bulb or a bit of ceiling, make the difficulty of breaking into a gang turf the danger of being pushed by the gang and fought, and the task of finding the vaults. Adding something to be able to break into these vaults would add extra RP, maybe things like Inter-gang hostage taking to make sure you extract the items safely, and also make greater risk, so gangs are forced to talk it out before they go in guns blazing.
Another thing is the drug scene. It was Coke in 2020/2021 and its still coke today. 4 years on and its still gus runs and cutting if you want to make money. Gangs don't have perks, they don't have unique qualities that they can offer to other people and there just isn't enough options for people to create scenarios with.
This is something I also think is important. Having the blueprint and standard for drugs being coke is kind off boring. I think Gus should provide different gangs with different drug materials. For example a gangs Gus drops them the materials for making meth or LSD tabs In hidden locations in Sandy instead of coke on the island. For example Vagos, Azteccas and Cutlass get coke, but other gangs like Grove, hustlers, padrinos get Meth. This will bring wider RP into the server, but will require a drug balance 😬.
I suggested it over 2 years ago and I will always stand by it, the server needs a relaunch, a re model, a do over, a refresh of the gangs and some new ideas. a 2.0 RPUK. I can log on now at peak times and it feels like a ghost town. I make a point to drive by all the turfs and they are always empty. The server has lost its feel and has very much become a civ VR Chat server. It needs something to re inject the excitement that it once had and give people a reason to roleplay again. I could talk about this all day but ill leave it at that for now.
This is more controversial... When I wrote the origional thread last night, I intended to discuss maybe soft controls we could use to make sure WL gangs provide the RP they should be. However, I kind off agree with this view. A Hard reset would give people a fresh chance to create new RP and start fresh, breathe some new life into the city. Although it could be possitive, I overall don't think it's the right thing to do, although we are all complaining about the standard of RP is right now, there are still storylines playing out that have been in the works for months and sometimes years. The hard work of groups like S18 and Flywheels gone to waste as a reset will mean starting from page one and the dedication they showed becomes void without the result they were truly looking for. I think if a reset was in the question, there should be some sort of "Referendum" with a big majority result.
This is a bit of a throw in the dark, but possibly if a rule is broken by a gang member in his colours (And its not something individual like character separation) then the leader of the gang should also get a bit of the punishment.
I do not agree with this at all, I could see this turning gang fights in complete forum battles that try to get the opposing gangs leader banned as soon as possible for an advantage.
About the teaming rule, I do believe one should exist but I think it should have some leniency. I don't agree with spontaneous teaming between gangs but if the situation is roleplayed to a great extent then I don't see why not.
I remember when Cutlass was taxing smelt you had multiple groups all hanging out at the smeltery waiting for someone from Cutlass to try and tax someone, situations like this are, in my eyes at least, prime examples of RP that would allow for groups to band together against another group.
This will bring wider RP into the server, but will require a drug balance
I had put up a suggestion that with the more police clocked on duty the money you make from selling drugs increases, I think this would be one of the solutions that could greatly increase the drug scene on the server again.
On top of this Bmavs suggestion of turfs having better selling prices and even potentially giving the gang that owns the turf a % of the money could make for a really interesting large update where all of the money made from selling the correct drug at the correct turf with the right amount of police on duty goes into a special safe on that gangs turf which they can collect the money from and equally distribute it amongst all the members. This safe could then be raided by either opposing gangs or the police. if the police get it they could get a bonus for their hard work but if an opposing gang gets it then that money gets added to their own safe.
If you then make it so you can only collect the money from the safe every month or even every other month it'd allow for a lot of RP to go into trying to steal from the safe and protect it.
Now this is an idea I've just kind of whipped up on the spot so if anyone thinks it could be improved please share your thoughts.

As for the reset people keep bringing up, I personally believe it would ultimately be to the detriment of the server. People have been working for what they have for years, losing that would be incredibly demotivating. As much as it could make the server feel fresh, I feel like it is inevitable that the big groups with a lot of influence and history like The Lost, or The Firm would end up getting a head start due to their status and eventually it would all just go back to the current state of the server.
I had put up a suggestion that with the more police clocked on duty the money you make from selling drugs increases, I think this would be one of the solutions that could greatly increase the drug scene on the server again.
@Doctor Box Already a thing with another factor.
bout to get hit with the find out in rp
I just think that with how everyone considers drugs to be terrible and believe it isn't getting any changes some transparency is going to be needed to change people's minds and encourage them to go and try it out.
From what people have been saying I have to actually agree heavily that gangs dont fear getting into wars every week because they can easily hide their stuff in a place that cant be touched by other gangs or found by police.