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Some Changes have to be made


Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police
This post won't really follow the "traditional" formatting and I apologise in advance for that y'all!

So some things i've noticed since starting to actively play again, these will be broken down in segments to hopefully make the outlined issues a bit clearer, again these are changes I feel need to occur based on my experiences within RPUK since 2021 (Granted, majority of my time has been as a cop main or a civ/small time crim main)

- Gunplay

As is stands at the moment a lot of groups (Yes including Police until very recently with new, stricter changes) focus a lot on Gunplay, credit and grants given where due, firearms are definitely fine to own/use as long as they are used spareingly and as a last resort, it always seems to be the first resort for most situations that have unfolded recently this shouldn't be the case in my eyes however this is a mentality change that needs to change.

- Roleplay Standards

There is a pretty clear cut standard set by the great Staff Team here and I feel as though it is starting to slip more and more and that's not just new players, veteran players of the server have also been slipping down a slidey slope of offering Poor Quality Roleplay.

- Random Robbing

This is a BIG one that i've noticed, there are groups going around random robbing people, granted this wouldn't be such a bad thing IF they provided high quality Roleplay with it instead of the usual bollocks of "Hands now, don't touch your panic drop all your stuff", it's boring, it's repetetive and it's only fun for one side.

Now onto my actual suggestions for combatting some of these and other unlisted issues.

- Whitelisting

This is a big one and one that I know the idea had been toyed with before, but I feel as though a 5 question application would be more than sufficient to root out the poor/low quality players from those that are here for the right reasons. Some questions you may ask me is "Who would sift through these applications and approve or deny them?" To which I respond - A dedicated hand picked team of trusted players from RPUK that have proven to not only provide great Roleplay but have also shown their worth to the community.

- Server Wipe

This one may result in some negative comments and i'll happily address each one as they come but I do feel as though a lot of players have reached their end with regards to cash flow, I propose a full wipe of the servers economy, characters etc, this will allow for a fully fresh start for players to rebuild their characters, rebuild their RP friendships and relationships and also allow the Dev Team to remove the IRL vehicles that remain in the server, I see very few downsides to this aside from the odd moan about requiring to grind their way to the top again.

- Fresh Content

The players have recently spoken about how they would love to see fresh content on the server, whether that be jobs, crim activities or other great things to keep players busy with their friends, this task isn't the easiest and I know that as mentioned below, but it's something to definitely keep in mind should the wipe go ahead, it'll keep players engaged within the server and hopefully help retain players a bit more, perhaps even cycle the jobs around per restart, for example Taxi work and Mechanic work from 2pm till 6pm then maybe allow chopping, Transport and other jobs from 6pm until the following morning, it's all about keep things fresh.

I know that this is a rather large undertaking from the relatively small dev team (When comparing Devs to player ratio that is)

I appreciate any of y'all that have taken the time to read this suggestion and of course, thoughts and additions are more than welcome, I much like most if not all of you, don't want to see RPUK continue on this slippery downward slow and want to bring RPUK back to it's prime, when things were amazing, when RP was plentiful and when things just... made sense ya know? Take care all of you lot and I hope you all had an excellent holiday!

Signed ya favourite dickhead

PC Alec Hunter | Lord Philipe Trumper | Mitch Greene | ???

I agree with pretty much everything you have said here 🙂 and this is a view I've had as well and have stated in another suggestion similar to this regarding the drop in rp quality. However, there is two big things I don't agree with.


This is a big one and one that I know the idea had been toyed with before, but I feel as though a 5 question application would be more than sufficient to root out the poor/low quality players from those that are here for the right reasons. Some questions you may ask me is "Who would sift through these applications and approve or deny them?" To which I respond - A dedicated hand picked team of trusted players from RPUK that have proven to not only provide great Roleplay but have also shown their worth to the community.
This would be incredibly hard to enforce and i believe would be even more difficult to make unbiased unless you handpick a group that have no affiliations to any gangs or groups making their judgment completely unbiased and free of any opinion they may have of a group due to interactions they have had between them as a rival gang or being part of that gang. In general, I do believe while there should be a bit more power given to the players with stuff like this, it is inevitable people will one way or another become biased and its very hard to enforce if groups are being given a fair chance.

- Server Wipe

This one may result in some negative comments and i'll happily address each one as they come but I do feel as though a lot of players have reached their end with regards to cash flow, I propose a full wipe of the servers economy, characters etc, this will allow for a fully fresh start for players to rebuild their characters, rebuild their RP friendships and relationships and also allow the Dev Team to remove the IRL vehicles that remain in the server, I see very few downsides to this aside from the odd moan about requiring to grind their way to the top again.
This one i also don't entirely agree with. Yes a wipe may be beneficial but there are downsides and very clear downsides:

-Possible loss of player base due to people's progress being reset, just because a lot of players have reached their end goal doesn't mean everyone has

-Businesses that are still active and people have worked hard to get and build up are just thrown out the window

-unless there's rules in place I guarantee people will just recreate their old characters, form back up with their groups, rebuild their past rp over the day maybe less and boom we are back to how the server currently is already.

-the one downside you stated, people complaining they have to grind back up again

-Without a very heavy update accompanying the wipe you are just throwing people back into the same exact situation they were complaining about except now they get to start with nothing and build up what they have lost again doing the same jobs they have done a dozen times before that feel like a chore to do rather than entertaining and filled with rp

As I've said in another post, and this is entirely just my opinion. An update wont fix the quality of RP its just masks temporarily the issue for it to then spark up once more, RP is dependent on the playerbase and while yes stuff being added to the server assists with rp and can in cases make it easier. the quality is set by players and that quality of rp spreads to the newer players and sets the standard. Theres too many people in the city thats characters are just really poor impressions of sully from top boy if he was missing braincells. Alongside that something else ive noticed is there is good rp going on between people but a large majority of that is hidden away in small niche social circles or behind closed doors of groups.

While this is certainly not everygroup or all players as theres some great groups about and characters on the server some groups just negatively affect rp straight off from their first interaction with someone, second you say hi to them they instantly respond in a negative way that completely streamlines any option of having a deeper talk with them and rping. Some people i have spoken to seem like they treat the server as a frag server with a little rp on the side between their downtime when they're not fighting and some people seem to play like they are back on arma 3 altis life the way they play. I dont believe a wipe would fix this issue its something that needs to change with how people play the server.

Server Wipe

As for the rest of your post i agree with most and there is not a lot you can do to change peoples roleplay. Only lead by example and provide the best RP you can and they may see how much more fun it is to put in more time into good RP rather than fast robotic boring RP. I myself have been motivated to roleplay better on the server after seeing top notch RP in the past 🙂

server state right now really needs this for sure especially whitelisting as all other servers are doing it. It really saddens me to see rp quality all the way down in the past 2 years.
of course, I'm writing this after getting robbed by people using the same way u mentioned lol and I know you might say report them but hell I know for a fact it's the state of everybody and getting rid of one won't fix it and the new coming ones will follow the same path. been here for 5 years roleplaying and it's damn great server when it comes to scripting and lots of other things but rp quality...
whitelisting attracts most people who want to roleplay and then maintain the server from within and making it last longer. Queues on whitelisted servers speak for themselves.
Also if devs connect themselves more with the community regarding future and upcoming updates so it would keep the community's excitement going :).
+1 to the above but don't support the wipe idea .
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I love that the server is unwhitelisted.
It attracts a varying crowd, some great, some not so much - A simple application would hopefully dissipate the few that ruin it for the many.
Also if devs connect themselves more with the community regarding future and upcoming updates so it would keep the community's excitement going
The issue here is that we usually just do stuff that we want to do since we aren't getting paid and aren't usually asked to do specific things and there's no time limits on stuff either. Like currently I have 32 open merge requests, 15 of which aren't fully complete and some of the ones that are complete are fairly large and are awaiting approval so it's not like we can really give a roadmap or anything similar for stuff we do as we don't know how long stuff will take to complete and how long it will take to be approved - once it's approved it usually ends up in the next update.

Personally I like to be transparent so if someone asked me what I was working on I'd happily tell them (unless it's anticheat changes or staff tooling for obvious reasons) however I don't give timeframes as I don't want to set an expectation of when it will go in. Like yesterday I was working on https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/foodmapp-a-restaurant-guide-m-app.428514/ which has a new phone app and also includes some stuff that I've moved out of the "crim update" (I don't really like that name tbf cuz it wasnt just changes for crims, there was a bunch of random other stuff too).
This post won't really follow the "traditional" formatting and I apologise in advance for that y'all!

So some things i've noticed since starting to actively play again, these will be broken down in segments to hopefully make the outlined issues a bit clearer, again these are changes I feel need to occur based on my experiences within RPUK since 2021 (Granted, majority of my time has been as a cop main or a civ/small time crim main)

- Gunplay

As is stands at the moment a lot of groups (Yes including Police until very recently with new, stricter changes) focus a lot on Gunplay, credit and grants given where due, firearms are definitely fine to own/use as long as they are used spareingly and as a last resort, it always seems to be the first resort for most situations that have unfolded recently this shouldn't be the case in my eyes however this is a mentality change that needs to change.

- Roleplay Standards

There is a pretty clear cut standard set by the great Staff Team here and I feel as though it is starting to slip more and more and that's not just new players, veteran players of the server have also been slipping down a slidey slope of offering Poor Quality Roleplay.

- Random Robbing

This is a BIG one that i've noticed, there are groups going around random robbing people, granted this wouldn't be such a bad thing IF they provided high quality Roleplay with it instead of the usual bollocks of "Hands now, don't touch your panic drop all your stuff", it's boring, it's repetetive and it's only fun for one side.

Now onto my actual suggestions for combatting some of these and other unlisted issues.

- Whitelisting

This is a big one and one that I know the idea had been toyed with before, but I feel as though a 5 question application would be more than sufficient to root out the poor/low quality players from those that are here for the right reasons. Some questions you may ask me is "Who would sift through these applications and approve or deny them?" To which I respond - A dedicated hand picked team of trusted players from RPUK that have proven to not only provide great Roleplay but have also shown their worth to the community.

- Server Wipe

This one may result in some negative comments and i'll happily address each one as they come but I do feel as though a lot of players have reached their end with regards to cash flow, I propose a full wipe of the servers economy, characters etc, this will allow for a fully fresh start for players to rebuild their characters, rebuild their RP friendships and relationships and also allow the Dev Team to remove the IRL vehicles that remain in the server, I see very few downsides to this aside from the odd moan about requiring to grind their way to the top again.

- Fresh Content

The players have recently spoken about how they would love to see fresh content on the server, whether that be jobs, crim activities or other great things to keep players busy with their friends, this task isn't the easiest and I know that as mentioned below, but it's something to definitely keep in mind should the wipe go ahead, it'll keep players engaged within the server and hopefully help retain players a bit more, perhaps even cycle the jobs around per restart, for example Taxi work and Mechanic work from 2pm till 6pm then maybe allow chopping, Transport and other jobs from 6pm until the following morning, it's all about keep things fresh.

I know that this is a rather large undertaking from the relatively small dev team (When comparing Devs to player ratio that is)

I appreciate any of y'all that have taken the time to read this suggestion and of course, thoughts and additions are more than welcome, I much like most if not all of you, don't want to see RPUK continue on this slippery downward slow and want to bring RPUK back to it's prime, when things were amazing, when RP was plentiful and when things just... made sense ya know? Take care all of you lot and I hope you all had an excellent holiday!

Signed ya favourite dickhead

PC Alec Hunter | Lord Philipe Trumper | Mitch Greene | ???
I think these changes are very dangerous to the community. RPUK has been and should be a non-whitelisted server and has remained so since 2014. Changes are made to change the meta, IE Pillbox design out crime or guns from police only lasting a few hours. The issues can be designed out without making huge changes like this that are a detriment to the community as a whole.
Also if devs connect themselves more with the community regarding future and upcoming updates so it would keep the community's excitement going :).
I think the dev team connects really well with the community, they play a lot, they comment a lot on suggestions and they are always talking in Discord. I don't feel they could connect anymore than they already do. I for one am very grateful for the dev team and all they work they do no matter how small.
Dont get me wrong I also do apppreciate all the hard work and keeping the community alive eventhough there‘s no payment for it.
However, the main point is the lack of Rp quality happening on the server which is driving a lot of people away. Couldn‘t really think of anything else to fix it besides whitelisiting with 5 of 6 entry questions just to keep some baldie frag mentality away for some percentage or even some of the stuff mentioned in this suggestion. It got to the point as a police officer if I want to do a simple traffic stop it ends in a gunfight and this happens on a daily basis. At the end it‘s always good to talk and find solutions to keep the city balance between rp and cod mentality.
RPUK has been and should be a non-whitelisted server and has remained so since 2014.
While i used to agree that rpuk should be non whitelisted, over time ive come to realise that while the server would potentially struggle due to the change of being whitelisted it would overall improve roleplay standards and improve the quality of players that join us. I feel the argument of "well the server has been un-whitelisted since 2014" isnt exactly a fair argument when comparing it to a completely different game with very different standards of rp between the servers. i fully agree rpuk during its arma 3 days should be un-whitelisted but within fivem i feel a whitelist can be extremely useful. It can act as a filter keeping out potentially less desirable players that are here to troll or are joining cause they think this is just a 100k or die server.

If a whitelist was added alongside a more strict enforcement of roleplay standards then inevitably we would see alot of the issues brought up in the post fixed such as
- Gunplay
- Random Robbing
- Roleplay Standards

as paru said and ive seen it myself alot too, many veteran players have let their standards drop which directly affects the overall quality of the server as most people are used to matching the quality of rp someone provides
Changes are made to change the meta, IE Pillbox design out crime or guns from police only lasting a few hours.
If people were roleplaying there wouldnt have to be a meta for everything that has to be altered and changed but unfortunately thats currently the mentality of many (not all) players on the server, the amount of times ive heard players go "whats the fastest way to make money here" or "whats the best way to level XYZ up quickly". seen veteran players getting added to businesses as an employee just to use stuff to for example get their crafting skill up or their cooking or make smoothies for themselves in bulk instead of having to buy them back when that was the meta. the mentality is quickly degrading into a 100k or die server but just with a little bit of rp to check that checkbox so youre not breaking a rule. these things are not something that can be fixed by just making changes to the meta. it has to be made within the community and enforced through staff to see a change in peoples mentalities when playing.

Hilariously even in the middle of writing this post, theres been an announcement regarding people min maxing and exploiting to earn money quicker on bin jobs by riding ontop of the lorry
Dont get me wrong I also do apppreciate all the hard work and keeping the community alive eventhough there‘s no payment for it.
However, the main point is the lack of Rp quality happening on the server which is driving a lot of people away. Couldn‘t really think of anything else to fix it besides whitelisiting with 5 of 6 entry questions just to keep some baldie frag mentality away for some percentage or even some of the stuff mentioned in this suggestion. It got to the point as a police officer if I want to do a simple traffic stop it ends in a gunfight and this happens on a daily basis. At the end it‘s always good to talk and find solutions to keep the city balance between rp and cod mentality.
I do the police applications. We probably decline 70% of applications as word counts are so low, 5 word sentences. So many players will not want to take the time to fill in long applications. To keep the server inclusive the word count would be so low there'd be no point.

I think the devs once said we get like a couple hundred unique players every few days or something aswell. An application would restrict that heavily.
I do the police applications. We probably decline 70% of applications as word counts are so low, 5 word sentences. So many players will not want to take the time to fill in long applications. To keep the server inclusive the word count would be so low there'd be no point.

I think the devs once said we get like a couple hundred unique players every few days or something aswell. An application would restrict that heavily.
I disagree, a Police Application is what? An application to join a whitelisted faction that is generally held to a much higher standard than the rest of the player base (As factions generally are)

How often do cops get in trouble for providing shit or extremely low quality RP vs the majority of the player base? Or the Lost MC even as another clear cut and prime example, generally speaking both factions are filled with fun and provide incredible RP across the board.

A simply 5/6 question application

Are you over the age of 18?
What is your first characters full name?
What are your goals and aspirations for this character?
Will this character lead a legal or illegal lifestyle?
What is your first characters backstory?
In detail describe the rule RDM and why you think having this rule improves the quality of Roleplay?

And that's just it, those 6 questions right there have shown that a whitelisted/allowlisted server has a higher RP standard and generally much better and healthier RP interactions overall vs it's public counterpart, without naming specific names - I have seen this first hand across at least 3 allowlisted/whitelisted servers - It's a common theme.
I disagree, a Police Application is what? An application to join a whitelisted faction that is generally held to a much higher standard than the rest of the player base (As factions generally are)

How often do cops get in trouble for providing shit or extremely low quality RP vs the majority of the player base? Or the Lost MC even as another clear cut and prime example, generally speaking both factions are filled with fun and provide incredible RP across the board.

A simply 5/6 question application

Are you over the age of 18?
What is your first characters full name?
What are your goals and aspirations for this character?
Will this character lead a legal or illegal lifestyle?
What is your first characters backstory?
In detail describe the rule RDM and why you think having this rule improves the quality of Roleplay?

And that's just it, those 6 questions right there have shown that a whitelisted/allowlisted server has a higher RP standard and generally much better and healthier RP interactions overall vs it's public counterpart, without naming specific names - I have seen this first hand across at least 3 allowlisted/whitelisted servers - It's a common theme.
So how much effort goes into that? You may aswell make it a popup when people join for the first time. And who's going to process these?
who's going to process these
Who would sift through these applications and approve or deny them?" To which I respond - A dedicated hand picked team of trusted players from RPUK that have proven to not only provide great Roleplay but have also shown their worth to the community.
Theres already an anwser for that.
So how much effort goes into that? You may aswell make it a popup when people join for the first time.
Youve completely missed the point of, if they treat it like a popup with a 1 word response it shows they arent interested in providing good rp, almost as if thats the entire point of a whitelist application. to see whos here to roleplay and who isnt
+1 for Gunplay / roleplay standarts / (robbing standarts (in my eyes needs some actual rules so even baldies understand)
like g.7.1 at times i think about not giveing them stuff after they dogy doctored me
and have rather bareley spoken to me or as mentioned at the intial post tell me to put my hands up only but if i d do that i would probably get ganned for g.2.4)

-1 wipe / whitelist /fresh content
so u basicly want to play on a new server? just with the old faces arround?
i am quite sure if a wipe happens multiple people be frustrated and not comeback especialy when their "modded cars" are gone.
I ve been on multiple other servers trying to do wipes and stuff with a whole new array of new content
and for the first week or 2 there was some people arround
but after that the server ended up dieing
i am not to sure if that might happen here aswell but it might be a risk the server owner will have to take if that is ever going to happen.
I do the police applications. We probably decline 70% of applications as word counts are so low, 5 word sentences. So many players will not want to take the time to fill in long applications. To keep the server inclusive the word count would be so low there'd be no point.

I think the devs once said we get like a couple hundred unique players every few days or something aswell. An application would restrict that heavily.
I get what you mean mate but I‘ve been in the police for long enough to judge the state we are in already. in the server and we can both see why there is always 1 or 2 response patrols or none with 5 Firearms and the rest are tac ops. Most ppl in the police lean to get their firearms training and even join firearms for the sake of what‘s mostly happening on the server. I was in CID/Firearms and now back response and since i‘ve came back from leave I couldnt attach my self to any dispatch because all of them are medium to high risk and firearms are invloved. I also talk with others about this and they all feel the same and getting unmotivated to play. Crazy to see the whole police force armed to the teeth for the sake of not doing your job and enjoying casual rp but for the sake of surviving the patrol. End up either getting shot or robbed. I mean hell, every single time i try to chill on a corner just providing security to the area im in then bunch of people show up to rob me or kidnapp me. We try to follow police standards mate but if the majority of the city dont wanna rp with the police then many from the police wont wanna put hours in and also leave.
Again im not blaming civs or crims they also have not much to do plus most are all rich already.
There are literally no civs on the server its just police vs crims. No good roleplayer would say „ ah yes I can begin a great busniess story on this server as the foundation allows“

There has to be something done about this, a big step for RPUK to be (serious roleplay) again and im not a professional when it comes to solutions but staff should be able to see the full picture.
Something should be done to attract roleplayers that wanna put time in and attract streamers too as we probably have none.
this server is a great representation of the UK when it comes to the whole scripting system and it's one if not the best among other FiveM servers I've been on. This great work done by the devs/staff must be met with great roleplay stories and a healthy community.
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I know it's a game at the end :) but we are here to roleplay stuff that we cant do in real life and it is a representation of real life. some might say your just whining about the police and you want rules implemented for yourself but guys come on like... It's crazy how people overlook bits regarding roleplay quality such as when (a) gang surround the whole police station keeping us there and we have to hold it as a stronghold. just yesterday, people broke in the station and robbed me while inside that easy :) like it's very normal to happen anywhere on earth.
still im not blaming the crims themselves, but the low quality we've reached.