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Change how water bottles work


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I think water bottles at the moment are too over powered. Shops like the kraken that solely rely on drinks get a big hit with this new update.
I propose that other drinks besides water, like a cuppa from bean machine, replenish more thirst than water.
I also propose that the reusable water bottles have a durability, kinda like guns, Maybe base it off uses. If you use a bottle 10 times, it will break. Maybe you can even make it that you can make the bottles yourself with a plastic sheet or repair them with plastic sheets!

Besides that bottles should not be refillable in the sewers or the sea. Who's gonna drink shit water or salt water. Instead make them refillable in a player owned house, at the sink. Paired with some other "regular water locations" like fountains or lakes.
Shops like the kraken that solely rely on drinks get a big hit with this new update.
Not sure how this would be the case.
The only reason for this is, if said shops used to rely on smoothies, which were the meta for a long time, and now it is not the case anymore.
A tavern/bar or even a night club to be sustainable just because of smoothies just doesn't make sense in RP. Those kind of shops should offer products to their type of shop, such as special drinks, special wines, who knows what more. You shouldn't not be going to a tavern to have a orange juice!

I propose that other drinks besides water, like a cuppa from bean machine, replenish more thirst than water.
Water should be the best to kill thirst. Every other drink is in a way a "derivative" from water.
Statswise, it is very similar, there are items that give the same amount(if not more) them water.

I also propose that the reusable water bottles have a durability
This is something we can look at.

Besides that bottles should not be refillable in the sewers or the sea
Maybe this is a welcoming change. The fact that water is now accessible from (almost) everywhere for free may have cause this trend.
But, if we move it to housing and sinks in the public areas, which difference would that even make?
You dont want to drink sewer water, dont fill it there :D

It was intended tho, that water would be accessible.

Maybe you can even make it that you can make the bottles yourself with a plastic sheet or repair them with plastic sheets!
You need to find this one out in RP.

But as usual, lets see where this suggestion takes us.

(This is my personal opinion)
Not sure how this would be the case.
The only reason for this is, if said shops used to rely on smoothies, which were the meta for a long time, and now it is not the case anymore.
A tavern/bar or even a night club to be sustainable just because of smoothies just doesn't make sense in RP. Those kind of shops should offer products to their type of shop, such as special drinks, special wines, who knows what more. You shouldn't not be going to a tavern to have a orange juice!
True, but they lose all of their sales now which in my eyes doesn't really make sense. We were all on smoothies (a big monopoly basically), we change that so that there's more foods and both foods and drinks become more relevant, but in the same breath we absolutely nerf all drinks by making the most thirst-quenching one unlimited refillable in any body of water. I'm sure, leaving out rp events and other rp avenues for bars and nightclubs, they feel this update. I know there will always be winners and losers but it doesn't 100% make sense to me.

Water should be the best to kill thirst. Every other drink is in a way a "derivative" from water.
Statswise, it is very similar, there are items that give the same amount(if not more) them water.
Shouldn't it be like other foods where: More has been done to it means that it quenches more?
Because the water is refillable I think it shouldn't be the best thing there is. A plain taco is worse than a taco with 5 ingredients. I'd think a properly brewed tea that someone put time and effort and hopefully even love in SHOULD quench thirst more. Maybe it doesn't fully make sense in IRL logic but with ingame logic it makes sense I think.

Maybe this is a welcoming change. The fact that water is now accessible from (almost) everywhere for free may have cause this trend.
But, if we move it to housing and sinks in the public areas, which difference would that even make?
You dont want to drink sewer water, dont fill it there :D
It would make more sense at least. People will be min-maxing no matter what, I guess you're right in that.

You need to find this one out in RP.
I know how to make glass bottles. I'd suggest changing it to plastic though to have it make more sense that they degrade/damage. Glass bottles don't really decay like that IRL, which is why I mentioned the plastic sheets etc.
Yes, I see what you mean now.

I'm sure, leaving out rp events and other rp avenues for bars and nightclubs, they feel this update. I know there will always be winners and losers but it doesn't 100% make sense to me.
You are correct in this, but this was the food update. Not that we should be sharing, and I do not feel the need to share, but for sake of some transperancy I will let you know that more is coming. We started with food (main course dishes) next will be drinks and snacks (on which I am already working on). Which will bring some stuff to the table, including more uses for the bottles. (just ideas but, things like orange juice, apple juice, etc etc). Releasing all at once would have been my death sentence :D

Shouldn't it be like other foods where: More has been done to it means that it quenches more?
Because the water is refillable I think it shouldn't be the best thing there is. A plain taco is worse than a taco with 5 ingredients. I'd think a properly brewed tea that someone put time and effort and hopefully even love in SHOULD quench thirst more. Maybe it doesn't fully make sense in IRL logic but with ingame logic it makes sense I think.
Yes, after replying to you I was thinking about it. Maybe we can look at it that way. I am not promising nothing, like I said previously, lets see where this suggestion takes us, but I do see your point.

I am not the biggest fan of giving the bottles a lifespan. I think the issue currently is the fact that water may be to strong for its availability.
Yes, I see what you mean now.

You are correct in this, but this was the food update. Not that we should be sharing, and I do not feel the need to share, but for sake of some transperancy I will let you know that more is coming. We started with food (main course dishes) next will be drinks and snacks (on which I am already working on). Which will bring some stuff to the table, including more uses for the bottles. (just ideas but, things like orange juice, apple juice, etc etc). Releasing all at once would have been my death sentence :D

Yes, after replying to you I was thinking about it. Maybe we can look at it that way. I am not promising nothing, like I said previously, lets see where this suggestion takes us, but I do see your point.

I am not the biggest fan of giving the bottles a lifespan. I think the issue currently is the fact that water may be to strong for its availability.
That makes a lot of sense. I was under the impression this was it. If that's not the case I hold my hands up and eagerly (but patiently!!) await what else you have in store for us! I might as well take the time here saying you've been doing bits so far Bobinzz and I respect you for that, cheers! Take the reusable bottle thing into account because I actually think that might be a good one mate. Appreciate you taking the time for a back and forth!
I feel water is about right I can just go to my tap and refill my water bottle I shouldn’t have to go to the shop to buy drinks to fill my thirst
I do like the realism element of being able to refill your water bottles but what I'm seeing is people carrying 10 bottles and just never needing to consider thirst again. Putting each bottle to a couple of uses with durability could get around this being a one and done kind of thing.

Perhaps a purpose built "Refillable sports bottle" or something like that would be a more realistic option. Could cost a small chunk like 10k and have different branded options available for the various bars and cafes to sell. I'd propose this refillable bottle would hold about 150% of your water requirement, and can be used multiple times before it's empty. It would have a much longer durability, similar to that of a gun where it lasts up to a few months.

Could also add a smaller version that is craftable by players for a 50-75% hydration refill. Less durability on it.

As for balancing for bars/taverns/cafes, I think player owned business food/drink items should either be MUCH better than what is available for the public to make in terms of hydration/nutrition - OR come with small buffs (yes it's videogamey but we are playing a game after all). Something like slower nutrition burn, longer lung duration, slightly increased health, melee damage or carry weight. All of these things would bring players to the cafes while keeping their stock individual and give people a reason to experiment with different products.
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Just to go along with my big +1. Currently with the new food update we have just moved away from the "smoothie meta" which I love as it encourages more RP with custom made orders and different type of foods, with this being said though water is very over tuned in my opinion due to how much it hydrates. You literally just need 5 empty bottles (costs you like £1.5k) and you are sorted for life.

Now I understand the points people have made above, which I agree with mostly. I like the idea of a sports bottle that is refillable and loses durability over time. however I would suggest that you can only carry one refillable bottle at a time, like some other items such as; "Torches, Pipe wrench etc". I would make these bottles exclusive to restaurants/bars to encourage the RP and custom orders like maybe they could add ingredients that will give the drink electrolytes so it quenches your thirst more which in turn will make it worth while buying.

I also agree with the point Qaws makes on where water shouldn't be accessible from every source. if we are speaking IRL, you are not going to drink from seawater, sewage water or pool water. however if you want to keep that feature you could maybe look at adding "unfiltered water" So for example lets say as i last resort you need to get water from those sources, it comes at a cost.

Seawater - makes you throw up and you lose a lot of hunger
Sewage water - makes you slowly lose health over time (adding the need to get treated at pillbox or NHS encouraging more RP)
Pool water - makes you cough and maybe quenches your thirst at first but it drains more rapidly
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(We started with something simpler, and it was to nerf down water a bit. )

There was some recent changes to water, it should affect your thirst less. While it does not fix at all the concerns here, it is a first step torwards it.
IMO Water is the most hydrating thing u can drink out of any other drinks. With these changes water now takes 3 bottles 2 fill water now who drinks 3 bottles of in the space of 30 secs? No one yes there needs to be a balance with drinks, so I do agree in a some sense.

Now filling water is the post painful thing ever imo. I would rather get pick 1000k apples or oranges than fill lets say 800 bottles that probably takes longer that picking. It takes about 7 minutes to fill 50 bottles, and over 2 in game time.
IMO Water is the most hydrating thing u can drink out of any other drinks. With these changes water now takes 3 bottles 2 fill water now who drinks 3 bottles of in the space of 30 secs? No one yes there needs to be a balance with drinks, so I do agree in a some sense.

Now filling water is the post painful thing ever imo. I would rather get pick 1000k apples or oranges than fill lets say 800 bottles that probably takes longer that picking. It takes about 7 minutes to fill 50 bottles, and over 2 in game time.
Just for some perspective, who in real life would allow themselves to get to the brink of death by dehydration before having a drink?

If each bottle is 500ml (standard size in UK) I would think if you are very very thirsty it's not unheard of to drink 1.5litres of water, but most people would probably have a drink before needing that amount.

Filling water is easier for those who work in cafes/bars as they have the equipment to do it en masse - not sure if your civ character has access to this equipment but it doesn't seem too bad from my perspective.
Filling water is easier for those who work in cafes/bars as they have the equipment to do it en masse - not sure if your civ character has access to this equipment
Civs, from what I have found, can use taco trucks or bodies of water like the fountain outside of City Hall.
It would be useful if the taps worked, like in MRPD staff room for example. Or if the water coolers had an option to refill the water, but as its from a cooler have it slightly cheaper than the water bottle in said cooler costs. It will encourage people to reuse the bottles instead of just dumping them anywhere.
Cant say much here due to meta-gaming bottled water is used for crim side not for drinking it or food recipes. Refilling water helps otherwise if crims have to pay £300 per water the return profit is not worth it.
Just for some perspective, who in real life would allow themselves to get to the brink of death by dehydration before having a drink?

If each bottle is 500ml (standard size in UK) I would think if you are very very thirsty it's not unheard of to drink 1.5litres of water, but most people would probably have a drink before needing that amount.

Filling water is easier for those who work in cafes/bars as they have the equipment to do it en masse - not sure if your civ character has access to this equipment but it doesn't seem too bad from my perspective.

Yes I have access to a kichen. I normally let my water go down to about a quarter before I have a drink.
Cant say much here due to meta-gaming bottled water is used for crim side not for drinking it or food recipes. Refilling water helps otherwise if crims have to pay £300 per water the return profit is not worth it.
That's only been the case since the update, whilst the recipe has always been there. Surely if we "change" water bottles we can make sure that either the recipe for this substance changes or water is still refillable, just in a different way? There's a lot of options mate. I agree though, this substance wasn't interesting at all to make. After the update it was fun to finally make it though, having it finally be viable.
Now filling water is the post painful thing ever imo. I would rather get pick 1000k apples or oranges than fill lets say 800 bottles that probably takes longer that picking. It takes about 7 minutes to fill 50 bottles, and over 2 in game time.
Filling bottles is easier than picking apples lol. Put the empty bottles in your hotbar and just sit there pressing the number until you have to swap out 🤣
Filling bottles is easier than picking apples lol. Put the empty bottles in your hotbar and just sit there pressing the number until you have to swap out 🤣
Not the same when in a restaurant.
I won't give or take away a vote as what I believe could be a personal opinion, but I think adding more complication to the food stuff is just gonna get annoying. The update so far is annoying, because it just feels like all I'm ever doing in game is eating food and drinking. I can understand "making it more realistic", but at a certain point if this server gets so realistic, I might aswell log off and just take a walk outside because it would be the same.

Playing the game is like fun and escapism from real life or something, I'm sure I can't be the only one who finds the constant food consumption irritating. But atleast in real life, I can technically fill my bottle as much as I like, without worrying about it "breaking". And being able to fill it up in the ocean, or fountain, or pool, or whatever just makes this irritating process a little bit easier.

I'm not saying the system as it is has to go, because it is what it is, but the system now is annoying, the least I can ask is that it doesn't get more complicated.

As said, I'm not gonna vote up or down as I feel my reason is more personal opinion, but I hope someone else might share a similar thought process.