With 2024 now having drawn to a close, we welcome the adventures that 2025 will surely bring, we hope you had a blast in 2024 and hope that you'll stay with us as we power on through 2025. With a lot of change on the horizon, there's lots to be excited about!
Our Staff & Development teams work tirelessly and for the most part without any proper gratitude for the insane amount of work they do. Very few folks outside of these teams have an understanding of the volume of work that the team do. We simply couldn't continue to operate as a community without them. As is tradition, our team have been given the opportunity to add a message of their own for you all to see

I wanna start out with a massive thank you to the FiveM Development Team. It is still a great privilege to stick around and try and help the development team making this community even better, but I find myself especially proud of the team this year, as I feel less and less necessary, and more and more like the dev team is just in a great place (maybe the best ever) to push the project further towards greatness.
Besides that I need to shoutout the Project Leads/Management and the Staff Leads who have been a tremendous help all around and have maybe my life infinitely easier this year.
Lastly, but most importantly a big thanks to all the players who've stuck around with us and all the new ones that have joined us. You will always be what makes the community what it is.
Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year
- Recon
Merry Christmas everyone!
We continue to work hard so that you all can have fun and enjoy the stories created all around.
Enjoy this time with your families and friends!

Mike Polo
As the year comes to a close, I want to thank everyone in our incredible FiveM community for making this journey so rewarding. Your support, creativity, and passion have been the driving forces behind everything we’ve accomplished together.
This year, I’ve had the privilege of working on projects ranging from coding to graphic design and 3D modeling. Seeing how each of you contributes—whether by shaping features, crafting amazing visuals, or building immersive environments—has been truly inspiring.
Reflecting on our progress, it’s clear that the strength of this community lies in its collaboration and shared dedication. As we look to the new year, I’m excited for the opportunities ahead and confident that together we’ll continue to create experiences that push boundaries.
Thank you for being part of this journey. Wishing you all a safe and joyful holiday season!
Mike Polo
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

What a year it’s been with the Development Team! We’ve fixed bugs, built features, and somehow still found time to argue about the best way to name variables. Every update, every tweak, every little change, It is all about making this community the best it can be. And honestly, we’ve had a blast doing it.
Above all, thank you to the community. Every update we create is for you, more than it is for us. You and your feedback are the reason we keep going.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you! Here’s to another year of fun, chaos, and a whole lot of updates!

Another year in rpuk! Yes... We are still here! Though you might not see as much of me as I'd like over the coming months but that's for good reason! We are just about to welcome my second child into the world any day now!!
Besides that, it's been an incredibly exciting year, we've seen people come and go, but I would say that I'm happier with rpuk than I've ever been, but that's not to say that we have no way to improve so let's keep at it! Much love and I'll still be around, but cut me some slack if I'm a bit delayed getting back to you!
Merry Christmas all!!!!
Another year, another Christmas, another list of people that I'd like to thank for making this community fantastic (but i wont because I don't want to miss anyone out).
The people in this community still don't cease to amaze me. The stories you all tell, the personalities you bring to the server. I took a few months away from the community earlier this year, and yet have found my way back. There are few places like this, where people can share their creative input and mesh so well with one another.
You guys provide a haven, where I genuinely enjoy relaxing and meeting new players. You provide hours of entertainment. And for that, I am extremely grateful. Keep doing what you're doing (apart from you fuckers that drag me to QE

Thanks to the Staff team. I know how much of a ballache it can be sometimes, but once again you've done a great job.
To the devs... you've done some fantastic work and I think we all appreciate all the hours you dedicate to keeping the features flowing into the server and working well. We all love you guys!
To everyone that reads this message, Have a fantastic Christmas filled with good food and good stories. And I hope the new year brings more of the same!
Well then, I never thought I'd say it, but I'm rolling into my second Christmas in RPUK, and that really surprises me as I tend to get bored of games quite quickly, but RPUK is so so much more than a game, its the biggest, most diverse and welcoming community I think I have ever stepped into!
Joining RPUK in November 2023 was a very daunting experience as I wasn't really sure what to expect and wasn't sure if I would fit in, or even have half a clue how to roleplay, but I was greeted with nothing but warm welcome and helpful hands from the get go. I still fondly remember the beloved Tornado breaking down outside city hall, posting for help on Tweedle, and seeing about 20 people turn up to help me fix my car, get my clothing changed and inviting me to events to socialise!
I have experienced so much exciting roleplay in my short time on the server, there has been laughs, frustration, tears and everything in between, and I would not change it for the world! From my first home with The Lantern MC

I have made such an array of friends in the past year, probably more than I've ever had in my lifetime, friends whom I can safely say will be life long! As a parent who spends a lot of her time at home and unable to go out much, it really makes up for the lack of socialising I am able to do and gives me the opportunity to have little "adventures" and "nights out" from the comfort of my own home, with some of the bestest friends I could ask for, and overall has made life that little bit less lonely!
I am so excited to see what the New Year brings for RPUK, and I am excited to spend another year with all of the lovely people I get to interact with every single day! I feel so honoured to be a part of this amazing place, and even more honoured to be given the opportunity to help people as staff, it is an opportunity I was really really hoping I'd get, and I really hope I do well for you all in the coming year! Everyone has been so supportive thus far!

So after that long old block of probably very boring, very sappy text, I want to wish the wonderful members of this amazing community:
Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years!
Lets make this year a good one, make good choices, and enjoy this amazing "escape from reality" place we all play and love!
With all my love to all the wonderful people of RPUK

Ellie xx
Level 1 Squad

Anyone else feel like 2024 has flown past? Feels like it has just started, yet here we are again, still pushing strong as a community.
I hope you all have a great Christmas. Whether that be spending time with family and friends, or for those unable to, simply enjoying a well needed break.
Here's to another year, hopefully one with fewer headaches.

Leroy C
Hey everyone!
As part of the new staff team babies, I’ve got the honor of contributing to our annual New Years message, and I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am to be part of this incredible community.
When I first joined RPUK, I was honestly a bundle of nerves. The anxiety was real, and it took me nearly two weeks just to get the courage to engage in or strike a proper conversation with people. It's funny to look back on that now, knowing how much this place has shaped not just my character's growth, but also my personal growth. The support, kindness, and understanding I’ve received from each of you have meant more than any words can say.
This community is nothing short of amazing. The friendships I've made here have been life-changing, and the memories I’ve shared with all of you—from the trolls at pillbox (Pack it in will ya?), to my fellow lampposts, the criminals and cops, or anyone in between—are some of the best moments I hold dear. Each and every one of you, with your unique personalities and contributions, make RPUK a place worth coming back to every day. You all truly make it something to look forward to, and I’m proud to be part of it.
When the world outside feels bleak, RPUK offers an escape. A place where we can create, grow, and share moments that mean something. I can’t wait to see what 2025 brings, and I’m so excited to continue this journey with all of you. Here’s to many more memories, stories, and laughs to come!
Happy New Year to each and every one of you—staff, devs, players, and everyone who has made RPUK what it is today. You’re all amazing, and I’m eternally thankful for everything.
I hope 2025 will be nothing short of an amazing for each and every one of you.
Much love,
6 years, 3 months and 6 days....
The first time I joined the community on Arma 3 back in 2018 the roleplay scene was reletively new to me and had only seen a couple of videos online about the idea of a roleplaying server. I saw RPUK and thought i'd give it a try; and my god am I happy I did. There is no other community i'd rather spend my gaming hours playing than this one right here.
Fast forward to now still enjoying it and there is something about the community whether its the players that maintain the RP through unique and funny interactions, The rest of the staff team that maintain the community or the developers that devote their time and effort that enable us to play such a great server. All of the above is keeps coming me back...
On that note I hope each and everyone one of you have a great Christmas and a happy new year.
All the best,
The 2nd Jolly.
Mason Edge
Having been apart of the community for 3 years and 3 months words cannot describe how much I loved every minute of it.
2021 I joined the NHS and had a blast on Jaxon and met many wonderful people.
2022 I left the NHS and joined the Park Rangers as their Deputy Head once it turned into a group, and despite the headaches with a new group releasing and having 100+ hunter/ranger apps flying in rapidly, I throughly enjoyed my time there! Not to mention the orignial Park Rangers was the first group I met in 2021 and welcomed me in with open arms prior to joining the NHS. I then made a 2nd character Mason and joined G6.
2023 I was promoted to Command in G6 and given the opportunity as a Principle to run their transport unit and May was promoted to Assistant Chief which I still hold.
RPUK has always been my 2nd home and I cherish all the memories from this amazing community - thank you to the players, staff, and developers for keeping the server strong.
I wish everyone a great Christmas and a happy new year!
- Mason Edge
My third christmas on RPUK and hopefully not the last! Thank you to everyone for making this community what it is. I have loved every second.
Have been in NHS, FIRE and POLICE and have loved bringing role-play to people and receiving it. Have made a ton of friends along the way and hopefully I will make some more.
Cannot wait to spend another year here and cannot wait to create some more memories.
I wish you all the best and I hope you all have wonderful christmases and new years!

- Trusdale
It's been another wild year!
People have gone and others have joined or simply returned from the usual hiatus.
The server is always everchanging and so are the peoples however keep being you and keep the community for what it is and stands for!
Thank you to all the players for making this place enjoyable as is, my fellow staff members for all they do and the devs for... devving!
That being said I hope all of you will enjoy the holidays and I wish you a Merry Christmass and a Happy New Year in advance!
Here's to another grand year & See you in roleplay sometime!
- (Not-a-Temu-Version) Jesse
Merry Christmas x
Merry Christmas all!
All the best for 2025.

I hope you all had a good Christmas break, and I wish you all the best as we head into 2025
Much love x
Coming up on 8 Years and I am still Here

Have a Great Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!
This is for Old Times Sake
Merry Christmas, or God Jul to all my scandinavian fellas out there!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and a Happy New Year
Be this upcoming year better than the last one.
9 Years on RPUK and nearly half of those I've been part of staff. What a sad little life Jane...
Anyway! Hope everyone had a lovely festive season and here's to another year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and here's to another year, 2025 here we come!

Happy holidays to all! :3
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year!
What can I say... last year was a shit show and hopefully it's only gonna get better from here on out.
I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and new year and was able to celebrate with their loved ones! Stay safe, don't lose hope and always remember to show compassion for others, as we can do so much more if we stick together a little!
It's been a ride... onto the next one!

And thanks to some really awesome people I got to have around me last year, you know who you are! Love you.