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Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Oran Hill
Steam ID: 76561199013292392
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16860
Ban Reason: G3.1 OOC Information G3.5 Character Seperation
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for posting a gif on tweedle that made fun of Ballas after they were raided by the police, the problem with me posting this gif was that I was not on the server when the incident that the gif was related to occured and I learned this from a TS meeting where the gif was posted and i posted it for a joke without consideration that it would be breaking server rules. When confronted for this in a discord ticket, I decided to lie about me being on the server when it happened which was stupid and something that I regret to this day as it did nothing but waste my time, the staff members time and dug my grave deeper. I understand what I did is metagaming and that a punishment had to have been given no matter what the information was or what its purpose was. In my previous appeal I did apologise to both staff members for wasting their time and lying in the first place and I do deeply regret doing it. Furthermore I want to add that my original appeal 6 months ago was denied due to my choice of profile picture at the time. My old profile picture was a meme of an edited baby doing the whip nae nae that was photoshopped into an image of a guy pointing a gun at it, this was my profile picture for about 4 years before my appeal. After I was denied, I then created a discord ticket when truthfully, I was very frustrated and It led to me having an argument with Jacko that only resulted in me further embarrasing myself for no reason.
Why should we unban you: I have been given time to consider what I did was wrong and fully understand how metagaming worked and how important the rules are which is to maintain quality roleplay which is integral for this server. I also shared my apologies to Sammy and Drex previously as well and I fully understand how annoying dealing with what I did is and I only made their jobs harder as I thought I could get away with it for some idiotic reason. Me posting that gif on Tweedle was a something that I didnt think about at the time and it was stupid to do and I completely understand that me lying in the discord ticket only made my case worse and I regret doing it immensely. I never intended to harm the RP of others or gain any advantage out of this tweedle post as it was only done as a slight jab while on an anonymous account, no RP was created from this incident and no advantage was gained but this is not an excuse for what I did and for that I can only apologise for it and learn from here.

As for the reason I was denied previously, my profile picture at the time was brought into question and me brushing it off resulted in my denial. I had this image as my picture for years previous to me joining the server and I have interacted with numerous people on discord who are people I talk to often and know me and people who I dont really interact with often and dont really know me and I had never had my profile brought into question before which is why i had it the way it was for so long and why i was so dismissive of the questioning from staff. I will admit that I should have taken more care on what I had my profile picture as it is my responsibilty with how i display myself and the type of person I am which the opposite of what my profile picture made myself out to be. I can assure you that there was no veiled message or malicious intent behind the picture, it was some stupid meme i took from Reddit that I was too stupid to change and verify whether it was suitable or not. I never had or will ever have any intention of causing any offense to any individuals on the server as it just isnt who I am. Ive had the past 6 months to spend some time away from the server and now that I have served this cooldown period and thought about the decisions I made , I want to come back to the server as its the only actually good server that i enjoyed on FiveM and I dont want my last interaction I have on this server to be something that is a negative and a stain on who I am as a person.

I only hope that whoever handles my appeal gives me a second chance to prove myself and to make a return to the server, I thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @Jimmmm , I hope all is well! :)

When confronted for this in a discord ticket, I decided to lie about me being on the server when it happened
The question I have for you here though is, WHY did you lie in that ticket?
You were literally given a chance to tell the truth (Which we clearly already knew) and you decided to go down the path you did.

I don't see how we can trust you again?
@Danoo Thanks for your reply, hope youre doing good

My decision to lie in the ticket about me being on the server when I obviously wasnt as Drex later proved was done out of a poor lapse in judgement and a stupid decision by myself that only made myself look worse because I thought I could talk my way out the situation. Theres isnt any excuse I can make that justify the decision that I chose and I did suffer the consequences for that which is why I ended up here in the first place. The thought that what I did would be considered metagaming didnt even enter my mind until I basically sealed my fate which was also stupid by me, Me taking something from TS and bringing it into character is obviously not allowed and its baffling even to me how this never crossed my mind before I got a sort of reality check in the ticket and a majority of that ticket was me doing damage control which could have been prevented if I just told the truth in the first place. To note I would never intentionally metagame to gain an advantage in any way and in my case I gained nothing, I only made this post on tweedle to poke fun at Ballas after they were raided. While I was on the server, I had a clean record and never received any previous ban or warning although this really means nothing now considering the ban I managed to get.

As I said, theres no excuse for my decisions, I chose to do what I did and the only thing I can really do now is apologise to everyone who got involved in my ticket for just wasting their time. The past 6 months away from the server have given me time to think about my decisions and how I can improve myself as a person from this ban and I can guarantee that things will be different moving forward. I really do miss the server and I really want to be given a chance to redeem myself and rebuild the trust that I destroyed. I want to prove that I can provide good rp for others on the server and follow the rules to keep that RP intact as thats what their purpose is. Again, Im sorry for lying in the ticket, I cant reiterate it enough and I want to focus on moving forward from this moment and hopefully return to the server.

Hope to hear from you again soon, Thanks!
You say you never gained anything and would never intentionally metagame, but you did.

You had a +1 haha I have something you don't look at this tweedle.

As much as you say you don't have any warnings, you actually have 3 warnings.

Now it's been 8 months since your ban,
I'll give you your last chance but you're on thin ice.
This is your warning, not a toe out of place.

In the future be honest, we're much nicer and often more lenient when you are.
