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Unban Appeal - josh96 - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Terry Brick
Steam ID: 76561199787470294
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19255
Ban Reason: Swapping items
Why do you think you were banned: i have been banned for C2.2 however in a ticket staff told me it was for G2.9 and G3.5

I think the reason i could of been banned is because i have a character that was using a weapon that belonged to someone else, i returned the weapon today as I've been meaning to do it for days, this character has no correlation to my Terry Brick character other than one mutual friend from in city. As i flew in today i heard about some drama that happened regarding my friends and a up and coming gang so i thought i better get some protection to advertise an event that i was meant to be taking part in this evening to save myself getting kidnapped or hurt.

As I've gone to collect my weapon from where its kept i must have pulled out the weapon i had replaced from the other account, there is multiple choice of weapons i could of took it is pure chance I've took the weapon i had just replaced. i have no interest in swapping items I've worked hard using the facilities of the game eg bins mechanics things like that, this is purely an accident i didn't even know that characters couldn't know about each others stuff, i know about that container from a mutual friend no 3rd party info has been passed and no money exchanged in game for the use of storage anywhere.
Why should we unban you: Knowing what i know now after reading up on the rules, i understand what the character separation is I'm happy to destroy the character and just keep Terry Brick i have no interest in sharing items or 3rd partying info I'm more than happy playing on my main account that I've had since i first flew in. I've give all my time on 5m to RPUK I've totalled 346 hours in the little time I've been here 115.5 hours just in the past 2 weeks I've got no need to intentionally swap items between characters all my money has been earned with my hours i don't wish to cheat the game for gains.
I've worked hard for what I've got on there and now with some experience under my belt I'm beginning to really enjoy the server and make use of what it has to offer and don't want to lose it all because of a silly mistake i made because i assumed i knew what certain rules meant to the fullest.

the item that was 'swapped' is a low price item like maybe 200k I'm more than happy to pay for the item or even hand it to staff to be destroyed as a gesture to show my error.
I hope whoever reads this understands it was an honest mistake of a low value item in game it wasn't intentional and id very much like to continue playing RPUK I've met some great people on here and tried hard to follow the rules and make sure i do right to help myself and other peoples roleplay improve
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
So both of your characters use the same storage unit?
so the account that placed the item in the container was with the guy when he brought it and lent it me while we was in a rp situation, I've been meaning to return the item for some time but as i spend all my time on terry brick it was one of them ill do it later moments, so when i flew in today id logged into it by accident anyway so i thought for what its worth I'm here now ill go drop it off there so its done and it would make me feel a lot better about returning a borrowed item as i didn't want him to have to ask again for the property as it was never given to me on a permanent basis.

I did drive around a bit longer after this and thought my time could be used more efficiently advertising an event that was taking place that i had roles in tonight in the city so logged in as terry, started doing my advertising got my car out and began to find other people in the city to advertise to. Following an event that took place last night that i saw on a groupie of some friends being grabbed i decided it might be worth picking up a weapon it is by pure chance i grabbed that one there's multiple in there i had no need to try and transfer items i put far too much time into RPUK to risk getting caught cheating when I'm more than happy using the available methods to earn money , if it wasn't for things like bins i wouldn't know 3/4 of the people i know now.

the other account was only even made for me to attempt a different style of rp to what terry is used to and explore different avenues in the city I've even got a story of the character that I've took a long time to make ready for his big entrance to los santos on the forums it isn't a personality i tried to hide or use for lets say in this case cheating. The reason i sort of 'gave up' on this character is i began finding myself in the same habits with methods of money making and certain places for example like car sales places and decided it would be too hard for me to clearly divide my personalities lives and decided to re direct all my time to terry rather than trying to balance both and risk slipping up weather it be through meeting someone Terry knows and forgetting I'm not terry for example i just thought id save confusion and just stick to one guy and while i had some free time today just decided to return a friends property i had no intention of cheating if i knew it was a weapon i just placed there i wouldn't of took it there's more than one of these in the stock and this isn't exactly the best one either it is a genuine mistake and I've never used that container between both containers for personal use only terry uses it my other character was only returning an item while i wasn't busy in the city that's all. I can see the error I've made and am happy to have it removed from my ownership or even face a fine for the value of the product or whatever RPUK seem fit however i would really like a re consider on my ban for this as im really enjoying RPUK and i didn't do this to pass items or gain and advantage over anyone/anything

thanks for reading
So you do have access to the same storage unit on both characters?
well yeah but only had intention of using it for one if i knew i couldn't do that id have waited for the owner to fly in i havent activley used it for storage only accesed it once to return the item
You've broken character separation by using the same container on both characters, and in doing so you've transferred a pistol across characters.

Before we continue with the appeal, if you are to be unbanned, all characters apart from Terry Brick will be deleted, and Terry Brick will be fully wiped of all assets.

Do you accept?
do it i agree but the container isnt mine can that be accepted? ill happily take the wipe to keep playing the server
Tell me about what you'd get up to if we let you back.

What's your long term goals for Terry?
so i got to understand you could own business’s and i am quite interested in trying to eventually own one i understand there’s more to it than just going and saying yeah i want this property however i think if i could own maybe a good place or a type of property that would generate some good role play i think that would be wicked ive met some good people that i talk to regularly on ‘Terry’ that own business’s and just think it would be a good way to make opportunities for role play,

as taking an asset wipe i also get to go back to the grinding to get the bank up which also gives me chance to meet new people through bins / mechanics again which is what i do most for money really.

i suppose long term it’s

1) some form of business ownership will depend on what’s avaliable when i get the money right and the application process or maybe even finding a path in real estate that would be interesting

2) i’m into cars irl quite a lot and was beginning to build a decent profile of cars i have a list of cars i want to own as imports are gone now it’s picking the city cars that look most like real cars so i have that list to complete

3) finish exploring the city and what it has to offer im a drop in a big ocean with RPUK and there’s many things i haven’t explored yet so also trying to find everything there is possible to do that isn’t just open knowledge, as there was some stuff i was doing before including some life invader activities that i found really interesting because of the puzzles i wont go into detail as dont want to ruin it for people who haven’t discovered it yet

thanks for getting back i hope i get the chance to fly back in soon you have a great server and i enjoy playing, your all doing a great job and thankyou for taking time out your day to reply to this Psianarama
For now,

In your short time here there's just too much "gone wrong".

Try again in the new year - Can appeal after 23/03/2025

Have a good Christmas
