- Location
- Grape Seed
As we have all seen gangs come and go. 2.0s and even the whitelisted gangs have their ups and downs. If more whitelisted gang perks were an option, lets say. You're now whitelisted, you get all the normal perks of any other W.L gang but there are more.
Such as: Whitelisted gang hidden personal parking. Like containers, this type of parking can only have up to 3 parked cars in it per member. No trucks or anything with the space over 100. This type of parking will ensure that when raided by police they cannot raid those cars. As they are hidden. No judge order/coc or anything can raid and look in those cars. But there has to be a balance, and here it is. Only if a undercover police officer infiltrates that whitelisted gang and knows and uses that private parking, then and only then can the police raid and look in all those parked cars in that hidden parking. What not can happen is a non cop gang member goes against the gang and tells the cops where it is... but this is up to the roleplay and gang at the time.
2nd gang perks idea: Take ballas for example. If a balla gang member sells coke/weed on their own turf, they will get 1x the money. Only a whitelisted Balla on their gang turf selling area gets this x times money. This perk will bring in gang money for the members. It will keep gangs on and around their turfs and at the same time keep gangs doing gang things. Plus enhance drugs again with a knock of effect of police RP and other gangs selling coke everywhere and also newer players seeing all this will make them want to sell or even join them gangs. Makes them more present on their turf for the RP to play out i.e. chats. "Hey where do i buy drug and or weapons" "this is my turf fam" or a nice chat . Brining the city back to life again and not the meta bin runs.
And this 3rd one came to mind based off of the 2nd one. Lets take mara for example for this one. lets say you're on turf and there if 5 mera members your paycheck will increase based off of how many members is on turf at the time holding it down. roleplaying and or selling drugs there. I.E 5 mera members on turf every pay check is 500. Cant just sit and farm this money it will have its own afk timer to it so if anyone sits still not doing anything that x1 members paycheck on every other member will stop so 5 mara members on turf but one is afk not doing anything they will get a 400 paycheck. yes 20 active mara members would be 2k paycheck. This would hugely increase all gang turf activeiy for all the right roleplay reasons.
Gang members should be on there gang turf this is how it should be. they make there turf how they want it to be. and players other gangs and police wil gravitate to these turfs depending on what type or roleplay is wanted or chats type of beef, A G check would make a lot more sense when one gang memebr from another turn walks into another gangs turf. Not driving around everywhere G checkeing everyones nans.
These upgrades can only be had when the conditions are met. Been a whitelisted gang for X amount of time. Will cost £X amount of money and will take X amount of time to build.
This adds levels to RP. 1 being new and upcoming gangs will stick around longer and work harder for these perks and not disband and die out like a lot have and it will give even the longest standing whitelisted gangs goals for the future. Hopefully if and when these get added the gang turf life will come back to life again.
Such as: Whitelisted gang hidden personal parking. Like containers, this type of parking can only have up to 3 parked cars in it per member. No trucks or anything with the space over 100. This type of parking will ensure that when raided by police they cannot raid those cars. As they are hidden. No judge order/coc or anything can raid and look in those cars. But there has to be a balance, and here it is. Only if a undercover police officer infiltrates that whitelisted gang and knows and uses that private parking, then and only then can the police raid and look in all those parked cars in that hidden parking. What not can happen is a non cop gang member goes against the gang and tells the cops where it is... but this is up to the roleplay and gang at the time.
2nd gang perks idea: Take ballas for example. If a balla gang member sells coke/weed on their own turf, they will get 1x the money. Only a whitelisted Balla on their gang turf selling area gets this x times money. This perk will bring in gang money for the members. It will keep gangs on and around their turfs and at the same time keep gangs doing gang things. Plus enhance drugs again with a knock of effect of police RP and other gangs selling coke everywhere and also newer players seeing all this will make them want to sell or even join them gangs. Makes them more present on their turf for the RP to play out i.e. chats. "Hey where do i buy drug and or weapons" "this is my turf fam" or a nice chat . Brining the city back to life again and not the meta bin runs.
And this 3rd one came to mind based off of the 2nd one. Lets take mara for example for this one. lets say you're on turf and there if 5 mera members your paycheck will increase based off of how many members is on turf at the time holding it down. roleplaying and or selling drugs there. I.E 5 mera members on turf every pay check is 500. Cant just sit and farm this money it will have its own afk timer to it so if anyone sits still not doing anything that x1 members paycheck on every other member will stop so 5 mara members on turf but one is afk not doing anything they will get a 400 paycheck. yes 20 active mara members would be 2k paycheck. This would hugely increase all gang turf activeiy for all the right roleplay reasons.
Gang members should be on there gang turf this is how it should be. they make there turf how they want it to be. and players other gangs and police wil gravitate to these turfs depending on what type or roleplay is wanted or chats type of beef, A G check would make a lot more sense when one gang memebr from another turn walks into another gangs turf. Not driving around everywhere G checkeing everyones nans.
These upgrades can only be had when the conditions are met. Been a whitelisted gang for X amount of time. Will cost £X amount of money and will take X amount of time to build.
This adds levels to RP. 1 being new and upcoming gangs will stick around longer and work harder for these perks and not disband and die out like a lot have and it will give even the longest standing whitelisted gangs goals for the future. Hopefully if and when these get added the gang turf life will come back to life again.