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Thunderstorm frequency

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Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Do It Fer Yorkshiiiiiire
Hello all, I'm going to keep this short and to the point.

Thunderstorms in city are loud, obnoxious and way too frequent - they are completely detrimental to maybe 90% of RP that occurs in this city and I'm going to be honest in saying I've been tempted occasionally to log off whenever one occurs because its not like you can hear anything when one occurs. There have been suggestions made to lower the frequency before, alas, I have noticed little difference.

My suggestion would be to limit them to 15 minutes before each server restart (storm).

PROS: Better for RP, id assume most people would be happier.

CONS: Someone would have to figure out how to time them.
I agree with this, the storms make it impossible to hear anything going on even when you are inside of buildings.

they are completely detrimental to maybe 90% of RP that occurs in this city and I'm going to be honest in saying I've been tempted occasionally to log off whenever one occurs because its not like you can hear anything when one occurs.
I have taken to going inside or just stopping situations when there is a storm. There is only so many times you can say "Can you say that again I couldn't quite hear you..."

Even inside you still hear the thunder depending where you are. I just use the time to go afk and get a drink ect which isn't ideal.

My suggestion would be to limit them to 15 minutes before each server restart (storm).
This used to be the case. 5-10 mins before the restart there would be a storm which was ok. You are already avoiding new RP because you don't want to get cut short. But when something as inconsequential as a thunderstorm is starting to affect/ stop RP that's when I think something does need to be changed.
I don't know if its just me but the thunderstorms are just not loud for me I don't know why
I don't know if its just me but the thunderstorms are just not loud for me I don't know why
You most likely have sound effects volume down. Most people have it loud maxed so they can hear gunshots, cars ect
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