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Reporting/Length of bans

Jay Small

Well-known member
in all honestly people report way to much for the smallest and most petty of things, literally building a community of snowflakes its actually so frustrating people come to Roleplay and have fun with there friends, people get butt hurt if they lose a fight or get shot i think there should be a system where people should get banned for reporting 9/10 reports are a load of crap, where people follow people to get a rise out of people to report them i mean look through them at any given point of any day, he made fun of this she made fun of this half the time its your character that has a accent not actually the player reporting and thats whats wrong with some people in this community, i must admit there are lot of people that mass report for next to nothing and there are some good people in this community which catch a ban for a mistake that they have been wound up to make, i also believe this should be looked at some bans are lengthy and crazy after all this is a game and people should be given more chances not shut out for massive amount of time people build connections and friends some even meet and have romantic connections, so dont destroy your own community because you cant take a L every once in a while.

and to add if people are repeating certain rule breaks fair enough but its starting to lose the feel of a community at the moment
I agree with this in major way

I think bans like combatlogging shouldnt come with a perm / 1 month cooldown if there is context to it

Like for example what happened to @Antollyme with the combat log ban and the 1 month CD for something that shouldn't of been

And dont get me started on the gang v gang reports, its so bad that people will take that as a "WIN" to get someone from the opposing gang banned and its very cringe, that they will grasp at any straw they have to get rid of somebody , I think it has taken a massive hit on the gang community within the server which now a days is very non existent
i love seeing all the ooc chat between gang v gang, i think to my self that's my evening read on the forums then lmfao, i do get what you mean though about the accents etc,
We are not our characters and characters aren't us, i do go around know double thinking what I'm going to say incase it gets taken the wrong way and ban hammer comes down. Think some people need a hard look at their selfs, getting offended by a comment a fake player made to a fake player
I must say from when I first joined to now the levels of OOC toxicity have gone up significantly, to me it always feels like people are just begging for an excuse to report, 9/10 skipping a liaison and just heading straight to the forums.

For example when someone gets kidnapped by a rival gang or are downed in a car etc, they are just wishing that the other party slips up and does/says something that they can report for. I'm not sure if it's because people like getting others banned or they feel a sense of happiness when they do it but it's something.

Now for the majority of cases, the reports are warranted! However some are quite clear to me at least that they are just salty from in game and need to drag it onto the forums, why?

I think people need to remember that this is only a game, have some fun and enjoy your time here! The community only weakens when people are reported for "Petty" reasons.

Remember, You are not your character, whatever "Beef" you have with certain groups/individuals should remain IC and not leak onto the forums/discord.