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  • Listen man,Calling people names when you are mad is immature,Which directly relates to you being able to act like a adult in a Adult Community,Children call names when they are angry,Not Mature Adults,See mature adults solve there issues with a Civil Discussion if Possible & if found impossible then they go about the correct method,Which is not calling names.

    Secondly Calling someone a "Retard" is pretty insensitive of you considering for all you know they could have a disability of some kind.I hope you seriously rethink your attitude & Behavior.

    Just my two cents on the matter But take it as you will,I only mean to help you understand the kind of Community we have here.

    i completely understand that but everyone gets frusttrated every once in a while whether adult or child, and i have learnt that i cant say these kidsn of things in chat, but on other servers you can so i was not sure about specifics.

    i have over read the rules now so i am completely aware now

    Rick Wolfe
    Rick Wolfe
    Hey,i'm not here to judge,I'm only seeking to help,Make sure you fully understand the Rules as well,Don't be afraid to ask for clarification on something,Most of the Support Staff are usually Glad to help & you can always PM me with any questions.

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