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Recent content by Zinder

  1. Zinder

    144 days ago time stopped for me...

    i feel so sad reading this my friend if i could send my heart to you i would.  we keep in touch brother just catch me up and we have a chat, even if its hard just sit down and live your life to perfection as your lost ones would wish you do and they will wait for you when the time comes 
  2. Zinder

    hahaha 😛 

    hahaha 😛 
  3. Zinder

    @Weiss Triton   question is when is the boys back in town and away from dirty whitelisted...

    @Weiss Triton   question is when is the boys back in town and away from dirty whitelisted factions ^^ i will never leave plebs its more fun 1 vs 10 dont need a billion dudes around me to feel great 😄  
  4. Zinder

    Hapi you need to take your meds....  plebs for life.

    Hapi you need to take your meds....  plebs for life.
  5. Zinder

    Report a player - Herman huber and Tobias - Altis Life

    my voice bugged out but yeah here it is the other video was deleted before 😞
  6. Zinder

    Report a player - Herman huber and Tobias - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: ziN Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Herman huber and Tobias Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 03/20/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 21 What best describes this incident ?: Combatlogg Please (in detail)...
  7. Zinder

    Unban Appeal - Zinder - Altis Life

    In this case is just better to rather surrender and have a good RP session if thats possible or face it that you can not always win. be a honest and good member of the Community help those who are in need and #rpeverything  
  8. Zinder

    Unban Appeal - Zinder - Altis Life

    Hello.  No, I wouldn’t say this is a common occurrence at all, I try my best to play within the rules and make it enjoyable for both myself and others.  At the end of the day, we’re all human and we make mistakes - I’m owning up to mine, which in my opinion is the key part when you screw up...
  9. Zinder

    Unban Appeal - Zinder - Altis Life

    Unban Appeal for Zinder  In-game Name: ziN Server: Altis Life Steam ID: 76561197961712115 The date you got banned: 03/08/21 Member of the team that banned you: Samantha / Sonder Reason given for your ban: 1.4 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I will start this...
  10. Zinder


    sad to see you go friend,   did read about you going in to army 🙂 i had that over my bed down i Afganistan back in 2010 and 2011  , army life is great makes you grow as a human, need anything just jump on TS ,Former Operator in the swedish army , red beret   http://i.imgur.com/7CSbbYd.jpg
  11. Zinder

    Hive / Sou Cheng out (temp)

    stay safe 🙂 
  12. Zinder

    Report a player - zIN - Altis Life

    wtf are you talking about mate..  dont try to get me in bad maner just beacuse you act like this and get engulfed in anger when you "lose" a situation, now you are laying aswell ..  GLHF Mr.....
  13. Zinder

    Report a player - Mr Andersson , Mr Smith - Altis Life

    i tried and he was hostile even in the TS so i want to go throw with this report on the user.  i explained he even shot first, you cant even hear the initiation from he's side in the video,  he rage straight on breaking Rp and treat to report getting me deported.  i executed them in a active...
  14. Zinder

    Report a player - zIN - Altis Life

    i have done a report on this user acting like this on my own behalf and iam feed up with this kinda behavior as long as the situations dont go their way.  i thank you for the request to speak but after those 2 mins i spended with this guy on TS yesterday overtalking me and he dident get the...
  15. Zinder

