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Recent content by Whongcheng

  1. Whongcheng

    Bus Driver Job

    I think adding a bus driver job would help with some more legal jobs to choose from.  there is already a bus driver station in the city near the hostpital there you could set up the main base. to make sure people wont go crazy with the busses on the streets i would make it a whitelisted job...
  2. Whongcheng

    What word really annoys you and breaks your immersion ?

    your a fake chinese 😞
  3. Whongcheng

    Weazel News Feed

    Comming soon! https://streamable.com/hw9mto
  4. Whongcheng

    Thank you father😇 it whas fun indeed

    Thank you father😇 it whas fun indeed
  5. Whongcheng

    Billy Stevens + Whong Cheng

    Yall madafakas are to kind! @Drewas soon i saw your tweet and the name i knew you where my asian solmate😳 amzing and fun. Its reminds me that roleplay can indeed be fun and welcoming. And for mister bald men in black suit. I love yu @Mike Polothank you for your kind en friendly welcomming back...
  6. Whongcheng

    Pre Gang Update

    I wonder who owns the madafaka chinese gang?.!
  7. Whongcheng

    The Red Dragon

      The Red Dragon is a Assian maffia what is ruled by a old family of the Tao Cheng dynasty. They traide in many drugs and are heavly involed in the crime of Los Santos! Now that there are many differend gangs showing up in Los Santos its time for the Red Dragon to show there place in town...
  8. Whongcheng

    i gues it will be around 20$ not sure tho 

    i gues it will be around 20$ not sure tho 
  9. Whongcheng

    soo.. who is ready for the realse of Onset?? hope to see some great roleplayers on there!! cant...

    soo.. who is ready for the realse of Onset?? hope to see some great roleplayers on there!! cant waitt.. as wel maby i will do a gife away for Onset let me know if you intrested in the game
  10. Whongcheng

    ShaunLAD Out

    You will be missed creazy madapingping! *look a boat!* ** heerrroooooo**
  11. Whongcheng

    Report a Player - Bacon Farrel - RDM

    on this recording you can see more of his action.. https://youtu.be/F4rxFcjBXkI
  12. Whongcheng

    Report a Player - Bacon Farrel - RDM

    Just to be CLEAR you cant initiate from the GREEENzone.. as you said that you know the rules, you should have know that. and it whas not tenze at all.. all you did whas calling me a retard in greenzone. im not gona repsond to this any more and shall wait for the admins.  you are not involved in...
  13. Whongcheng

    Report a Player - Bacon Farrel - RDM

    Your In-game name Whongcheng Name of the player(s) you are reporting Bacon Farrel Date of the incident 11/23/19 Time of the incident (GMT) 2010 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident after...
  14. Whongcheng

    Onset 13 December!

    so its almost here Onset! i hope to see if rpuk can do something with this cripting sandbox and make some fine roleplay server on it. what do you guys think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUt-ozVXVZY
  15. Whongcheng

    Community RUST Server Open!

    the china wall shall keep you away my dear friend