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Recent content by Voltz

  1. Voltz

    Merry Christmas all!

    Merry Christmas all!
  2. Voltz

    Really beginning to miss Altis about now :( [ATTACH]

    Really beginning to miss Altis about now :(
  3. Voltz

    Seeing that 0 next to Altis Life... that hurts

    Seeing that 0 next to Altis Life... that hurts
  4. Voltz

    Lowest RPUK ID

    22,582 Bloody hell, didn't even realise how many players there were
  5. Voltz

    Wait how soon we talking? Might have to fire up the ol PC

    Wait how soon we talking? Might have to fire up the ol PC
  6. Voltz

    This should be against the rules

    Tasers... Believe it or not it took me 3 times to realise that tasering someone who is downed killed them, not my finest moment. Compensated them all, thought it was a glitch...
  7. Voltz

    VOTE PASSED - For new Players - Amend Starting Cash

    I'd think that part of the fun is starting with £100,000. I mean I never struggled and to be honest, begging in kavala would get you more than £100,000 a restart at peak times. I haven't been extremely broke in years but i know getting back from the bottom isn't that had, plus so much more...
  8. Voltz

    Do special day rewards still work, missing some of that Easter action

    Do special day rewards still work, missing some of that Easter action
  9. Voltz

    Potato’s cause violence in prepubescent teens *this is a message from the Parsnip group*

    Potato’s cause violence in prepubescent teens *this is a message from the Parsnip group*
  10. Voltz

    I wonder if the Apple trees have properly regrown since the attack on them a few years back

    I wonder if the Apple trees have properly regrown since the attack on them a few years back
  11. Voltz

    Not bad at all, how about you?

    Not bad at all, how about you?
  12. Voltz

    Could it be

    Could it be
  13. Voltz

    The Police Recruitment is a Joke

    As far as I see, it starts with capital letters, then it moves on to more serious matters such as pouring the milk into a mug before adding the tea. And heaven forbid leading onto much more serious matters such as "Sock, shoe, sock then shoe" or even worse... putting toilet paper where the paper...
  14. Voltz

    The Police Recruitment is a Joke

    Seriously, what is this!? No capital I's, literally can't force myself to work for these animals!
  15. Voltz

    Just purchased a 4k Monitor and its a totally different experience, supprised my framerate...

    Just purchased a 4k Monitor and its a totally different experience, supprised my framerate hasn't dropped below 30...