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  • Anyone suggest a nice place with to buy a house and garage? All the places i find are always owned

    House raided again, Whats the point of even storing stuff in a house if someones just finds your house in the middle of nowhere and raids it?

    true lol, before i bought the rebel house i went around the little towns up north but i couldnt find one with an unowned garage or even one with a garage and house hunting is pretty time consuming 

    Finding a house that 1. Has a garage next to it and 2. Is in a remote location is near damn impossible, hell finding a house that has a garage not owned on this island is near damn impossible. I know of a town I don't think anyone uses that has a couple of garages tho, used to have my old gang "town" there, doubt anyone uses it, if Yer interested I can give you the gridref/town name for a small fee ;)

    depends how small were talking

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