I gave you multible chances to come on teamspeak and resolve the situation,and i have the feeling that you are not getting the point of this report. Your iniciation was horrible and far from high quality Roleplaywhich makes me think, that you have been providing this type of Roleplay to others...
@Calvin Charles Feel free to upload your prespective! My nvidia setting where not set up correctly so my microphone was not selected (Snowball) but instead my unplugged headset mic. I did not say anything harsh or anything that might have hurt your feelings, i said that you where lucky to be in...
Your In-game name
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
Calvin Charles
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Poor/Low Quality RP
Which server did the incident take place on
Altis Life
Please (in detail) describe the...
I completely understand you, these days so many bad things happen around the world that we got used to bad news how horrible it may sound. As long we are not influenced by the problem we simply don't care anymore is it bad? No, as we all got our issues in life and we have all learned to accept...
So everyone i have to get somethings of my chest that will lead to my end every end has to come with a start so here it is.
Around 3 years ago i received my first PC and watched a Arma 3 Roleplay video and wanted to do it my self so i asked my dad to buy it for me for my birthday, Then i joined...