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Recent content by tristanthebest2

  1. tristanthebest2

    Un-ban Appeal - tristanthebest2 - 15/06/18 (Denied)

    first of all the 4. got banned for baiting. the admin that banned me and some of my mates. was wrong and I had to speak to stuff about that bann and I got unbanned when I showed the stuff what happened it was a miss understanding. that ban was not far at all I talked to a leading stuff and there...
  2. tristanthebest2

    Un-ban Appeal - tristanthebest2 - 15/06/18 (Denied)

    if I was  in a similar I was tell the truth of what happened and say that I mess up and plz forgive and begggg the guy not to report me. but I would probs not be in a similar again because am going to make sure that this dose not happened again 
  3. tristanthebest2

    Un-ban Appeal - tristanthebest2 - 15/06/18 (Denied)

    (1 I dk I tried to get it away am not going to lie to you again that's it I tried to get away it. (2 over the long time I have not been playing here I leant lieing gets you no where and just make things worst it was my mistake of lieing I dk why I lied because it  didn't help. I  would   of  not...
  4. tristanthebest2

    my guy from day one fam hope u can get back into the sever the gang is coming back this time we...

    my guy from day one fam hope u can get back into the sever the gang is coming back this time we are taking over 
  5. tristanthebest2

    Un-ban Appeal - tristanthebest2 - 15/06/18 (Denied)

    In-game Name [SR] THUG Steam ID http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198284425956/ The date of your ban. 09/01/18 Member of the team that banned you. James_W12345 Reason given for your ban. combat logging The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please...
  6. tristanthebest2

    Report a Player - [SR] Killa - Other (action taken)

    sadly no one has got the video ):
  7. tristanthebest2

    Report a Player - [SR] Killa - Other (action taken)

    yes am asking all my friends to see if they have it  most of my mates get on 8PM UK time. so I should have the video then but I might not 
  8. tristanthebest2

    Report a Player - [SR] Killa - Other (action taken)

    so what happened cops was taking me to jail. as we got there to the jail my screen froze. my game froze but my ts didn't froze so I was talking to my teammates saying how could I fix it they said to turn off my computer I did turn it off. but when I try to get on to tell the cops that my...
  9. tristanthebest2

    Un-ban Appeal - neisai - 26/12/17 (Denied - unable to appeal until 15/01/2018)

    wait admin. his English it not the best that's why his report is not that long. and we have not done nothing wrong 
  10. tristanthebest2

    Un-ban Appeal - tristanthebest2 - 25/12/17 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name [SR] THUG Steam ID http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198284425956/ The date of your ban. Member of the team that banned you. CSI Long Beard Reason given for your ban. baiting The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you...
  11. tristanthebest2

    Un-ban Appeal - tristanthebest2 - 22/12/17 (Denied)

    In-game Name [SR] THUG Steam ID http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198284425956/ The date of your ban. 22/12/17 Member of the team that banned you. CSI Long Beard Reason given for your ban. baiting The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type...
  12. tristanthebest2

    Report a Player - [SR] Neisai - RDM (Recjected)

    ok but i want to see the video because neisai didn't  mean to rdm because one of friends who is new to rp said that u can open fire on them and neisai was like are you sure because i don't want to get banned. then he just sayed yeah you can open fire. so am not sure what was going on there but...
  13. tristanthebest2

    Report a Player - [SR] Neisai - RDM (Recjected)

    may  I see the video because neisai is on holiday. and I will speak on his behalf  Nick Carraway do u want to  resolve the situation on ts. because you never told use that u was going to report us or anything 
  14. tristanthebest2

    am free now man 

    am free now man 
  15. tristanthebest2

    Report a Player - [SR] THUG - RDM (Rejected)

    ok man if u want talk about that then make a report u should not been talking on here man. Nick Carraway