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Recent content by Tommo

  1. Tommo

    Give the ability to switch characters without a full reload of the game

    I'm sure that a different ID could be issued when you swap chararacter.
  2. Tommo

    Give the ability to switch characters without a full reload of the game

    Its no different than being able to log out and log back in. Not sure what the abuse would be that isnt there already. logs still apply. Its just a quality of life improvement that will save 4-5 mins between changing chars.
  3. Tommo

    Give the ability to switch characters without a full reload of the game

    As the title says, please give us an option in city to change character rather than fully leaving the game and loading back in.
  4. Tommo

    Residential Burglary

  5. Tommo

    Baz over and out.

    Wow this is the most expected unexpected twist. Good luck bro you were a pleasure to rp with and happy to call you a friend! Keep in touch
  6. Tommo

    Changes to the conceal carry mechanic

    Just as it would irl its more ridiculous watching someone pull a sig from their pockets imo
  7. Tommo

    The Smoothie Market

    -1 Just buy them from TinyBigTaco Add $50 Profit
  8. Tommo

    Reduce payouts on Sanitation jobs (Bins)

    The pay is ridiculous, i have done it once. You can grind a day and literally have millions. Needs major major nerfing imo to a similar level to taxi and mechaninc. It dont matter if you need to do it with friends,, its a bin man, it should no way match drugs etc... It has killed RP, you...
  9. Tommo


    Bro they cant even remove import cars this aint never gonna happen
  10. Tommo

    Escaping cuffs suggestion

    I once saw a clip of Bmav break out of them like 7 times in a row, they got him in the end though
  11. Tommo

    Coroner role

    A guy used to do something like this a couple years ago it was hilarious, he would pick them up in his hearse and instead of pillbox take them to the cemetery to the empty graves and sit with them
  12. Tommo


    IMO , the economy has scaled out of control, i think it needs a full player cash wipe, readdressing of jobs, legal low pay, illegal high, maybe look into the suggestion of moving the decimal point 1 to the left so its £39 for a smoothie instead of £390 etc... This is the only way that the...
  13. Tommo

    Bringing Archie Back! B.A.B

  14. Tommo

    I got banned for been disrespectful to someone on discord!

    damn bro with that attitude its no wonder you got banned for being disrespectful