@C H A R L I E ok get what you are saying so If I wanted I could make a group called nazis as long as I don’t say racist stuff then I am golden I think not. I asked the question how is it allowed to even be here on the first place. Trying reading it all thru. If you can’t answer the question...
Unfortunately I have seen them around the island for about the past week causing havoc but me breaking rules of the land to get banned for them is not a option if you even see one pls just turn on your body cam/ go pro. I. Just. Figured mine out. So that is what I will be doing
Why are know terror groups allowed to exist on the island ie alquiada and the Islamic states? How long would a group referring to the nazis last? They should not be here or considered open season on the island. To top it all off the initiation s are shit ie you have three seconds to put your...