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Recent content by Shambala12

  1. Shambala12

    Shambala12's Private Jet

  2. Shambala12

    Shambala12's Private Jet

    Umm, no comment 😂
  3. Shambala12

    Shambala12's Private Jet

    It's not messing with your age, it's called character building 😂
  4. Shambala12

    Shambala12's Private Jet

    November is much better than Sierra. It's been fun together, been a laugh bullying you 😂 Also cba to tag every1 :P
  5. Shambala12

    Shambala12's Private Jet

    This has been something which I have been thinking about for a long time and has been a difficult decision for me however it needed to be done. I am officially leaving the community as of today for a few reasons. I'm personally getting bored of doing the same things on the community, I have had...
  6. Shambala12

    I enjoyed my time on the island

    Enjoy your break mate. Keep in touch 
  7. Shambala12

    Free Game! 1d left

  8. Shambala12

    In a bit

    Best of luck Smithy. Keep in touch mate
  9. Shambala12

    Goodbye Friends.

    Bye Ole ☹️ Keep in touch
  10. Shambala12

    Popkas teleporting back to real life.

    Best of luck Popka. Gimme a shout on steam whenever u wanna play a game 
  11. Shambala12

    Nhs interview

    When an MTO and a CMO drags you into the channel to do you interview and your AFK, what do you expect. Your not gonna get your interview done if your AFK every time you get dragged
  12. Shambala12

    What does everyone want to do as a job / What are you doing?

    Farmer, although a different type of job to what people usually do, it's decent pay and I enjoy it :D
  13. Shambala12

    Crumble Wishes You All Well

    Although never met you in person, always had respect for you and wish you the best of luck in what the future brings
  14. Shambala12

    Elite Dangerous.

    'Just'. There was no influence from you here were there?
  15. Shambala12

    Elite Dangerous.

    Anybody still play this game? Myself, @CMO Joel Denning and a few other CST's play this game. @Kech I know u used to play this a lot 