Nobody said anything about actually making something as nobody is experienced enough in it to do it successfully yet and as you said there is potentially not a point BUT it is (or at least it will be with experience and a few fixes etc) no longer going to be the case that the Arma series of...
Tbh the enfusion engine makes that no longer really the case. Everything such as new cars, new vehicles, new props, new animations and new maps etc can be built into servers in a relatively similar way to GTA does. On previous Arma's, I would 100% agree with you but the extent of what the...
00:00 Restart
Abandoned vehicle event @sciencefreak74
A random modified vehicle spawns at a marked location
Could be anything from a quadbike with a couple of cheap mods to an Ifrit with high-end mods like bullet resistant tyres which would otherwise be...
20:00 Restart
Bodysnatcher perk @sciencefreak74
Grants access to the bodysnatcher ability (15 min cooldown) which locates your nearest bodybag.
Framework to give unique features to high quality groups (more info soonTM) @sciencefreak74
Storage upgrade for...
If you have the perk and you park near the compound and stay in the drivers seat you will receive police dispatches automatically (the closer you are the more likely to intercept). However, I haven't switched where it is looking for to the new spec ops so currently it does nothing.
20:00 Restart
AAN Camera system at MAN News @sciencefreak74
Press 1-9 when in the camera to change camera position
Press 0 to edit camera settings when in camera
Configurable AAN "News banner" at MAN News @sciencefreak74
AAN vehicle flag @DCC...
20:00 Restart
Fields not being fertilised correctly after previous fertiliser has expired @sciencefreak74
Occasionally being banned for picking up new place-able objects (hopefully) @sciencefreak74
Some houses being accidentally disabled @sciencefreak74
00:00 Restart
Ability for Poseidon to move the Weed Pro @sciencefreak74
ATMs and cashpoints in more places @Mystix
Marmite factory @sciencefreak74
DVLA to Le Port @Mystix
Warning sign near a glitchy bridge @Mystix@DCC LastNickLeft
Ability to buy blasting charged from...