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Sargent Bacon
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  • Ok i will be fair about that tampax is right i know it was me it was a joke but i understand thank you

    just don't do whatever you do... I don't know how you get banned so much.

    I went to get un blacklisted from the NHS but nope theyt wont let me in !
    You were blacklisted from both the police and the NHS, what did you do?

    let's just say he shot a few people with a TRG

    Sargent Bacon
    Sargent Bacon
    Agent Washington

    I wanted a ride along so i went to the only channal open to random people then they came down thinking i was trying to get a interview ahter i just had one they they came up to me and said your black listed from the NHS i had to do a lot to try get back in but it did not work i mean its just really annoying aswell

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