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Recent content by Samatlewis

  1. Samatlewis

    Rules Feedback

    Minor spelling/typo GTA Rules (G2.8) OOC Help - OOC chat is for help only, extended OOC interactions are forbidd/en. Would it also be possible for this page to be hyperlinked at the footer/bottom of both rules pages? Unless you check the news/announcements section it is somewhat 'difficult' to...
  2. Samatlewis

    My thoughts are with all the techs out there prepping for home work and dealing with the influx...

    My thoughts are with all the techs out there prepping for home work and dealing with the influx of tickets.
  3. Samatlewis

    VOTE PASSED - Remove Faction Restrictions

    IMO this would really reduce the long standing deep rooted hatred that forms from each side for each other when you’re just stuck playing your one side. Kill a colleague whilst “off-duty”, fair enough you’re letting your hair down.. go amongst the ranks tomorrow and arrest the bad guys with him!
  4. Samatlewis

    VOTE PASSED - Mass Unban (Restrictions will apply)

    Have them fill out a form on the forum with some tick boxes, RPUK ID etc and have it actioned ad-hoc by the team would be a good way of going about. At least that shows a willingness to get back on.
  5. Samatlewis

    anyone know a fix to teamspeak

    How did you fix it? For the sake of others who might have the same problem.
  6. Samatlewis

    anyone know a fix to teamspeak

    Do you have issues connecting to other team speak servers? on your computer type ‘command prompt’ in to windows and run the command prompt box. Then type in the below ping ts.roleplay.co.uk does this ‘resolve’ and give you a response?
  7. Samatlewis

    Arma 3 Issues :(

    Are you a local administrator on your machine? Have you tried signing in as another administrator account?
  8. Samatlewis

    Cheers lads, will look at that one!

    Cheers lads, will look at that one!
  9. Samatlewis

    Has anyone got the Hyperx cloud revolver and would recommend it, or any alternatives for the...

    Has anyone got the Hyperx cloud revolver and would recommend it, or any alternatives for the same budget? (Up to £110)
  10. Samatlewis

    Un-ban Appeal - SixSeven - 19/09/18

    Nice bump. Now you can wait 3 days for a reply
  11. Samatlewis

    PC Under preforming?

    There’s now a built in feature with windows 10 to put your machine in “game mode” on the Xbox overlay... might be worth exploring that for an extra frame or two
  12. Samatlewis

    Un-ban Appeal - SabotagingNoob - 02/09/18

    The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here. Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord! Steam Group: RPUK Steam...
  13. Samatlewis

    Un-ban Appeal - jaykavanagh15 - 03/09/18

    The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here. Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord! Steam Group: RPUK Steam...
  14. Samatlewis

    YoCo is outie

    Cya mate! Almost been a pleasure having you around.. 😉
  15. Samatlewis

    Rule (6.0.1)

    There is a rules feedback thread.. post this there and it will be reviewed by administration..