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Recent content by S E T H

  1. S E T H


  2. S E T H


  3. S E T H

    Cheers mate for supporting the stream. It's always nice to see a good response from my fans 😄

    Cheers mate for supporting the stream. It's always nice to see a good response from my fans 😄
  4. S E T H

    Permanent Ban Appeal - S E T H

    Okay so. I know obviously someone in my position could easily be looked over and just removed from the community all together. This would not surprise me. I would like to add that I should not have made those remarks on this server. It was wrong to do. It was something in the moment which should...
  5. S E T H

    Permanent Ban Appeal - S E T H

    No that is not what I am saying, I said along with other server files, the Teamspeak that I set up as my own personal Teamspeak. This Teamspeak is on the server lists which meant now and again we would get many people joining (most of them complete weirdos i must add). Many of them did not know...
  6. S E T H

    Permanent Ban Appeal - S E T H

    I know I have nothing to hide as I know to well that if I did then it would be clear to see. I would like to reiterate that the Lewis I met on that teamspeak was not any Lewis that I know of from this server however, I cannot confirm that. I would also like to say that I do enjoy playing on this...
  7. S E T H

    Permanent Ban Appeal - S E T H

    @Wilco Regarding the allegations on me having a mission file of some sort is true, but the allegation on me sharing them is not. however, I can see why the allegation was brought forward. I went onto the Teamspeak yesterday or the day before for about 10-15 minutes and was speaking to a...
  8. S E T H

    Permanent Ban Appeal - S E T H

    @Drew As far as know a few of those warnings was from when I was very new not only to the server but to Arma in general, this is not necessarily an excuse but more of a detail. I know my prior ban for "Poor RP" was from when I went on holiday with Bikini Bottom and they happened to get blanket...
  9. S E T H

    🙂 [ATTACH]

  10. S E T H

    Calm down now bud 😄 only replying to your comments about my perm ban, no need to get all in a...

    Calm down now bud 😄 only replying to your comments about my perm ban, no need to get all in a twist about it. 😄 
  11. S E T H

    @INS Aplexity I mean... your in NCA so that would explain a lot wouldn't it 😄

    @INS Aplexity I mean... your in NCA so that would explain a lot wouldn't it 😄
  12. S E T H

    @INS Aplexity Who are you again?  

    @INS Aplexity Who are you again?  
  13. S E T H

    More peaceful without me??? or without AR? 😄

    More peaceful without me??? or without AR? 😄
  14. S E T H

    Well I've heard some got caught tryna be sneaky and play some rebel 

    Well I've heard some got caught tryna be sneaky and play some rebel 
  15. S E T H

    😄 of course Poseidon wont complain. R.I.P AR ❤️

    😄 of course Poseidon wont complain. R.I.P AR ❤️