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Recent content by qaws

  1. qaws

    Bobby Boss Smith

  2. qaws

    The new drug system

    I mostly mean "simple" things that devs would overlook because 1: they're so busy with the code and stuff they might legit overlook it 2: they don't have a lot of experience as criminals Example: occult being a prominent hotzone etc
  3. qaws

    The new drug system

    I honestly applaud you for the effort you and the devs are putting in, but I do have an issue with what I quoted above. I think some things could be foreseen before an update goes live. I know for myself I've applied to be game tester once, and there's probably other experienced people (in this...
  4. qaws

    Getting into whitelisted gangs.

    This, alongside obvious baiting that's happening atm between gangs to get fights going that turn into wars (just because they're bored because there's nothing else to do) is killing the gang scene... or what's left of it. I feel like things like this constantly get brought up but nothing is...
  5. qaws

    The new drug system

    Butting in on this, mixing both recent changes (buffed drug prices but also having a hotspot) would be class. Maybe, in a hotspot, delete the max limit of purchases 1 local can do (currently 4-6?) and spawn more locals that can buy.
  6. qaws

    Dr Coathangers P45

    Idk mate, might be playing devil's advocate here but if we do this we might as well start holding peoples hands in RP. It's a game feature. People shouldn't be dense and break server rules. The problem isn't dodgy, the problem is people losing gear and losing a situation. THAT'S what needs to be...
  7. qaws

    GTA RP - La Coureuse takes petrol whilst it's electric

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Peter Wright Steam ID: 76561198048467455 Date: Mar 6, 2025 Time: 22:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: La Coureuse takes petrol whilst it's electric Provide a full description of the bug...
  8. qaws

    GTA RP - Vehicles not showing in the police impound

    https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jPiX1RPaZMINlZ1Ig?invite=cr-MSxjdzMsMTk2NzE3MDk5LA Here a clip from me, same issue but shows kinda differently.
  9. qaws

    Rework of the Prison System

    I think we should discourage people just logging out in prison. Maybe make the "idle time" 10x slower. So 60 months logged out would take 10 hours. This increases activity in prison thus giving prisoners more to do; which is roleplay. Ultimately people will need some stuff to do / roleplay with...
  10. qaws

    Webhook for Clocking In/Out of Businesses

    +1, would be good for business owners to see!
  11. qaws

    Unique Food Buffs: Gameplay Enhancement

    Removes weapon recoil? Chance of no ammo usage? What even is this. Some of them are all right, like feast for a king or most of the physical enhancements (but not that crazy! make it just a tiny tiny buff). But the others are just crazy. I understand where you come from Stevie but I think this...
  12. qaws

    Locked Containers

    Exactly. Either just clear them and make them available again or move them
  13. qaws

    Locked Containers

    I know there's certain reasons, both ingame but also OOC, why containers get locked. What I do not understand is why we get new containers added, but old ones not wiped and then unlocked. Never understood the thought process.
  14. qaws

    GTA RP - Jeep needs to water the plants outside Cypress tower less

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Dan James Steam ID: 76561198048467455 Date: Feb 9, 2025 Time: 20:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Jeep needs to water the plants outside Cypress tower less Provide a full description of the bug: If you stand in the "lawn" outside the cypress...