Hi, I'm the person that allowed him repair his vehicle as I felt like it would have been unfair for him to be arrested and face a lengthy sentence for the firearm after such a short pursuit ended because of an accident that the LSPS was partially responsible for and due to his reported head...
I agree with people being banned for breaking the combat logging rules, my only argument is with making every person wait a minimum of 1-month before they're allowed to appeal.
An automatic 1-month appeals cooldown for combat logging seems overly harsh imo. For every player that is banned, they have friends that will leave the server with them. There are some really good RPers that have made a silly mistake, often their only rule break in years, that will end up...
+1 - Please bring back drug dealing as a viable way to make money. A big reason there is an overwhelming police presence to certain incidents is the lack of other crimes going on. The economy in general needs to do a better job at incentivising crime.