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Recent content by PC Ozzy

  1. PC Ozzy

    Unban Appeal - PC Ozzy - GTA RP

    Hello, Honestly the only answer I can give you is a promise that it won't, In future ill try to not begin scenarios when Im getting ready to come off for the night, but Id wait out the respawn timer and if my character died then id leave after respawn, however if I was rescued id message all...
  2. PC Ozzy

    Unban Appeal - PC Ozzy - GTA RP

    Hello, Honestly its because part of me was a bit tired of RP because I was doing to much in my own time, and partly just busy, and mainly because I forgot about all this, and your right I should of and did know I just didn't think at the time I have no excuse whatsoever Regards Ozzy
  3. PC Ozzy

    Unban Appeal - PC Ozzy - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: S. Ozzy Steam ID: 76561198038605152 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16130 Ban Reason: Combat Logging Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because as far as I remember I was chasing someone and jumped into water after them and drowned and as I was pretty tired...
  4. PC Ozzy

    Unban Appeal - PC Ozzy - GTA RP

    Honestly I was told it had a 2 mo cooldown and then I got really busy with life as I was retraining into a different job and i moreorless forgot
  5. PC Ozzy

    Unban Appeal - PC Ozzy - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: S. Ozzy Steam ID: 76561198038605152 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16130 Ban Reason: C.2.3 Combat Logging Why do you think you were banned: Im not 100% sure as this was a while ago but I think I was chasing a criminal down on a pier and jumped in the water and...
  6. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - 741, 657 ,800 - GTA RP

    @Richardd Noone else involved said anything so Im withdrawing the report Staff please close when able
  7. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - 741, 657 ,800 - GTA RP

    @Richardd I think we can agree that many factors such as it was late we were all tired etc led up to the situation  Ill wait for any of the others to reply if you can get in contact with them that would be great
  8. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - 741, 657 ,800 - GTA RP

    @Richardd Look gonna be honest I was tired when I put this report up we both made mistakes im happy to withdraw the report if you are?
  9. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - 741, 657 ,800 - GTA RP

    @1000Phoenix Hi phoenix, The Sessionheads shows ah different guy than you with 657  I apologies for what was said but quite frankly there was no attempt at RP in my opinion hence why this report is up  I admit what was said was out on annoyance after a poor attempt at RP and yes I...
  10. PC Ozzy

    Report a player - 741, 657 ,800 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: PC Scott Ozzy Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 741, 657 ,800 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 05/21/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 130 What best describes this incident ?: Shocking...
  11. PC Ozzy


  12. PC Ozzy

    Car MOT and insurance

    @Rekkemmo @Luke Link As i said i dont want this to be any decent amount like say £200 and no appointments i mean just as a side thing 
  13. PC Ozzy

    Car MOT and insurance

    Brief Summary: I would like to add MOTS and Insurance to the server Detailed Suggestion: So as stated about I would like to see MOT and insurance added to the server this is so that cops get to have a couple other things they can check and do with players and also it will bring more traffic...
  14. PC Ozzy

    pineapple on a meat feast pizza is well worth it sweet and savoury is the best

    pineapple on a meat feast pizza is well worth it sweet and savoury is the best
  15. PC Ozzy

    Solicitor PNC update

    +1 its a massive ballache having to type out links to see evidence