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Recent content by Ollywilliam

  1. Ollywilliam

    Report a Player - OliverWS, Otis - Other

    No the teamspeak messages were not mature and uncalled for however again smex i did apologise for calling you brain dead so once i come off im going to get the footage of me saying it.
  2. Ollywilliam

    Report a Player - OliverWS, Otis - Other

    @Sonder SO now lets get a bit more context here as well , they were blocking the spawn pad which we were asking them to move over and over again which they refused. LIQUID because hes new doesnt know the rules he was just in our gang for the day we dont know him. However he started flipping it...
  3. Ollywilliam

    Report a Player - OliverWS, Otis - Other

    @Sonder hi ill get the video tonight , however the teamspeak messages calling him brain dead is because he was provoking me and we had previous situations before hand which they were just being toxic and time wasting. Like i said before i thought we resolved this between us however it is what it...
  4. Ollywilliam

    Report a Player - OliverWS, Otis - Other

    Lol like i said ill get video footage but im not going to be wasting my time grabbing that footage , so when i get some time available ill go through my footage and find the clip. And like i said ill link the clip so don't worry mate . Tbh i do think this is a revenge post because we annoyed you...
  5. Ollywilliam

    Report a Player - OliverWS, Otis - Other

    Quite funny this. ive got video evidence showing i was not unflipping the heli which i can provide however they havent got their story straight. Its funny how when we were asked to come to teamspeak i did say for what because it wasnt clear why they wanted me to come to ts even though i didn't...
  6. Ollywilliam

    mattB out

    See you later my love ❤️ Forever will be a part of me ❤️
  7. Ollywilliam

    They touched me in places I've never explored before 😞 😞 

    They touched me in places I've never explored before 😞 😞 
  8. Ollywilliam

    Un-ban Appeal - Ollywilliam - 23/09/18

    I think it’s more than fair and not unreasonable at all , and I acknowledge that the consequences of getting another ban no matter how minor it may be it will be met with a perm ban and I won’t be able to appeal for 6 months and after the 6 months I would have to appeal via the perm ban appeal...
  9. Ollywilliam

    Un-ban Appeal - Ollywilliam - 23/09/18

    Yes I can honestly say I am aware of all the rules that are currently in place and that last night I went through all the rules once again one by one. I’ve been through them all and have read them out to myself so I can assure my self to stand by the rules at all times . I will do my very best...
  10. Ollywilliam

    Un-ban Appeal - Ollywilliam - 23/09/18

    I do have respect for your rules even though you may not think or even better me not showing it. I genuinely was trying not to break the rules and then when i had too much too drink i was just out of it , pretty much not thinking or knowing what i was doing. Then when i tried to avoid breaking...
  11. Ollywilliam

    Un-ban Appeal - Ollywilliam - 23/09/18

    Yes that's perfectly fine i think to avoid this happening again im not going to drink while on the TS and the live server and just want to say my apologise as you probs have better things to do than deal with me being an idiot so im sorry for that.  Im sorry about my RL friend as well. Obviously...
  12. Ollywilliam

    Un-ban Appeal - Ollywilliam - 23/09/18

    I don't see the need to lie to anyone. I didn't want to put the fact i was drinking in the post because i didn't want to use it as an excuse. Yes my friend warned me and like i said i wasn't thinking clearly and put the headset down made the discord and then joined back to the ts room and was...
  13. Ollywilliam

    Un-ban Appeal - Ollywilliam - 23/09/18

    I understand that i violated the rules and that rules are rules at the end of the day and that's why i said and mentioned that i understand why the rules are in place.  To answer your question like i said when someone told me i could get banned from TS because i played music i made the choice...
  14. Ollywilliam

    Un-ban Appeal - Ollywilliam - 23/09/18

    In-game Name OliverWs Steam ID 76561198315941484 The date of your ban. 22/09/18 Member of the team that banned you. Madassrubberduck Reason given for your ban. 13 14.3 The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I...
  15. Ollywilliam

    Report a Player - PC S E T H - RDM (Report Rejected)

    Ive been thinking about this situation and believe this is not right. We were at airport 5km away from our gang base , when we executed the officer that doesn't mean we can travel 5km away and start shooting other officers because we executed one 2 less than 2 minutes before hand. We as rebels...