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Recent content by Ollie Just

  1. Ollie Just

    Getting into whitelisted gangs.

    I totally agree. My only ever whitelisted gang was Grove, and from my early days, I can probably remember around 15 good, well-grounded members. When I joined, I felt like an addition to the group, not just another number. Yet nowadays, I'm not sure if that type of value has continued. I believe...
  2. Ollie Just

    Unban Appeal - Ollie Just - GTA RP - Denied

    Hi thank you for the reply, Sorry for my misunderstanding ,however i understand your question now. Personally, high quality rp is something that i value, someone who puts effort in to creating a scenario that leaves me wanting it to continue or meet them again, is something i am grateful for...
  3. Ollie Just

    Unban Appeal - Ollie Just - GTA RP - Denied

    Thank you for the responce, High quality roleplay is an experience you provide that attempts to rein act a similar scenario to real life, that engages both parties being it group or singular, for everyone to enjoy. This should create an immersive feeling where it allows both parties to...
  4. Ollie Just

    Unban Appeal - Ollie Just - GTA RP - Denied

    Good evening Stavik I hope all is well, First of all, thank you for the reply and the chance to answer your question. Firstly, I would like to admit I made a mistake, trust between staff will slowly but surely need to be rekindled. However, I assure you I have learnt from it, spoke with many...
  5. Ollie Just

    CCTV In Shops/Stores

    Yeah i see your point now, would cause hassle for no reason, especially when the crim has many counters to them like you said. I still +1 this for giving the owners/police time to respond more effectively with more evidence than a usual empty scene.
  6. Ollie Just

    CCTV In Shops/Stores

    I like the idea, gives the owners a chance and more rp with police. It would also give the criminals a second thought and perhaps plan their heist more carefully than just a quick cash grab. I have a question though, would you like the criminal to be able to "take out" these cameras? If so, i...
  7. Ollie Just

    Getting into whitelisted gangs.

    I agree with this thread, from having first hand experience of how gangs required you to provide value other than a statistic , and taking a step back and seeing it slowly change. I joined grove July 2023, so not too long ago, however, the server in aspects was different back then. It took me...
  8. Ollie Just

    Dr Coathangers P45

    Well put and stated, i entirely agree like i said the people are the issue and as a community this NVL agenda must change. Similar to how (G3.1) OOC Information Permanent ban changed to have a 1 month cooldown last November, perhaps NVL rule needs harsher punishments.
  9. Ollie Just

    Dr Coathangers P45

    Thanks for the fast responce! I agree adding a risk element to searching someone would make people more weary whether to appraoch or not. Additionally the discreet location and the long walk home (Trust me ive experience the worst of it haha) is not the most fun either. However your responce...
  10. Ollie Just

    Dr Coathangers P45

    I personally do not believe this system requires much change. In fact i would argue that the Dodgies provide a chance to give detailed and engaging rp. The fear i have with only searching them where they fall is the kill - loot scoop - run and provide no rp. Additionally where they fall may be...
  11. Ollie Just

    Unban Appeal - Ollie Just - GTA RP - Denied

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Ollie Just Steam ID: 76561199076300160 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16728 Ban Reason: UNK Why do you think you were banned: Blanket ban Why should we unban you: Im giving the appeal route another attempt here, i have spoken to many staff, gathered advice and...
  12. Ollie Just

    Locked Containers

    I like this idea honestly, storage wars and getting some of them back into cities use would be benefitial to many businesses, groups and people in general. However, one key thing about containers (for most people) is the idea of them being untraceable to you. Therefore i question whether a large...
  13. Ollie Just

    15 member gangs discussion

    I agree that Non-WL gangs shouldnt have (in some sense) the same things WL gangs have otherwise the only thing separating them is a real turf and clothes, gus and possibly easier access to guns (which i think is still adequate), however many believe this gang cap may not be the way to go about...
  14. Ollie Just

    Community - Be more Baldie friendly

    I joined RPUK around the end of 2022 and a few months after was "picked up" by grove. I was labelled "Groves baldy" by probably most gangs that knew me, however i embodied this to learn and allow them to teach me. I considered myself very lucky as i was given a boost and guidance by probably few...
  15. Ollie Just

    15 member gangs discussion

    I didn't think of this side and I fully agree. Arguably this cap is a harsh and significant difference between Non-WL and WL. Therefore i would advocate for soemthing like this "In my opinion, the solution to adding risk to fighting should be business-related and not tablet-related" - I also...