Steam ID: 76561198090120592
Character ID: 33420
When did this happen: 09/04/23
Summary: Not all guns have durability
Full Description:
Was going through my weapons that I own and I noticed that the Golden revolver had no durability displayed when I hovered over it, while other weapons did...
Just reading the roster got me hyped, welcome back to some of you, looking forward to seeing you all ingame, about time bike scene popped off a bit in this city, far to long gang have dominated the scene with their shity cars.
The 5 gang members that arrived 10 minutes later yeah? I dont think we will ever agree on this one, you were clearly caught with your pants down and now youre trying justify you not following what was said to you and not complying when facing several blunt weapons and a pistol, that kind of...
Yes I did not call you into teamspeak, reason being I had no idea who you were and I got dragged into an extended RP situation after your death. Now the way I see it even if I personally wasnt there with the gun, you were still outnumbered 2 to 1 and should have complied and valued your life...