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Recent content by NimmerN

  1. NimmerN

    only got the normal one.

    only got the normal one.
  2. NimmerN

    Yeah right now there aint much desync, scavs can 1 tap u from time to time, but their reactions...

    Yeah right now there aint much desync, scavs can 1 tap u from time to time, but their reactions are slow AF atm.
  3. NimmerN

    Like I enjoy it and hate it, but hits are hits atm.

    Like I enjoy it and hate it, but hits are hits atm.
  4. NimmerN

    yeah those fcking scavs wouldnt stop coming........ Was laughing my ass off when I opened the...

    yeah those fcking scavs wouldnt stop coming........ Was laughing my ass off when I opened the door tho.
  5. NimmerN

    @Vladic Ka, thanks for RD2! was just about to buy it!! Your welcome to join me, @SALV and...

    @Vladic Ka, thanks for RD2! was just about to buy it!! Your welcome to join me, @SALV and @Charles Vane! @Wilco, Howdy cowboy, easy win, pew pew!
  6. NimmerN

    yeah I understand the "list" that your talking about. I'm not going to say anything about how to...

    yeah I understand the "list" that your talking about. I'm not going to say anything about how to fix it, because I dont know how to. The thing is, a lot more things happend before you know and it wasnt this "heavy" if you know what I mean. Everything can't be perfect, but got to start some...
  7. NimmerN

    whats up with the lagg now a days?? The desync is unreal aswell. Starting to get annoying.

    whats up with the lagg now a days?? The desync is unreal aswell. Starting to get annoying.
  8. NimmerN


  9. NimmerN

    Saying im #1

    Saying im #1
  10. NimmerN

    thanks! 😄

    thanks! 😄
  11. NimmerN

    Red dead life mod?

    FUCK YEAH!!!!
  12. NimmerN

    Good Bye

    00Oi! Your still gonna come and play pubg yeah? If not ill come over! "Er vell den bruden du snakket om tidligere ;)" that makes u take a vacation, hint hint.
  13. NimmerN

    Report a Player - 69er Chevy - Poor/Low Quality RP (Warning Issued)

    I'm sorry you feel that way.  I feel like its common sense off a person that if you arrive in a vehicle, and you have about 10 rebels around you, telling you to get into that heli and fly off. Even if the vehicle is stolen, I would say its logic that you jump into that helicopter and just fly...
  14. NimmerN

    Report a Player - 69er Chevy - Poor/Low Quality RP (Warning Issued)

    Hey, 69er chevy here. I'll explain from my point of view. I first crossed this man in agios bend, where I told him to leave the area several times, he kept on circling me with a stolen police car with sirens on and really didnt give a f.... So I told him to put his hands up, he didnt, I...
  15. NimmerN


    Applemaster, Ill see you soon darling ;***