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Recent content by Neb

  1. Neb

    ID: 670 The real goat of Rpuk

    ID: 670 The real goat of Rpuk
  2. Neb

    Suggestion: No gunfights in Hospitals

    1+ add bannable greenzones
  3. Neb

    Unban Appeal - Neb - GTA RP

    Hi Sammy, You say that it is a “clear indication that you knew precisely what was coming” but how am I then to predict someone else’s actions? That other person had many options. They could have continued about their day. They could have gone back into their turf. How was I to predict they...
  4. Neb

    Unban Appeal - Neb - GTA RP

    Hi Stuart, I appreciate your replies. I understand looking back that there was a high chance I could/would have been chased but in the moment I had no reason to believe that I was, having not heard the commands the other party was giving as he was far away and speaking at the normal volume i...
  5. Neb

    Unban Appeal - Neb - GTA RP

    Hi Stuart, I did watch the same video as you and I am being honest with you. I wish I had my POV. By the time the other person giving shouting commands, I had already started running and I was too far away to hear him as he was talking at a normal volume. Whether this was my own volume being...
  6. Neb

    Unban Appeal - Neb - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Neb Yahontov Steam ID: 76561198291545787 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16851 Ban Reason: C2.3 Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for combat logging due to not knowing I was being chased. I was asked in discord if it was me and my reply was no because...
  7. Neb

    Car Boosting

    any content at this point is good for the server, massive +1 could they not just use a pre existing boosting script ? and modify it The Problem rn is that the server is stale maybe not even stale completely stagnant we have had nothing content wise since banks and that was last year, we just...
  8. Neb

    Gang Suggestion | Engraved Pistols.

    Just make it so gangs can craft engraved mags, this would also re add engraves to the server and bring the meta of marky, rev's and deagles down a bit, might see some fights with smaller guns if they are more available to the gangs.
  9. Neb

    Report a player - Unknown | Possibly Neb Grove - GTA RP

    What does that have to do with anything lmao
  10. Neb

    Report a player - Unknown | Possibly Neb Grove - GTA RP

    crazy no reply for a week then u respond within 2 min then wont even rp it out ? Seems like we are just trying to ban the community not improve it.
  11. Neb

    Report a player - Unknown | Possibly Neb Grove - GTA RP

    You asked me in groups if it was me you were chasing and my answer was no because I had no idea you were chasing me. Not once did you attempt to shout and make me aware you were behind me. You tried to speak to me once at normal volume whilst still in your car and I was already over a wall. As...
  12. Neb

    A more realistic prison system

    I agree prison should be more punishing however saying i would like to give x gang this in the suggestion is one way for it to get down vote bombed.
  13. Neb


  14. Neb

    Inventory Access For Whitelisted Gangs

    Damn its like this thread is why gangs are so bad. people who main cop crying saying FUCK GANGS, gangs going um wtf we havent done anything but play with the same shit we have had since 2021. Gangs havent changed this is why u get idiots fighting over tweedle. what do we have to beef over no new...
  15. Neb

    Inventory Access For Whitelisted Gangs

    I love that because someone fills out a google form that they all of a sudden provide better rp than another, lets not lie cops don't become good at rp bc they are in police same with gangs. This server has become very one sided and this suggestion kinda highlights it same with that cross hair...