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Recent content by Mycaelis

  1. Mycaelis

    OBS Gamepad Push To Talk

    XPadder. I used it a lot on Arma3 in the police to configure keyboard binds for Sirens / Lights / ANPR on my controller.
  2. Mycaelis

    Roleplayer of the Month

    @DainMK I'd suggest re-branding it as just a "Exceptional Roleplay"  award rather than 'of the month'. Going by repeated history, it'll happen for 1 month, maybe 2, then it'll die off till it re-appears again 8 months later. Unless you really plan to make sure it actually happens every month.
  3. Mycaelis

    Upcoming Games of 2016

    Banner Saga 2: Really enjoyed this game, albeit a bit short. Sequel due for release in 5 days, looking forward to it. Mass Effect: Andromeda: Not usually one for block buster titles, but always make an exception for Mass Effect, always enjoyed the RPG elements and characters in the game, plus I...
  4. Mycaelis

    Just remember ... ALWAYS ROLEPLAY

    Ahhh yes, god bless those role-play bullets.
  5. Mycaelis


    If you're playing on PC, then I'd be up for a few games of Pro Clubs, been recently getting back into FIFA. I'm Mycaelis1 on Origin if you're interested.
  6. Mycaelis

    Report a Player - The British Government - The EU Vote.

    And are those crimes all related to foreign nationals? I doubt it. The problem with generalisations is they hide the real problem, using a scapegoat like immigration is the easiest method. I would love the see proper statistics on the culprits of these crimes before I resort to just blaming...
  7. Mycaelis

    Report a Player - The British Government - The EU Vote.

    Too much argument.... Think I'm going to go play football with a bunch of my friends who'd most likely be deported if we left the EU and drink some wine which would no doubt increase in price from the UK leaving the EU as its doubtful that we'd get the same economic advantages in being in the...
  8. Mycaelis

    Report a Player - The British Government - The EU Vote.

    Well, I for one and 100% behind Britain staying in the EU. If Britain thinks that right now, with the economy as it is, that isolating itself is the right way to go, then.. well, we'd be fools right? So I'll be expecting an unban appeal right away!
  9. Mycaelis

    British airways

    The default Arma3 flight model actually auto-corrects your horizontal / vertical movement. e.g. if you let go of your controller, you will automatically end up in a hover. Advanced flight model is much more realistic, if you let go of your controller, you'll eventually carry on the momentum...
  10. Mycaelis

    So long, fairwell

    @Riddler Never had a huge amount of encounters with you, but every single one that I did was always top notch. Especially when I ratted out Mayor @Cutter drunk at the apple fields for creating a Gert Huge Monster made from Rusty Trombones. You always cared more for the people you were RP'ing...
  11. Mycaelis


    I used to be an avid user of AVG Free, but ever since they started adding constant notifications to upgrade despite the fact I turned off all desktop notifications, I've switched to Sophos Home Free, not a lot of configurable options on the client, but it does the job well.
  12. Mycaelis

    Forum name

    Click on your name in the top menu bar on the left > Account Settings > Display Name
  13. Mycaelis

    Hugs and kisses

    Can't say we've always seen eye to eye during our time on the server, but best of luck in the future, wherever you decide to move on to.
  14. Mycaelis

    Sad Times

    Umm... everyone means... everyone. You really need to be careful when you use that word like that. You can't blame anyone for not understanding how you meant to use the word. Oh and saying you don't like drama and then basically slating people who are banned is a little hypocritical. Just saying.
  15. Mycaelis

    Sad Times

    I'm not privvy to all the details, but it's a mixture of things from what I hear. People getting banned, people not having enough time to play, people not feeling welcome on the server.