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Recent content by Maverick Delta

  1. Maverick Delta

    Give the ability to switch characters without a full reload of the game

  2. Maverick Delta

    Sandy Shores Overhaul

    Same would be good for Paleto too. More people should need a reason to leave the city. People should be spread out and use sandy as their hub. This could possible be done easier with more community hubs in these location with things like trucking, sanitation and taxi job start points in sandy/...
  3. Maverick Delta

    Please sort out the beanbag launcher

    Issue I see is more how its being used here than anything else. If someone kept tasing you, identical to this situation you would be unable to stand up. From a RP perspective the bean bag is safer to use on a person. If the beanbag was made worse im sure the police would just start shooting...
  4. Maverick Delta

    Giving staff more of a playing field to decide which punishment should occur

    Although I disagree people currently regulary moan that their or others bans are unfair or bias. If we was to reduce the restictions there would be staff who obiously have diffrent views or who are more lenient than others. To me this would just further increase people feeling of bias when in...
  5. Maverick Delta


    Exactly, My point being it’s not really a rule that can be broken accidentally. You knowingly log off the server, if you have a OOC issue you can create a ticket. This rule doesn’t just effect the person committing it, it can directly impact other people’s ability to RP situations ect and...
  6. Maverick Delta


    As much as I agree and have always said more needs to be done for player retention and currently someone who joins the server for the first time won’t quickly understand the benefits of the community over others. The issue being rules like RDM can have genuine accidents, rare but with 100% good...
  7. Maverick Delta

    GTA RP - Police dispatch sends to wrong location

    I can’t speak for Donny but for myself I believe I was yes and assuming I was I would have been driver with nobody else in the vehicle.
  8. Maverick Delta

    GTA RP - Police dispatch sends to wrong location

    I have had a issue the other day where some dispatches would not set a waypoint or it would flash at the top right of the minimap then Disappear and wasn’t on location anyway.
  9. Maverick Delta

    Store A Vehicle In Container

    Brief Summary: A upgrade to the container which if bought would let you store 1x Car in the contianer. Detailed Suggestion: A upgrade on the container that would let you store 1x vehicle in a container. This would have pros and cons for both crims and police. For Crims: - If a vehicle is known...
  10. Maverick Delta

    Panic Button - Audio Trigger

    It would stop me activating it when running and pointing. But when being shot at 2 seconds is a long time to hold down a hey.
  11. Maverick Delta

    Panic Button - Audio Trigger

    I fail to see how this would create more RP. Not accusing me oh as idek if I have met you in RP or not. But one of the biggest issues for the police atm is vending machine robbery’s aka “show me your hands, give me your gun, bye”. I feel like these is just going to be a increase of this if it’s...
  12. Maverick Delta

    Jaegarn remembrance post

    Kavala Will Miss You Buddy 😔
  13. Maverick Delta

    Elgato Stream Deck Mk.2

    If this is firefighter scripts like NHS/ Police Surgical gloved then I would guess maybe not
  14. Maverick Delta

    Elgato Stream Deck Mk.2

    For the most part it just gets rid of the "Press T then /". So you can emote without issue. Assuming we have the same plugin mine is set up so the "On Press" box contains "c hat", "c top" ect. Idk about other wheel option not all functions are connected to commands therefore cant be done...
  15. Maverick Delta

    Police PNC "Active Warrant" to show all active warrants

    Brief Summary: On the police PNC currently if you are viewing a profile and click "Active Warrant" only one warrant will be shown, this suggestion to to make all warrants on said person appear. Detailed Suggestion: Currently if you where to search a suspect on the police PNC who has an active...