Good evening, I can see you're uninterested in answering my questions and only wanting to paint a picture of me running you over so I'm going to leave it at this. I did try and slow down, I was trying to cut you off. You're running and I'm off road. I wasn't trying to hit you, that would be the...
Good morning fellow role-player, can I first ask did you write this whole report or did somebody help you? or write it for you as I seen your unban appeal and compared to this there is a remarkable difference not only in grammar but punctuation etc.
Anyway I hope your well, I wanna just start...
Hello now we have a difference of opinion on if this is exploiting or not for now we will have to agree to disagree which is fine. In my opinion this is one of the worst exploits I've ever seen.
Now you mention we could have went to qe and spoke about it to try and resolve some stuff and say...
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Matthew Labile
Reported Players: Frank (NSC)
Date: Nov 20, 2024
Time: 20:40
What best describes this incident: C2.2 Exploiting
Please (in detail) describe the incident: had a gunfight with nsc which resulted in myself being incapacitated, while...
@Baz you can finally admit how much I had you on ropes during 229 and Azteca beef now, but fr baz mate as Erik Ten Haag said 'eras come to an end' n hes a genius. I aint finna write a soppy ass message as you can still message me whenever. However rip Baz big name gone but change can be good
Character Name: Matthew Labile
Character ID: 27080
Steam ID: 76561199154044237
Game: GTA RP
Date: May 9, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: Tried to bet 50k in the casino, it took my money but dealt me no cards.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
Lost Items & Total...
Good afternoon @Danoo, I'm well thank you, how're you?
I 100% agree I am high up within my gang and should be doing a lot better with war rules, as well as setting an example to the rest of the gang. I take full responsibility for this mistake and have already apologised to the other group via...
Hello @Jessie Bennett
I'm well thanks, how're you?
What made me not take a break prior was a few things to be honest, I wasn't really invested in many other games or any other things. However it would be different this time as I've found some new interests in games and recently had some irl...
Hello again @Jessie Bennett I appreciate the quick responses!
I think my standards dropped because I'd played for the past like 2 years and I lost my creativity on what to do and I probably should've taken a break however I didn't and that led me down a bad route which ended in me receiving...
Hello @Jessie Bennett
Yes I agree to the conditions of applying and joining a faction and keeping up with the hour requirements for at least the 3 months.
Good afternoon @Jessie Bennett
I'm well thank you, I hope you are to!
My plan for Matthew would for now be to try help the activity and role-play of the gang as since I've been banned I've heard the gang has gone quite inactive, so that are what my plans are as of right now and it will be...