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  • Hello i need help by an admin i just left the server on restart and aborted and rejoined really fast and it says im banned for combat logging....

    You got unbanned for a final chance and you said you read the rules. In the evidence in the report it clearly showed you logged straight after dying.

    '' but now i have read and gone through all the rules and understand what not to do anymore '' quote by you on there.

    [SIZE=medium]Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained (Punishment is a ban, which may be permanent. *) *Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first). [/SIZE]

    Seems you didn't quite saw the need to actually understand the rules but wanted to play again quickly so you just said what we wanted to hear on your report. Don't bother putting in a appeal, it will be denied. You had your second chance. You can appeal in 6 months.

    Luke Howell
    Me aborting so fast didnt change anything for me though cause i still had to drive all the way too the rebel outpost to get my things again and i did read the rules and i didnt mean to combat log it just made me mad that he robbed me right after restart when i spawned so i pressed escape and aborted

    Luke Howell
    Is there a way i could just pay comp for it?

    Is server #2 up on arma 3?

    Luke Howell
    i changed my name to Luke Lemon but it was originally luke_ 


    There are no notes on your statspage, but from looking at your money graph, you were most likely banned for possible money hacking / duping as it jumps up suddenly. You do have a coke processing license, but no truck, making it hard for you to get that money quickly like that. However, I could be totally wrong and you could be banned for something else. The message given when you try and log in should show what you were banned for. Either way, best thing to do is fill in an unban appeal - to do this, hover over support at the top of the page and click on unban appeal. Fill it in and wait for a reply. More information about this can be seen on  the support page, found at this link: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/support#unbanAppeals

    If you have any questions about it, or need some more help, join the "Join for staff help room" on teamspeak (ts.roleplay.co.uk) and another support team member can help you out as I have to head off. Good luck with the appeal!

    Luke Howell
    Ye well how i got the money is from when i robbed somebody and they had 500k on them but i dont hack/dupe anything because i dont like cheating and stuff like that

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