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Recent content by LuigiGam

  1. LuigiGam

    Report a player - 1051 - GTA RP

    What I mean is that I don't do much in the city other than drive about. I'm still working on what I want my character to be so I'm driving about the city learning routes. The likely hood of me being involved in a crash is much more likely than robbing someone as I don't engage in anything other...
  2. LuigiGam

    Report a player - 1051 - GTA RP

    I drive a lot.
  3. LuigiGam

    Report a player - 1051 - GTA RP

    Hi, I was trying to take you to pillbox but my car broke down and when trying to sort replacement transport I got jacked by some guys and they shot me in the water. Didn't see your message in OOC with everything going on.
  4. LuigiGam

    Report a player - 1022 - GTA RP

    I'm not talking to someone who's trying to gaslight me. I'll let the admins deal with this.
  5. LuigiGam

    Report a player - 1022 - GTA RP

    I'm not sure what there is to discuss? Hence me not messaging in OOC and disrupting others RP. I was shot dead and that was that? Not much that can change the situation after the trigger has been pulled.
  6. LuigiGam

    Report a player - 1022 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Luigi Gamboni Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 1022 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/01/24 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 9 What best describes this incident ?: Player didn't...