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Recent content by L1L

  1. L1L

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    Perhaps its to early, and when the novelty dies down it might be okay but limiting the amount of ”crews” might be a good idea aswell. For example, lets say there is 20 available slots. It would solve the overcrowding and hopefully solve people leaving their trucks out at the job site. Im...
  2. L1L

    Hello, i have a similar issue

    Hello, i have a similar issue
  3. L1L

    you look like you put a leftover pizza slice in the air fryer for about 1h20min

    you look like you put a leftover pizza slice in the air fryer for about 1h20min
  4. L1L

    storing items interaction

    yeah ok
  5. L1L

    storing items interaction

    i dont get it
  6. L1L

    Member Cap Whitelisted vs Un-Whitelisted.

    i would rather see the current whitelisted groups to be put down to 15 (and have a greater variety of these) and have the non-whitelisted as a max of 8 members which i feel is abit more fair for everyone.
  7. L1L

    get out whilst you can

    get out whilst you can
  8. L1L


    Yes Stevie! i'd link my suggestion which was similar to this but i cant be asked atm. the only thing id change is to remove the laptop out of the equation completely, make it all happen on the phone with a single USB/SD card unlocking the app completely. other than that, bang on!
  9. L1L

    Inventory Access For Whitelisted Gangs

    I think the whole ''police can be trusted because they're a whitelisted faction'' is a bit mute, there are cops out there who will rinse your inventory and they'll do it without top-notch RP. I think it's absolutely deplorable to see people here insinuating that police do better RP than crims...
  10. L1L


    cold self report for glitch roling @AdamMono AFAIK its a countermesure implemented to specifically stop this!
  11. L1L

    Police panic buttons.

    I appreciate the effort in looking up data like this, however, the test you've provided is based on the subject knowing that something will happen in an environment without ''disturbance'' ei, optimal conditions. I'd have to argue that the research article you've provided is not applicable in...
  12. L1L

    Police panic buttons.

    this kind of makes the whole point of my suggestion void, no matter who you are you have to see that the panic button is an extremely powerful tool wich could use a slight nerf. We're talking seconds (if this was to be implemented) not minutes.
  13. L1L


    this is to much work for me :( Can we have one that does both so i can do it quickly after i ram into a lamppost pleaaaase :)
  14. L1L


    can we have a /command for turning off the indicators on vehicles, please? thank you. I took some time out of my day to come up with some suggested commands: /disableindicators /disin /di /disindi /indicators (could be used to toggle all lights on as well?) Thank you for your consideration.